Mysterious Heir Chapter 58

What?!” Ge Qianqian and the others were all stunned, and only then did they finally react.

“I call palsy! How dare you even meddle in my mother’s affairs, I think you’re tired of living!” Ge Qianqian rushed at Li Nan and cursed.

Although Ge Qianqian was a girl, she was the big sister of Longcheng First High School, and even the boys were afraid of her, so she naturally did not put Li Nan in her eyes at this moment.

“Tired of living? I think you are the ones who are tired of living! If you don’t want anything to happen, kneel down and apologise to Little Snow right now!” Li Nan’s face was gloomy to the extreme.

Even if Li Nan was still just an ordinary poor loser, if someone dared to bully his sister like this, he would never hold his tongue.

What’s more, now that Li Nan’s status was superb, he would not forgive these people even more lightly!

“What? Kneel down and apologise? Hahahaha, who the hell do you think you are! How dare you ask me to kneel down and apologise!” Ge Qianqian laughed coldly.

“That’s right, do you know who has the say in this Longcheng First High School, that’s our Sister Qian, what the hell is she, she dares to make our Sister Qian kneel down and apologize too!” Gao Yu also sneered at the side.

“I’m not talking about her, I’m talking about all of us, all of us have to kneel down and apologize to Xiao Xue!” Li Nan’s voice was unusually resolute.

“What? I didn’t hear you wrong, how dare you make all of us kneel down and apologize? What a laugh, hahaha ……,” Ge Qianqian laughed from ear to ear.

Ding Hong and a few of their boys also had bitter smiles on their faces, just thinking that this guy in front of them simply didn’t know the sky was the limit.

At this time, Lai Xue behind him, on the other hand, pulled the corner of Li Nan’s coat.

“Brother, why don’t we just forget about it ……” Li Xue’s voice was soft and carried a hint of fear.

Lai Xue was an honest girl, even though she had just been bullied by Ge Qianqian and the others in that way, she had never thought of seeking revenge on them.

Moreover, she didn’t want her brother, Li Nan, to get into trouble because of herself. After all, Li Xue knew very well that with their family’s situation, there was no way they could fight against these rich kids like Ge Qianqian Ding Hong.

That was why she wanted to convince Li Nan to give up.

“Don’t worry, Xiao Xue, these people dare to bully, brother will definitely teach them a lesson!” How would Li Nan not be aware of his sister’s thoughts, only this time, he was no longer the same Li Nan as before.

The revenge that should be taken, one is missing!

“Brother?” Ge Qianqian froze, and then a cold smile appeared on her face, “I thought it was someone, but it turns out to be that wimp of a brother of this little B*tch!”

Previously, Ge Qianqian said that the other party was so tough that he would be some kind of great person, but he didn’t expect that he was just the brother of Li Xue.

They knew Li Xue’s family condition very well, her family was known as a poor family in the school, so if that was the case, then how much better could her brother be.

For a while, Ge Qianqian’s disdain for the man in front of her increased.

“Che, I thought she was such a powerful person, poor sister, with a poor brother, what a pair of poorer than life! Hahahaha ……”

Gao Yu and the girls burst into giggles, all having included Li Nan as a minor character who could be bullied by them just like Li Xue.

Ding Hong simply stood directly in front of Li Nan, looking straight into his eyes with a provocative face.

“Kid, do you know what kind of family background the people standing in front of you have? Any random one of them can shake off poorer than average families like ours for a few blocks! Even such a poor loser dares to make us kneel down and apologize, you are simply blind, if you don’t kneel down and apologize to us today, don’t even think about leaving here!”

“That’s right, let this brother kneel down and apologize, and then let the younger sister be stripped naked, so that we can leave!” Ge Qianqian hooked Ding Hong’s shoulders in collusion.

“Why don’t we just let this kid take off for her sister directly, wouldn’t that be more exciting, hahaha ……”

“That’s right that’s right, that’s the way it has to be!”

The boys made an even more vicious demand and all gathered around, clearly their demands were not just words.

Li Nan looked at these men and women around him, he didn’t expect that these people, who were only seventeen or eighteen years young, would already be vicious to this extent.

