Mysterious Heir Chapter 1655

In fact, this was the only possibility that Lu Jianghai could think of, otherwise, what other way in this world could the young master of his family, Nan, obtain such a huge amount of wealth overnight!

And while Lu Jianghai was marvelling in his heart, the finance staff of the Hidden Sect did not just sit idle.

Under their manipulation, huge sums of money were still being remitted to Lu Jianghai’s account one after another.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ……”

Lu Jianghai’s mobile phone was still ringing madly as if it was possessed.

A text message from the bank was bombarding Lu Jianghai’s phone like crazy.

The ding ding sound was, objectively speaking, a bit disturbing.

However, at this moment, Lu Jianghai was not willing to turn off his mobile phone no matter what.

Because at the moment, every ding was a sign that hundreds of millions of dollars were pouring into his account.

This is not a disturbing noise, it is simply the most beautiful melody in the world!

“Three trillion! Five trillion! Ten trillion ……”

Lu Jianghai looked at the balance that kept increasing on that phone, his eyes were so excited that they were almost about to fall on the ground.

Even though Lu Jianghai was used to seeing big scenes, this kind of scene in front of him was something he had definitely never seen before.

Previously, Lu Jianghai had always heard those rich people bragging that they had tens of millions of dollars in a minute, and at that time, Lu Jianghai still felt that the other party was quite brash.

But now, Lu Jianghai only felt that the other party was a bunch of weak chickens.

Nima, tens of millions of dollars a minute, right?

I’ve got a few trillion dollars a minute, want to know more?

The point is, Lu Jianghai felt that if he went out and told people this, no one would believe him at all!

At this moment, Lu Jianghai finally understood why young master Nan had been so sure that he lacked the money!

That’s right, I’m short of it! Such a huge sum of money, I really need it!

Before, Lu Jianghai was confident and thought he was rich, but now Lu Jianghai realised that he was completely poor!

He had spent more than three years of hard work to save up ten trillion dollars, but now his own Young Master Nan had managed to get so much money in one night.

Nima, when it comes to earning money, it’s still the young master Nan who is ruthless enough!

“Ding ding ding ding ding ……”

The sound of the SMS alert continued.

It had been ten minutes later before such a sound finally stopped.

At this time, Lu Jianghai’s entire body was already in a state of complete shock.

His eyes were wide as if he had been nudged, staring at the phone screen in front of him without moving.

Half a trillion!

The extra balance on that mobile phone finally stopped at half a trillion!

Lu Jianghai’s entire mind had long since gone blank.

He had just slapped himself a dozen times to make sure that he was not dreaming.

Fifty trillion!

This was half a trillion dollars!

Such a huge amount of wealth, it would not be too much to say that he was truly rich!

Never in his wildest dreams did Lu Jianghai think that he would be able to have such a huge amount of money in his account in his lifetime!

To be honest, if Lu Jianghai hadn’t been on the rich list, he would have gone crazy just looking at the amount of money in his account!

Meanwhile, over at Hidden City.

That grand commander had already re-arrived in front of Li Nan.

“First …… sir, all the money that we can use on our side has all been wired to your account. A …… total of fifty trillion and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty six million, also …… please check your receipt.”

When quoting this figure, the Grand Commander’s entire voice was trembling.

After all, although he was considered a high ranking person among the Hidden Sect, even he had never seen such a large amount of money before.

Not only him, but also the treasurers at the side had a look of shock and awe on their faces at this moment.

Although they were in charge of the finances at the Hidden Sect, they were usually the ones who had never seen a single leaf in a million flowers.

They had seen a lot of money, but it was the first time they had ever seen such a large amount of money in one go.

What’s more, the money had been stolen from them and given to other people through their hands!

At this moment, the treasurers were all trembling in their hearts, feeling that their own Sect Master must not have the chance to find them in trouble, otherwise, just because they had helped the other side to steal so much money from the Hidden Sect, they would not be able to die for thousands of times!

Hearing that Grand Commander’s words, Li Nan then put down his coffee and stood up from the sofa.

“Well, not bad.”

Li Nan nodded and only said so simply, his entire person appeared to be very bland.

The entire person in front of him, the Grand Commander, was completely stunned.

He only thought, did the other party not hear the figure he had just uttered clearly?

That was not half a million, nor was it five billion, but rather five hundred thousand billion!

