Mysterious Heir Chapter 993

In the following time, Niu Dashan’s wedding, naturally, became the top priority.

The entire wedding venue was created by the palace’s imperial designers, which was many times more luxurious than the previous wedding venue on the beach!

If it had been set aside before, this was definitely something that Niu Dashan and the others would not have even dared to think about.

Even the entire banquet was the same size as Dillon’s reception for foreign guests.

The family and friends of Niu Dashan and his two families were truly opened to the world this time, and each one of them was naturally overjoyed.

As for the unhappy incident at the beach, they had long forgotten all about it.

Everyone was in the midst of the wedding festivities.

Dillon not only acted as Niu Dashan’s witness, but even gave Niu Dashan and the others a big red envelope.

When Niu Dashan and Zhao Jing looked at the amount on the red envelope, they looked at each other and all of them saw incomparably shocked expressions on each other’s faces.

They had never dreamed that the other party would wrap such a large red envelope for themselves!

And in fact, whether it was the use of the palace as the wedding venue, or the free state banquet banquet, or this superb red packet, Dillon had made all these, naturally, to show to Li Nan!

To Dillon, these things were nothing, but if he could win this great master’s heart, it would be a profitable deal!

Li Nan was not stupid and naturally understood Dilong’s intentions, but he did not say anything about it.

Even if he had to owe Dilong a favour for this, it didn’t matter.

As long as he could bring Niu Dashan and the others out of their gloom, and as long as he could make them happy again, this was nothing.

Halfway through the wedding banquet, Dillon called Li Nan out alone.

“Your Majesty, I wonder if you have asked me to come out, what is the matter?”

Ri Nan said somewhat knowingly.

“Haha, it’s like this, I have a great regard for your strength, Master Lai, so I want to hire Master Lai to be our State Master, I wonder what Master Lai would like to do?”

Dillon said with a smile on his face.

“State Master?”

Li Nan was stunned.

He had previously thought that Dilong would pull himself in, but he had never thought that the other party would be willing to pay such a blood money.

Because Li Nan knew very well that in Dilong’s place, the State Master’s status was second only to Dilong’s, an existence above all others!

With such a status, there would only be countless people who would be moved.

After all, the position of a State Master not only represented great power, but also countless wealth!

Only, Li Nan’s ambition was far from that.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness, however, I have no interest in this position of State Master for the time being.”

Li Nan directly and politely refused.

Hearing Li Nan’s refusal, Dilong was a little stunned.

“Ah? Why is that? Is it because you are afraid of offending Master Opasian? Don’t worry, as long as I go and discuss with him, he will definitely agree. Or is it because you don’t think I am offering you a high enough deal? All this can be negotiated, and I can guarantee that I can have no less privileges than I have in Old Tai ……”

Dillon wanted to fight as hard as he could.

But Leenan was smiling and shaking his head.

“Your Majesty, you misunderstand, I am not refusing because of these reasons, but I am just not ambitious.”

Li Nan explained with a smile.

“In that case ……”

Dillon was a little lost at once.

He knew very well that since the other party had already said so, then even if he persuaded more, it would be useless.

Seeing that Dillon was so lost, Li Nan then added, “But don’t worry, Your Majesty, after helping my friend so much this time, I, Li Nan, am kind of indebted. In the future, if Your Majesty encounters any trouble here, or if there are any difficulties that need to be solved, I can promise to go to bat for Your Majesty once!”

“Really …… really!?”

Hearing these words, Dillon’s entire person was instantly surprised.

He knew very well what this promise from the other party meant!

One must know that the other party was a true Grand Master level powerhouse!

If the time came when he really needed to ask the other party for help, then he would be in a critical situation of life and death!

At that time, if he had the help of this Grand Master, he would be able to save the day!

This was undoubtedly a life-saving talisman for Dillon!

In this way, Dilong was immediately overjoyed.

Although he couldn’t bring the other side under his command, it was good to have such a life-saving talisman!

“Well, then, thank you for your blessing, Master Li! I’ll drink to that!”

Dillon excitedly raised his gla*s towards Li Nan.

With a faint smile, Li Nan clinked his gla*s with the other party and they drank it all in one go.

That evening, the wedding banquet went on until late, with the guests and the hosts enjoying themselves to the fullest.

Over the next few days, the group was treated to a few days of hospitality by Dillon, before the trip to Old Thailand finally came to an end.

At the end of the trip, Dillon had already prepared a special plane for Le Nam to take them back.

However, Li Nan did not take the same plane as Niu Dashan and the others, because Niu Dashan and the others were going back to Dragon City, while Li Nan needed to go back to Yanjing directly.


“Do you want to come with me to Yanjing for a few days, I have a big acacia tree at home, it’s very comfortable to cool off underneath.”

Li Nan looked at Xu Jiao Ran in front of him, not knowing what to say for a moment, he only had to invite so.

“A big acacia tree?!”

Hearing this, Xiang Xu Niu Dashan and the others at the side looked at each other, all of them were speechless for a while.

They all had no idea what the hell Li Nan was talking about.

Which normal person would use this kind of way to talk to a girl.

People would say, “My family has bought a new sports car, let’s go for a ride.

Or, my house is a big mansion, please go visit it.

If not, they would invite each other to go see a movie, have a meal or something.

But when it comes to Li Nan, it’s just, my house has a big acacia tree, it’s cool ……

The actual fact is that you can’t be sure that you’re going to be able to get a good deal on your own.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time, but you can’t be sure that you’re going to be able to get a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time.

Xu Jiao Ran just didn’t expect that Li Nan, who had been so decisive and thunderous in his killings on the White Pearl and in Phuket before, would still have such an ordinary and even childish side.

“I will definitely go when I have the chance, but this time I’d rather not, I’ve been out long enough.”

Xu Jiao Ran smiled faintly.

I’m afraid that if I go along again, I won’t want to leave again ……