Mysterious Heir Chapter 1313

At these words, the He family were all enraged, and He Yingwei, too, had completely lost his patience.

“How dare you deny it after all this time!”

He Yingwei shouted angrily.

Immediately afterwards, He Yingwei looked at Chen Beichuan.

“Old Clan Master Chen, I only ask you one question, how do you intend to handle this matter?!”

He Yingwei asked in a cold voice.

In this voice, he clearly carried the meaning of tightening the pressure, and the atmosphere was heavy enough to make people gasp for breath.

At this moment, Chen Beichuan’s face was also extremely grave.

After a moment of contemplation, he finally said: “Master He, since Nan said that this matter was not his doing, then I think that there must be something fishy in this matter, if Master He agrees, we should wait until the investigation is clear before making any disposition …… ”

The first thing that I want to do is to make sure that I have a good idea of what to do.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. Since your Chen family insists on harbouring this beast, then we have nothing more to say. From today onwards, we, the He Family, and your Chen Family, sever our ties and are at odds!!!”

He Yingwei’s voice echoed through the entire hall like a thunderclap.

The people in the hall, whether they were members of the Chen family or the He family, could not help but feel mixed emotions when they heard these words.

For an extra-terrestrial family like the Chen and the He family, breaking off their ties and being at odds with each other was definitely an extremely serious matter!

After all, these extra-worldly magnates were all super families that had existed for thousands of years, and the ties between them had been maintained for thousands of years.

The relationship between each family is extremely complex, not just in terms of connections, but also in terms of individual companies, interests and spheres of influence.

It can be said that the whole body is affected by one hair.

The simple phrase “break off relations” is not just a simple matter of not seeing each other!

This will cause a huge earthquake for the global economy, military and all areas!

Hearing this decision from Wo Ying Wei, Chen Beichuan’s face was also extremely grave.

As the head of the Chen family, he naturally knew very well what this decision of He Yingwei meant for the two families.

At that moment, he heard He Yingwei continue, “Moreover, you should not think that this matter will be left like this. I have already informed the other six families to come, and today, I will convene a roundtable meeting of the great families at your Chen Family, and I want all the people of the great families outside the world to do justice to the He Family. I want to see if your Chen Family can cover up this murderer to the end!”

As soon as these words came out of He Yingwei’s mouth, a look of astonishment could not help but appear on the faces of everyone in the Chen Family.

The four words, the Mansion Round Table, caused all of them to feel deeply shaken.

This was because they were all very clear about the importance of the Luxury Roundtable.

The Luxury Roundtable, that was a meeting between the eight great extra-worldly giants.

Only the eight great gentry would hold it when they encountered a very important matter.

And in the thousands of years of history of the Out-of-this-World gentry, the number of times the Gentry Round Table has been held is very few and far between.

The reason is that the Round Table is so important that the decisions made are extremely serious and will not be held easily until the last resort.

Even Chen Beichuan had not expected that, for the sake of the matter with Guangyu, the He family had actually proposed the decision to hold the Mansion Roundtable!

“Master of the He family, why should the matter between your two families and mine have to come to such a point!”

Chen Beichuan said helplessly.

However, He Yingwei snorted coldly, “My He family did not want this, it was all forced by your Chen family! Alright, no point in talking, set up the venue and prepare for the round table!”

After saying these words, He Yingwei’s gaze then looked at Li Nan at the side again.

“Kid, if you are still a man, you should come forward and admit it, otherwise, if you wait for the other six great clans to arrive, even your entire clan will be disgraced because of you!”

He Yingwei looked at Li Nan and said in a cold voice.

Li Nan, however, still had a sullen and cold face.

“Master He, I have already said that someone deliberately framed me and wanted to deliberately instigate the relationship between our two families. If you insist on doing so, you will have fallen for the miscreants’ treacherous plan!”

Li Nan said in a deep, cold voice.

Hearing these words from Li Nan, He Yingwei faintly froze, but then he regained his anger.

“Coquettish, I think you have to worry, don’t fall for your treacherous schemes!”

He Yingwei said with a sneer, clearly scoffing at Li Nan’s words.

In response, Li Nan was also very helpless.

Afterwards, just as He Yingwei had said, an area in the central hall was quickly set out to be used as the venue for the gentry round table.

Since the He family had already proposed to hold the gentry roundtable, even the Chen family was not in a position to oppose it!

A few moments later, a commotion was heard from outside the central hall.

At that moment, the airport on the island was already filled with private planes flying in from all over the world.

