Mysterious Heir Chapter 1774

Darkness, deadly darkness!

It was as if the whole world had returned to the original chaos in an instant.

As far as the eye could see, there was endless darkness, as if the whole world had completely disappeared from one’s eyes.

No, it was himself who had disappeared!

Li Nan could not be sure where he was now.

He only remembered clearly that the last scene he saw just now was that he was swallowed up into the mouth of the Shura Mother Immortal.

Then, he appeared in this darkness!

What on earth was this place?

Was it the body of the Shura Mother Immortal?

Or had one already died and come to that world where only the dead belong?

Could it be that this is Hell?

No, it did not seem to be, for there was nothing more here than a darkness, and not a hint of gloom could be sensed.

But if this was not hell, then what was it?

Li Nan wanted to try to control his body, but found that he could not help it at all.

It was not that he had lost control of his body, but because, as he found out, it seemed that his body no longer existed!

In the next moment, Li Nan controlled his divine sense, trying to perceive himself as well as the world around him.

Finally, Li Nan suddenly saw himself at this moment from a kind of God’s perspective.

At this moment, Li Nan was no longer a human being, nor was he a Yin God, but a Yin God!

At this moment, looking down from the sky, this Yin God’s forensic mirror actually looked more like a drop of black blood!

This drop of black blood, at this moment, had perfectly blended in with the surrounding darkness, and if Li Nan had not used his own divine sense to probe, he naturally would not have been able to see all of this at all.

“What the hell is going on with this ……?!”

Li Nan was stunned.


A minute ago, the news about the invasion of the Ancient Beast of the Flood had completely detonated above the shores of Old Rice.

Almost all the media, on top of all the news, reported all about this news.

Not only in Lao Mi, but in fact, all over the world, the news had been received, and almost every screen in the world was showing news about the invasion of the Shura Mother Immortal.

With the broadcast of these news, all the information about the Shura Palace and the Heavenly Tower project that covers the whole world was also made public.

Prior to this, everyone was extremely enthusiastic about the Tower of Heaven project, as it had indeed changed their lives completely.

It had elevated the originally extremely mediocre secular world into a world of martial arts.

But now, all of them have finally realised how foolish their thoughts were!

It was their previous esteem for the Tongtian Tower Project that had pushed their world, step by step, into the abyss!

At that moment, all of them regretted to the extreme.

At this time, the people who regretted the most were naturally those on Lao Mi’s side.

At the beginning, they were the ones who supported the Tower of Heaven project the most, but now, they were the ones who were the first to suffer.

At this moment, everyone on the coast was in a state of great panic.

Through the live broadcast, they had witnessed with their own eyes how the Yin Yang Mother Immortal was frantically devouring everything as it ran towards them.

In just the twinkling of an eye, they had already seen that the Shura Mother Immortal in front of them was already expanding at a body fast speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In just two minutes’ time, the body of the Shura Mother Immortal had actually grown at least three or four times larger!

Everyone could truly feel that the expansion of this Flood Beast in front of them would not stop.

It was as if he had endless power, until he had swallowed everything in this world, and in the end, he would be the only one left in this world!

At the same time, the White Headed Eagle’s side had already adopted an emergency plan in just two minutes’ time via video conference.

A few minutes later, the Shura Mother Fairy had arrived at a place a hundred kilometres from the coast.

Although it was still a long way away, the people on the coast could already see the beast clearly, because it was so huge that it was now at least as big as a dozen cities!

“Oh God, he’s really here!!!”

The people on the shore were all terrified when they saw this scene in front of them.

Zhang Zhenkun Wu Yonghui and the others had actually all followed along the way, and along the way, they had all tried to stop it, but it hadn’t helped at all.

And just at that moment.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

A sound of breaking air rang out.

Zhang Zhenkun and the others instantly reacted.

“It’s the White Headed Eagle’s people, they’re finally making their move!”

Tang Jinlan said with a gloomy expression.

“Everyone, dodge out of the way, give them space!”

Zhang Zhenkun said.

After that, the crowd immediately retreated towards the surroundings to avoid them.

As they withdrew, they could only see twenty to thirty warplanes flying directly towards the Shura Mother Immortal.


