Mysterious Heir Chapter 869

Early the next morning.

With the first rays of sunlight, the whole Linwu Island finally woke up too.

Because the dilapidated house was in the middle of nowhere and had long been abandoned, no one knew what had happened there last night.

For them, there was something even more important to do today, and that was the Martial Arts Competition!

The venue for the Martial Arts Competition is on the seafront, southwest of Linwu.

There was a huge sea-side square, and this was where the Martial Arts Conference would be held.

At this moment, the entire square was already crowded with people.

Martial artists from all over the world had gathered here to witness this event.

There were at least 30,000 martial artists in the square!

If it had been an ordinary martial arts tournament in the past, there would not necessarily have been so many people attending.

The reason why there were so many people this year was naturally related to the election of the next Martial Arts League Master.

In the past, the Shaolin, Wudang, Emei and Huashan schools of martial arts have always been the most respected.

After all, these sects are famous schools with a thousand years of heritage.

Before that, all the previous editions of the martial arts league had been chosen from these great schools.

This year, however, there seems to be a slight difference.

In the martial arts, the strongest is naturally the most important.

The position of Martial Arts League Master is also held by those who are capable.

At this moment, on top of the ring in the middle of the square, the representatives of several great sects were already on either side.

“It is a great pity that Lord Gongsun has unfortunately fallen. Fortunately, there are many talented young people in the Yanxia Martial Dao, so the Yanxia Martial Dao has a successor!”

An old man in monk’s robes said with emotion.

This old man was named Shi Xin and was the head of the Buddhist sect.

Although Venerable Shi Xin’s voice was very soft, his words were miraculously able to reach the ears of tens of thousands of people present, allowing everyone to hear his words accurately!

To be able to do this meant that his cultivation level was already very strong.

“That’s right, as far as I know, Duke Yu’s cultivation nowadays is already comparable to that of a God Realm Grand Master, even when compared to his father, Lord Gongsun, he’s still not far behind, he’s really out of his depth!”

Next to him was another Daoist wearing a Daoist robe and dressed in an extremely ancient style, also lightly twirling the beard on his chin, smiling with admiration.

This Taoist was named Dusty Pine, and was the head of Wudang.

Like Venerable Shi Xin, he was a highly respected figure in the martial arts world today.

With the compliment from the real Dust Pine, a young man wearing a golden martial arts uniform stood out with a smile next to him.

This young man was the son of the former Martial Arts League Master, Gongsun Hua, Gongsun Yu!

To say that he was young was only a relative term.

Gongsun Yu was actually close to forty years old now.

Among ordinary people, this might not be considered young, but among the great achievers of the martial arts world, it was definitely considered young.

In particular, Gongsun Yu’s cultivation level had already reached the level of half-step Grand Master.

If you look at the entire Yanxia martial arts world, there are not many people who can reach such a level of cultivation at his age!

Moreover, not only did Gongsun Yu have such a cultivation level, he was also the son of the former Alliance Master. Such an identity naturally made him a very popular choice for the Trusted Alliance Master in the martial arts community.

At this moment, when Gongsun Yu stood out of the crowd, he smiled and arched his hand towards the real Dust Pine.

“Senior Dusty Pine has praised you!”

Gongsun Yu said with a smile.

“Everyone can see for themselves the strength of Duke Zhuyu. In my opinion, there is no need to choose the current alliance leader, it would be better for Duke Yu to take over the position!”

A slim man in his fifties next to him waved his hand and said directly.

This slim man seemed to be a bit impetuous, and his speech was not as steady as that of Venerable Shi Xin and True Dust Pine.

The slim man was called Yue Wu Wei, who was the head of Mount Hua, and his position in the martial arts world was on a par with that of Venerable Shi Xin and True Dust Pine.

“I wonder what you all think?”

Yue Wu En asked as he looked to the few people on the side.

“The son inherits his father’s work, I feel that Duke Yu has every ability to do so!”

Zhen Zhen of Dusty Pine nodded his head and said.

“That’s right, I also agree!”

Venerable Shi Xin also nodded his head straight away.

In fact, no matter if it was Yue Wu En, True Man Dust Pine, or Venerable Shi Xin, all of them had previously been taken care of by the previous Alliance Master, Gong Sun Hua.

Therefore, this was the main reason why they were so strongly supporting Gongsun Hua as the next Alliance Master at this moment.

They were all great figures at the level of tai dou in the martial arts world, namely Yue Wuyi and Dusty Pine.

Now that they had all spoken up, the other sect heads naturally had no problem with it and agreed.

Although some of the martial artists on the stage felt that it was a bit hasty to leave the decision of the alliance leader to the verbal discussion of a few great figures, these martial artists were not comparable to Yue Wuyi and Dust Pine on stage in terms of strength and prestige.

Therefore, no one dared to express any different opinion.

“I’m afraid I’m not up to the task because of the limited strength of Gongsun Yu. ……”

Faced with the proposal from the crowd, Gongsun Yu said humbly.

“The first thing you should do is to take up the position of the leader of the alliance. If you are not able to take up the position with your cultivation and ability, then I am afraid that among the younger generations of the martial arts of Yanxia, no one will be able to take up the position!”

Yue Wudi said very dryly.

“That’s right, Duke Yu, you should not be modest!”

“I also ask that Duke Yu can carry the great responsibility of Gongsun League Master again!”

Both Venerable Shi Xin and Real Dusty Pine were also bursting with flattery.

Hearing these words, a smug smile faintly appeared on Duke Zhuyu’s face as well.

As a matter of fact, Gongsun Yu naturally coveted the position of League Master, and he was only being modest.

Now, hearing that Yue Wuyi and Dusty Pine had already brought up the emotions of the crowd, and that he had a feeling that the crowd was in favour of him, Gongsun Yu also knew that the time was almost ripe.

Thus, Gongsun Yu put on a difficult face.

“Since the several seniors and the sect leaders, as well as everyone else, are so favourable, then I, Gongsun Yu, will ……”

Gongsun Yu said and was about to directly agree to it.

It looked like the position of the alliance leader for this term was about to be nailed down.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang out.

“In the martial arts of Yanxia, the strongest is always the most important, now the position of the alliance leader is decided by human emotions like this, it is a bit too childish!”

This voice clearly reached the ears of everyone present.

Although the words were plain, they were like thunder in the ears, causing a shock in everyone’s heart.

The crowd moved aside and then, surrounded by a crowd of people, Zhu Zijin, with a smiling face, walked in!