Mysterious Heir Chapter 1054

A little girl of seven or eight years old leapt out of nowhere a dozen meters away from behind Li Nan.

Because the little girl appeared suddenly, neither Li Nan nor Alice had noticed it just now.

At this moment, the little girl just happened to crash into the path of Alice’s poker!

These speeding pokers carried an incomparably huge killing power.

This huge killing power was enough to tear a car to pieces, so how could an ordinary little girl resist it?

Seeing that this innocent little girl was about to be torn apart by these fierce pokers, Alice’s face suddenly showed an incomparable look of horror.

Then, Alice made a surprising move.

She didn’t bother with the incoming sword, but focused all her attention on the poker!

The poker was controlled by Alice’s mind.

In this situation, if Alice wanted to redeem herself, she had to concentrate on her mind.

So, Alice withdrew her mind and put it all on the poker.

At that moment, the poker was less than two metres away from the girl’s face.

Alice’s face was grave, and she hung her hands in mid-air, using all her strength to control them.

The next moment, under Alice’s power, the poker that was about to kill the little girl completely disintegrated in an instant.

“Clatter, clatter, clatter!”

All the poker cards were stripped of their energy and instantly turned into ordinary cards, scattering from the air like a flower in the sky.

The little girl was originally shocked, but when she saw the strange scene of the cards scattering in front of her, she was immediately surprised and even clapped her hands in excitement.

In her mind, what had just happened was just a magic trick performed by the pretty sister in front of her.

She had no idea how close she had just come to a horrible death!

Seeing that the little girl in front of her was finally alright, Alice’s heart finally relaxed.

I was afraid that if those people in the underground world had seen such a scene, they would have lost their eyes.

Who would have thought that the ruthless and ruthless Black Queen Alice, the top a*sa*sin of the Underworld, who carried hundreds of lives on her back, would risk her own life for the sake of an ordinary girl’s life?

This was simply beyond everyone’s expectation.

In fact, even Alice herself did not quite understand why she would care about the life of an ordinary little girl in such a life-and-death situation.

Perhaps it was because she had always liked children more than anyone else, because they seemed more innocent to her.

Or maybe it was because she just felt that this little girl was like her own childhood that had suffered so much. ……

In any case, such a thing, Alice had done.

And she, herself, was going to pay the price for her choice!

“Go! Go home now!”

Alice waved her hand at the little girl and said with a smile.

At the same time, a few other children came running over.

They were originally playing hide-and-seek in this park, and that little girl had heard the commotion of the fight over here, so she was curious to come over to see what was going on.

At this moment, at the call of the other children, the little girl finally turned her head and looked at Alice.

After giving Alice an innocent smile, she ran away laughing together with her friends.

Looking at the little girl’s back as she ran away, the corner of Alice’s mouth, too, revealed a smirk.

After that, Alice directly closed her eyes.

She knew very well that she had completely fallen today.

No matter what, there was no way she would be a match for this Yanxia man in front of her.

Therefore, she was already prepared to meet death.

However, what Alice did not expect was that she had been waiting for a long time, but she still did not wait, and her opponent’s long sword pierced through her chest.

After Alice reopened her eyes, she was stunned to find that Li Nan, who had just come towards her with a majestic killing intent, had now long since retracted his form and was looking at himself with a playful expression.

“You ……”

Alice was stunned, not understanding what the other party was trying to do here.

“It seems that I was right earlier. You really don’t have much sincerity when it comes to killing people!”

Li Nan looked at Alice and said with a smile.

“Hmph, falling into the hands of a Grand Master level powerhouse like you, I’ll admit it, kill or be killed, whatever you want!”

Alice said with a gloomy face, as if she was already prepared to die.

When Li Nan saw this look on her face, he smiled faintly.

“You can go, I won’t kill you.”

Li Nan said indifferently.


Alice was stunned.

“You’re not going to kill me? Why?”

Alice had an incredulous look on her face.

In her mind, falling into the hands of a superpower like the other party, she would only have a way to die.

Yet, she did not expect that the other party would leave herself alive.

This made Alice very puzzled.

Then, Alice suddenly thought of something.

“It couldn’t be because I let that little girl go just now, could it?”

In Alice’s mind, this should be the only explanation that made sense.

However, such a reason was the reason that made Alice feel an inexplicable humiliation.

“If it’s because of that reason, you don’t have to. I’m not the rotten person you think I am, I just think that she doesn’t deserve to die under my cardboard yet!”

Alice said stubbornly.

It was true that she wanted to live, but she didn’t want to do it because of that little girl, which made her feel ashamed of herself.

Hearing Alice’s words, Li Nan however, gave a cold laugh.

“You are thinking too much. I’m not going to let you go just because of that kind of reason.”

Li Nan said casually.

“Then why is that?”

Alice pursued.

“Because …… you forgot that I promised my friend that I would be gentle with you!”

Lai Nan said with a smirk on his face.

“What ……”

Alice was stunned.

Such an unbelievable reason made her completely baffled.

At that moment, Li Nan did not even bother to look at her again, and simply turned away.

“Change your profession. The profession of a killer is not suitable for you.”

After saying these words, Li Nan left without looking back.

In fact, the reason why Li Nan let the other party off the hook was because the other party had just let the little girl go.

Lai Nan didn’t think that the other party was any good person because of that.

For a top a*sa*sin like this, the number of people she had killed was definitely more than the number of people she had saved.

The reason why Li Nan still had to do that was just to give her a chance.

After all, who wouldn’t be a rotten good guy somehow ……