In the command headquarters, the White Headed Eagle boss gave a direct order.

The next moment.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ……”

Countless missiles were then directly blasted towards the Shura Mother Fairy’s body.

“Boom boom boom boom boom ……”

An astonishing explosion shot out above the huge body of the Shura Mother Immortal.

However, to no one’s surprise, those missile blasts were like scratching an itch, they had no effect whatsoever!

“Crap ……”

All those who saw this through the screen were appalled, and even the White Headed Eagle boss in the command headquarters could not help but burst out a foul mouth.

Before this, these thermal weapons were the things they were most proud of, but now, in front of this monster, they were just like a decoration.

“Oh my God, what are we going to do?

“Someone help us!”

The crowd on the shore, and indeed all the people in front of all the screens in the whole dead world, had the same thought floating in their heads at the moment.

In the midst of that darkness.

Li Nan’s entire body was still in a daze, he did not know exactly how he had come to be in the situation he was in today.

Li Nan’s mind quickly pondered over all this.

From what he knew about the Holy Sovereign, or his former self, he did not believe that being swallowed by the Shura Mother Immortal was the only outcome for him.

After all, that was a trap that the Saint had set up for ten thousand years, so how could it be just like that?

He must have missed some clue!

That must be it!

But what exactly had he missed?

Li Nan’s mind was racing as he put himself in the Holy Father’s shoes and wondered what he would have done if he had been the Holy Father.

For a moment, Li Nan’s entire mind seemed to be travelling through the ten thousand years towards that former self.

At this moment, it seemed that time had flown by, and it also seemed that there was no longer any concept of time.

Not knowing exactly how long had passed, ten thousand years, or a second, a spiritual light suddenly flashed in Li Nan’s mind.

At last, he had come to his senses!

At this moment, in the middle of the ocean.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom!”

With the Shura Mother Immortal’s roar, those warplanes immediately lost control completely, and crashed one after another into the ocean, directly exploding into flames.


The Shura Mother Immortal let out a terrifying roar that shook the entire ocean, the entire heaven and earth.

“Don’t know how to live!”

The Shura Mother Immortal snorted coldly, her voice filled with disdain.

With that, the Shura Mother Immortal marched in the direction of that coast once again.

In the command headquarters, the crowd looked at what was happening in front of them, and their hearts had long been too shocked to speak.

“My Lord, what should we do now?”

Someone asked.

The White Headed Eagle boss’s face was gloomy to the core.

“Now, we can only make the last move!”

Hearing these words, the crowd in the command section was in shock.

Even the bosses of the individual departments on the other side of the screen, as well as the man who was standing at the very top of Old Rice, were also completely shocked by his words at this moment.

“Really …… really want to do this? Do you know what it means to do so?”

The man at the very top of the pinnacle said with a grimace at this moment.

The white-headed eagle boss coldly snorted, “Fine, if you have a better way, please tell me now?”

Hearing these words, the other party was completely speechless.

The White Headed Eagle Boss no longer bothered with the other party.

“Listen to my orders, start doing it immediately, and I will be responsible for anything that happens!”

Then, his face darkened yet again and turned to say, “Or, if it fails, no one will be responsible ……”

At this moment, the Shura Mother Immortal was just a few dozen kilometres away from the coast in the end, and with his actions, a huge tsunami had even formed in the seawater, surging wildly towards the coast.

However, everyone no longer cared about this, for there was something even more terrifying compared to these tsunamis!


A sound of breaking air sounded out abruptly.

A missile that was even more massive than the previous ones was seen, directly cutting through the air and shooting towards the Shura Mother Immortal.

Zhang Zhengkun and Wu Yonghui were not stupid, and they all immediately realized what was going on.

That’s right, this was almost the last resort of all mankind.

No one would be willing to use such a weapon unless it was the last resort.

And now, the White Headed Eagle had obviously been forced to the brink of extinction, and there was no other way out!


Zhang Zhengkun shouted in alarm.

Immediately afterwards, all of them evacuated out towards the back as fast as they could.

It was not long after they had left that the most powerful weapon in human history blasted directly at the Shura Mother Immortal!

“God bless, it must work!”

In the command room, the white-headed eagle boss made a cross in front of his body and prayed with a devout face.