HC Chapter 959

Her figure gradually blended into the night and slowly walked out of the range of the surveillance camera.

When Fu Beijiu immediately changed to the next camera, he heard his a*sistant’s voice: “Mr. Fu, at the end of this road is an abandoned and rotten building, the government has approved the demolition within a month, so there are no cameras installed nearby ……”

Fu Beijiu’s eyes sank: “What about after this road goes out, are there cameras?”

“Through the area of the rotten building, you reach a small fishing village, this place was bought by the Zhou Group three years ago, the fishermen have been relocated a month ago and are currently being demolished, there are no cameras either ……”

Being stared at by Fu Beijiu’s cold and sullen gaze, a layer of cold sweat emerged on a*sistant Zheng’s forehead, “But there are some fishing boats nearby with cameras installed, I’ll go check it out.”

Fu Beijiu looked at the slim back in the screen, he couldn’t help but raise his hand and slowly cover it.

“LaLa, you won’t leave me ……”

“LaLa, the children are waiting for you to come home ……”

After searching for a whole day and going through all the surveillance, there was no longer any sign of Ye Yunla.

a*sistant Zheng spoke with trepidation, “Mr. Fu, or else send some people to salvage it at the bottom of the sea ……”

Fu Beijiu’s cold eyes swept sharply: “What do you mean by that?”

His eyes were so sharp that they were like two sharp, cold knives stabbing towards this side.

a*sistant Zheng lowered his head in fear, but still said stiffly: “Young Madam disappeared on this road, all the places have been searched and the surveillance has been checked, but no one can be found at all …… Then there is only one possibility, the young lady might ……”

“Impossible!” Fu Beijiu snapped up, “Keep looking! Turn the entire Sea City over and find the person!”

Looking at him with this look, a*sistant Zheng sighed.

He had never seen Mr. Fu lose his temper in all his years of following him ……

He didn’t dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly called someone to continue searching ……

In this way, the search continued for a week in a row.

Fu Beijiu rapidly faded and emaciated.

He had lost someone.

He had lost the woman he loved most.

She said she wanted to be left alone, so how could he really leave her alone to go?

How could he be so stupid as to let her go off alone when he knew that something was not right with her, when he knew that something was wrong with her mental state ……

The entire fishing village was dug up and no one knew what Fu was looking for.

Three months later, the construction of the small fishing village finally began, and it took two years to build a seafront resort, named Yunara Resort.

This resort stood next to the Zhuang Group’s resort, which was later bought by Fu’s and became the largest leisure resort in Haicheng and became famous overseas.

Fu’s, on the other hand, grew by leaps and bounds in these four years, becoming the number one listed company in the world.

Four years of time have pa*sed.

Four years have pa*sed in a flash.

The city is still an international metropolis, and Fu’s is still the leading conglomerate in the city.

And a few hundred miles away from Hai Cheng, there is a small city in the south of the Yangtze River, known as Cloud City because of its white clouds and mesmerising atmosphere.

Cloud City.

A banquet is being held.

In the lounge area, there were three women sitting, the slightly older one was Bai Xiaoyu, the wife of the Rong family, and sitting beside her were the two daughters of the Rong family.

“Dye, that one in the grey suit is Feng Shao.” Bai Xiaoyu hooked her lips and smiled elegantly, “The Feng family has the intention of tying the knot with our Rong family, if you two children get along, this marriage will be a done deal.”

Sitting on Bai Xiaoyu’s right was a woman with a stunningly beautiful face.

Her dark hair was pulled up high, a few strands of broken hair fell on her forehead, her cool eyes were slightly on the cold side, and her scarlet lips were full and glistening.