It seemed that they were really lacking in upbringing from below, since that was the case, then he would teach them how to behave for their parents, today!

“It sounds like they are all very confident about their family background, right?” Li Nan sneered.

“What else? At the very least, they should be much more confident than a poorer than family like ours, right?” Ge Qianqian scoffed.

“Hahahaha ……” The others burst out in laughter.

Li Nan also did not care, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“Good, in that case, then do you all dare to make a bet with me?” Li Nan asked indifferently.

“A bet? What kind of bet?” Ge Qianqian was curious.

“Aren’t you all very confident about your family backgrounds, then fine, then do you dare to tell me the family backgrounds of all of us? Within half an hour, I guarantee that all of us will voluntarily kneel in front of me!” Li Nan’s mind had already made up its mind.

“What? Half an hour? Make all of us voluntarily kneel down? Big brother, is your brain alright?” Ge Qianqian just wondered if the other party was crazy.

“Hahahaha, asking us to kneel voluntarily? Who the hell do you think you are!” Ding Hong was so angry that he was practically laughing out loud.

This kind of oddball in front of them simply made them feel speechless.

“It seems that guys don’t have the guts to bet with me.” Li Nan provoked. “Shouting quite a lot, but it turns out to be just a bunch of shrinking turtles!”

“What?! Who the F**k is talking about? It’s just a bet, I’ll be afraid!” Ding Hong was so angry that he was on the verge of jumping up and down.

“A bet is a bet, but what if you lose?” Ge Qianqian asked in a cold voice.

“If I lose, I’m at your mercy!” Li Nan was also willing to go out of his way this time.

“Okay, that’s the deal, if I lose, I’ll have to go eat Sh*t in the ladies’ room!” Ge Qianqian was very vicious.

“Brother, don’t promise!” Lai Xue was instantly nervous.

To be honest, even Li Nan was stunned by Ge Qianqian’s vicious request, but the words had already been said, so he naturally wouldn’t take them back.

“Fine, I promise! Now then, let’s all report out our respective family backgrounds one by one.” Li Nan had already made up his mind.

Ge Qianqian was just about to open her mouth when Li Nan reached out to stop it, and then dialed Xue Ting’s number first.

“Hello, Young Master Nan.” Xue Ting, who was on call 24 hours a day, immediately picked up the phone.

“I have a few names now, write them down for me.” Li Nan opened the door.

“Alright, you can talk now!” Li Nan looked at Ge Qianqian.

“My father, Ge Tianbiao, is the vice president of Ge’s foreign trade, and the family has a*sets of eight hundred million!” Ge Qianqian had a confident face.

“My parents are both in the system, my dad Gao Sheng is the deputy director of the Longcheng Planning Bureau, and my mum Zhao Sujuan is a high ranking member of the Discipline Inspection!” Gao Yu had a cold smile on her face.

“My dad, Ding Guangcheng, is the president of the Ding Group, a listed company, the family has at least 1.5 billion in a*sets!” Ding Hong looked at Li Nan with a sense of superiority.

Next, the dozen men and women who followed them also reported their family backgrounds.

As expected, all of these people’s family backgrounds were indeed not simple, and all of them could be called absolutely rich second generation.

The more she heard these people declare their family backgrounds, the more she felt a bit unnerved. She couldn’t even imagine how she could stay in school in the future if she had offended so many people with strong backgrounds at once today.

But what worried Lai Xue most was her brother.

Li Xue felt that her brother had really been dragged down by herself this time!

A few moments later, a dozen people finished reporting all their family backgrounds.

“Well, what are you going to do now?” Ge Qianqian looked at Li Nan with a provocative face.

Li Nan ignored her and instead said directly into his phone, “How about it, did you write down all those names just now?”

“Got it down.” Xue Ting said back.

“Good then. I’m now at Longcheng First High School, and within half an hour, I’m going to make all the children of those people just now kneel in front of me, know what to do?” Li Nan’s voice was unusually serious and resolute.

“I understand!” The well-trained Xue Ting agreed directly without hardly any stopping.

Then, Xue Ting added, “It doesn’t take half an hour, twenty minutes, that’s enough!”