Fifty trillion!

With such an astronomical amount of money already in the account, shouldn’t a normal person’s reaction be to be completely shocked, and then be so excited that tears would flow down his face?

But now, this young man in front of him seemed so calm, such a reaction was too abnormal, right?

In fact, when such a huge sum of money suddenly appeared in his hand, Li Nan was naturally very happy.

However, after all, Li Nan was someone who had seen the depths of the world’s great families and had already seen money very thoroughly.

Although half a trillion was already a lot, such a sum of money was not even comparable to the worst of the eight worldly giants, so although Li Nan was happy, that was all.

Moreover, Li Nan knew very well that the money of the Hidden Sect was basically all from unknown sources, and some of it was even obtained through illegal means.

Therefore, Li Nan was not under any pressure to rob the money of the Hidden Sect.

What’s more, since all the money was from unknown sources, even if the owner of the Hidden Sect wanted to defend his rights through any legal means, he would not be able to do so at all.

After that, Li Nan then asked, “This money, I don’t think it is all the savings of your Hidden Sect, right?”

Li Nan knew very well that the Hidden Sect was almost enough to be compared to the worldly giants, so just this money alone would naturally not be enough.

When the Grand Commander heard this, he couldn’t help but stutter in his heart.

He had thought that a normal person would be satisfied immediately after receiving such a large sum of absolute wealth, but he had not expected that the other party would even think of more.

Without any more hesitation, the Grand Commander directly knelt down in front of Li Nan with a poof.

“Sir have mercy, I promise, this is absolutely all the money we can use, the rest of that money, really only the Sect Master is qualified to mobilize it!”

The Grand Commander said with a sobbing face.

“Yes, sir, we are telling the truth, please spare us!”

Those treasurers, at this moment, all followed suit and knelt down.

They couldn’t help it, they were really afraid of this ruthless man in front of them.

They were really afraid that if the other party was not happy, they would really force them to steal more money, even if they wanted to, they were not that capable!

In fact, the Hidden Sect had been operating in the secular world for such a long time, so naturally, it could not just be this half a trillion dollars.

In fact, this 50 trillion was at most only one-fifth of the entire wealth of the Hidden Sect!

And that, in turn, was the true depth of the Hidden Sect’s wealth.

Only, the rest of that money was indeed beyond the reach of these treasurers as well.

Looking at the frightened faces of these people in front of him, Li Nan also knew that they did not look like they were lying, so he could only smash his mouth and said, “Alright, then.”

Hearing this, the Grand Commander and the others then finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had been pardoned.

“Thank you very much, sir! Thank you, sir, for not killing me!”

The Grand Commander and the others were all thanking each other profusely and kowtowing continuously.

At this moment, however, Li Nan continued, “Don’t all of you rush to thank me yet, I still have one last thing for you to do!”

“What ……”

Hearing these words, the Grand Commander and his men’s hearts sank to the bottom once again.

At this moment, everyone in the entire Hidden City was still in a state of incomparable shock.

Just now, they had witnessed the crash of three warplanes and the sight of a figure breaking through the ground-to-air artillery and entering the command centre of Hidden City directly.

They were not stupid and naturally knew very well that the Hidden City had been invaded and was no longer safe.

However, they still had a slight chance in their hearts.

In their minds, this was after all the headquarters of the Hidden Sect, and there was nothing in this world that an existence like the Hidden Sect could not solve.

So the people of Hidden City did not take what had just happened too seriously and went on with their nightlife.

And just at that moment.

“Buzz ……”

With a buzzing sound, the loudspeakers arranged in various locations in Hidden City suddenly rang out.

This was something that would only be used at critical moments.

At this moment, the Grand Commander’s voice then rang out from the loudspeaker.

“Important notice, the entire Hidden City has been declared to have fallen, everyone, make sure to evacuate the city within an hour, if not, you will be responsible for the consequences!”

This notice went straight through the loudspeaker and spread to all corners of the entire Hidden City, reaching the ears of everyone.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

In an instant, the entire Hidden City was completely boiling over.

“What? Did I hear it right, Hidden City has fallen?!”

“No way, is it because of that person who just barged in?”

“One man took over a city? And it’s the Hidden City? This …… can’t be true, right?!”

In fact, what they didn’t know was that it wasn’t just one Hidden City that had fallen, but the entire Hidden Sect!