HC Chapter 820

It was fair to say that in all the time he had known her, he had never seen Kara lose her temper like that.

“It’s alright, I’ll just go up and coax.” Fu Beijiu comforted the children and went upstairs with the medical kit.

He knocked gently on the door, “LaLa, your finger is still bleeding, let me go in and dress the wound for you first, okay? When it’s done, you can hit me and scold me all you want.”

But there was no sound coming from the room.

Fu Beijiu was even more chagrined.

Was it really because he had pushed too hard?

He continued to knock on the door, “Lara, would you open the door first, there’s something we can talk about in person ……”

Downstairs the four children looked at each other.

Little Yinyin bit her pink lip and said, “Why do I get the feeling that Mummy is angry this time.”

“Mommy’s finger seems to be bleeding.” Ye Jingzhan pursed his lips and said.

In the past, when she was living abroad, Mummy would not take any big injury to heart, much less get angry for no reason, today was really a bit strange.

Could it be that daddy had done or said something to P*ss off mommy?

But Mummy doesn’t usually look like this when she’s angry.

“Daddy is so useless, he can’t even coax his wife!” Fu Ziling said with a huff, “I’ll go upstairs and call Mummy to come out!”

Fu Ziyan grabbed him by the back of the collar, “Can’t you see, Mommy is deliberately pampering herself with Daddy.”

Little Yinyin’s eyes lit up: “That’s right, after the heroine and the hero get together, they all become especially vulnerable and need someone to take care of them, now there is daddy to protect mommy, so mommy started to pamper herself.”

Ye Jingzhan’s tightly knitted eyebrows suddenly relaxed.

In the past, there was no one to protect mommy, so mommy learned to face everything alone.

But now ……

after having a back-up, Mummy started to become like a little girl.

This should be considered a good thing.

“Let’s go and continue with the puzzle.”

Fu Ziyan greeted, and the four children continued to go play on the crawl mat in the living room.

The door to the master bedroom room was closed.

Ye Yunla sat dumbly on the living room, her finger had slowly stopped bleeding, the blood scabs clotted and hurt when she touched it.

She heard someone knocking on the door outside and heard the voices become a buzzing background sound, she tried to hear what the man was saying but couldn’t listen to a word ……

It was as if another mysterious force inside her was controlling her ……

Ye Yunla closed her eyes and held her breath to banish the noise in her head ……

She didn’t know how long it had been until the door to the room was slammed open and her eyes snapped open.

Her mind suddenly went blank and she froze, “What’s wrong?”

Fu Beijue scooped her up into his arms, “LaLa, don’t do this again, okay? Don’t ignore me again, okay? No matter how much you scold me or how angry you get with me, but don’t ever lock yourself in your room alone again.”

It was as if he had spent a century in those ten or twenty minutes just now.

He was really scared, scared of losing her.

Ye Yunla’s whole body straightened up.

She tried to think about what had just happened, but all she could remember was that she seemed to be chopping vegetables in the kitchen half an hour ago, so how had she suddenly come into the room?

She pushed Beijue Fu away and asked softly, “I’m not angry with you and I’m not ignoring you, Beijue, what’s going on?”

Fu Beijue’s dark eyes stared at her as he slowly said, “You don’t remember what just happened?”

Ye Yunla rubbed the back of her head hard: “I just remember that I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and then …… Yes, and then my finger was accidentally cut ……”