Mysterious Heir Chapter 1287

On the other side.

After leaving the East Departure Island, Li Nan flew straight towards the direction of Lao Mi.

It was on the way that Li Nan remembered something and took out his mobile phone.

On his phone, he found the text message that Xue Ting had sent to him two days ago, and the text message did mention the matter of the flag lord meeting.

The so-called flag masters were those who were attached to the Chen family.

These people either held the hands of large multinational companies or were the richest and most powerful people in certain places.

However, these people all had one thing in common, and that was that they all worked for the Chen family!

Just like the Liu family of the Shan Xing Consortium, they were the flag masters under the Chen family!

And there is actually a hierarchy of flag lords.

The highest tier of flag masters, the ones directly under the Chen Family, are called first tier flag masters.

Like Liu Zhenhai, he belonged to the first tier flag lords.

These First Grade Flag Masters, because they were directly under the jurisdiction of the Chen Family and took orders directly from the Chen Family, they also knew a little more about such an extra-worldly family as the Chen Family.

However, the second-tier flag masters, who were second to the first-tier flag masters, or those ordinary employees further down the line, did not know much about the Chen Family at all.

They didn’t even know what they belonged to.

They, like all ordinary people in this world, only thought that the wealth of the world was as they saw it in their eyes.

In their eyes, those successful people who have made it to the top of the rich list are the most powerful people in this world.

More than two months ago, the Chen Family had already released the news of Li Nan becoming the heir of the Chen Family to all the first-ranking flag masters under the Ball.

Originally, such a meeting of the flag lords was supposed to be held a long time ago, that is, because Li Nan had been in seclusion for the past two months, so it had been postponed again and again.

And this time, the time was finally finalised.

This time, the flag lord meeting was mainly for those flag lords of the European domain, almost every one of these flag lords, were regulars in the financial magazines.

If their names were published, even those who cared the least about economics would be able to identify a few familiar names from this list.

It can’t be helped, it’s just that the identities and backgrounds of these flag owners are a little too big.

But even so, they were just a pawn in the hands of the Chen family!

This is the power of the Chen family!

The venue of the flag lord meeting was set in Old Mignon City, mainly because it was the world’s financial centre with Wall Street, and the Chen Family’s headquarters in Europe was also set here.

After reading the message, Li Nan didn’t hesitate anymore and flew towards New City at top speed.

An hour or so later, Li Nan flew to the west coast of Old Rice, just a few moments away from New City.

However, just as he was about to continue on, he suddenly felt a hint of something strange.

A powerful killing intent was coming towards him from below at an extremely fast speed.


Li Nan frowned slightly.

Without any hesitation, he hurriedly dodged to the side with a flash of his body.

Just as he dodged, he heard a “whoosh!” There was a sound, and an object pierced through the clouds and came directly in front of him.

It was no other than a missile!

Li Nan was so shocked that he almost thought he was mistaken, and was very surprised by the sudden appearance of this object.

With danger at hand, Li Nan did not dare to be lax.

He directly struck out with a palm across the air.

As soon as the soft true qi touched it, the missile directly changed its previous direction and flew towards the front.

However, when it flew less than 20 metres away, the missile’s trigger mechanism was also activated.

The next thing I heard was a “boom!” There was a loud sound.

The entire warhead exploded with a huge explosion, sending waves of shock through the air.

Even Li Nan was shocked by the huge wave of air and was knocked backwards by more than ten metres.

This is still Lai Nan’s reaction is fast enough, just now that missile, clearly is aimed at killing people.

If he had reacted a little slower, he would have been killed by the explosion!

The person who did this was really vicious!

Li Nan’s face immediately turned cold.

Naturally, he had already thought of who had fired at him.

However, this was still a long way from the coast, so it was still considered the high seas.

So, strictly speaking, it was not under anyone’s jurisdiction.

And even if the other side did not allow anyone to come near their airspace, they should have at least warned them first.

But the other side had not given any warning and had killed them directly, which was unjustifiable in any case!

At that moment, they heard a “whoosh whoosh whoosh!” Several sounds of breaking air rang out.

Five or six figures flew into the air in front of Li Nan.

There were both black and white people among them.

However, it was obvious that they were not ordinary people, and Li Nan also sensed an aura similar to Tang Jinlan’s from their bodies.


Obviously, these people in front of him, were all Transcendent Mortals!

“Hahahaha, a bit interesting, the missiles didn’t even kill them, seems like quite a big life!”

A stout white man at the head of the group said with a cold smile.

What made this man different from normal people was his eyes.

His eyes were actually red!

Moreover, Li Nan could clearly feel that there was a thick energy coalescing in this man’s eyes.

Obviously, his transcendence lay in his eyes!

In fact, Li Nan’s guess was correct, the man in front of him, codenamed Light Eyes, was indeed a Transcendent, and was also one of the main combatants of the White Headed Eagle!

At this moment, as soon as Light Eye’s words came out, the few people behind him, too, laughed uproariously, looking at Li Nan with a gaze full of disdain and mockery.

As far as they were concerned, they were the cats themselves, while this man from Yanxia was just a mouse that had fallen into their trap and was at their mercy.

Meanwhile, in the White Headed Eagle headquarters.

“Where have the Lighteyes gone, are they slacking off again?”

As soon as Barton entered the headquarters, he said with a dissatisfied face.

It was because Light Eyes and his group were used to loafing around in the White Headed Eagle headquarters, which had already made Barton very unhappy.

But there was nothing Barton could do about it, after all, an A-ranked Transcendent like Light Eyes was an indispensable resource for the White Headed Eagle.

“Commander, this time you really misunderstood Lighteyes and the others, they are, right now, busy with their business on a mission!”

A staff member said with a smile.