On the road from the airport to the central hall, hundreds and thousands of luxury cars were pouring out one after another.

Such a scene was even more spectacular than the United Nations General Assembly, and if the ordinary people outside had seen it, they would have been so shocked that their eyes would have fallen to the ground.

In fact, given the status of those who attended the Round Table, the weight of this entire gentry round table would be no less than that of the UN General Assembly!

After all, what these eight magnates hold in their hands is more than 80% of the world’s wealth!

It is no exaggeration to say that the whole world would tremble at the stamping of any one of these giants’ feet!

Accompanied by a clamour of voices, the people from the other six great gentry families had also arrived at the door of the central hall.

“Dragon Family Head, Long Xinghan has arrived!”

When the crowd looked at the sound, they saw a tall, middle-aged man, with a group of people, then walk in.

This middle-aged man was the head of the Dragon Family, one of the world’s most powerful clans, Long Xing Han!


“Fan family head, Fan Yangzhou has arrived!”

Then, an old man in his sixties arrived with a group of people.

Upon seeing this figure, a look of surprise immediately appeared on the face of Fan Shuli, He Guangyu’s mother.

This was because this Fan family was Fan Shuli’s own family, and Fan Yangzhou was Fan Shuli’s father.

This time, the Fan family had come to support the He family!


“Xiang family head, Xiang Yutang has arrived!”

As soon as the words left his mouth, a middle-aged man walked in with a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man also looked to be in his fifties, but his entire person was dignified, and one could imagine that he must have been a very handsome person when he was younger.

Beside Xiang Yu Tang, there was a familiar figure, none other than Xiang Xu!

Xiang Xu had already heard about the Chen family’s affairs in the family, and as soon as he heard that a roundtable meeting was going to be held for the powerful family, Xiang Xu immediately followed his father to come, in order to stand up for his brother Nan.

At this moment, as soon as he entered the main hall, Xiang Xu’s eyes searched around the hall and finally saw the figure of Li Nan.

“Brother Nan!”

Xiang Xu opened his mouth and shouted, and was about to walk directly towards Li Nan.

Only, without waiting for him to take a step out, he was directly stopped by Xiang Yutang at the side. He was stopped by Xiang Yutang.

The first time he looked at him, he scared Xiang Xu into stopping in his tracks.

Afterwards, Xiang Yu Tang led Xiang Xu and the others directly to their seats.

Immediately afterwards.

“Kong Family Head, Kong Yuanzhong has arrived!”

“Meng Family Head, Meng De Yun has arrived!”

“Win Family Head, Win Chengwang has arrived!”

With the arrival of the last three families, the eight great families had all gathered together.

The central hall was originally extremely large, but at this moment it was also slightly crowded.

In the middle of the hall, a huge round table was set up, with the heads of the eight great families sitting around it.

After the eight great family heads, the sons and daughters of all the great families were also sitting behind them.

When He Yingwei rose, the entire central hall immediately fell completely silent.

This was the quality of the children of the world’s most powerful families, well-trained, just like a soldier.

“Gentlemen, I am deeply ashamed to have invited you all here today because of my family’s business. But I have no choice. My son died in vain, but the person who killed him is being shielded from justice.

He Yingwei’s voice was low and he said with a loud voice.

The family heads of the several great families all looked grave.

At this moment, Fan Yangzhou said in a cold voice, “Master of the He family, don’t say anything else, the justice of the heavens is clear, and our worldly magnate family is originally in power, so we must pay even more attention to the law. Don’t worry, today, we will definitely make the one who showed off his evil deeds give an explanation to everyone!”

As he spoke, Fan Yangzhou’s gaze then looked directly at Li Nan, clearly meaning something.

“Then I will thank you all!”

He Yingwei said with an arch of his hand as he rushed towards the family heads of the several great gentry.

Afterwards, He Yingwei recounted all the information he had investigated, about the conflict between Li Nan and He Guan Yu in New Town, the whole story of this whole matter, all truthfully.

After telling all this, He Yingwei then looked at Li Nan with a gloomy face.

“Chen Nan, is there any half-truth in what I said?”

He Yingwei questioned in a cold voice.

The scene at this moment was not much different from being in a courtroom.

He Yingwei was like a plaintiff’s lawyer, while Li Nan, on the other hand, was a guilty person being accused.

And the heads of the eight great families were the jurors of the court and the judge who would ultimately decide the case!


Li Nan said in a deep voice.

The conflicts between New Town and He Guan Yu were all facts, and there was no need for Lai Nan to deny them.