No Matter What Chapter 1274

When Di Jiu was blurred and almost losing his mind, he surprisingly felt a fresh breath of air. It was as if a person who was bored and about to lose his mind suddenly breathed in a breath of fresh air.

What was this? Di Jiu tried to open his eyes, and he actually saw a glimmer of light. His body had almost been squeezed into nothingness, but before this was about to turn into nothingness, he came to life instead? Was this a return of light?

No, he felt that the glimmer of light had not been lost, but was still very much in front of his eyes.

Was this the formation of a dao tree? Di Jiu surprisingly didn’t know if this light was a Dao tree, and he felt it for a while, but he didn’t know exactly what the form of the Dao tree was.

The Great Dao Circumference hurriedly ran, and to Di Jiu’s surprise, his Rule Circumference clearly made himself feel more relaxed and comfortable.

The light did not get bigger, but his body stretched a little under the Rule Circumference.

Di Jiu hurriedly ran the Rule Circumference frantically, and his body, which was squeezed to the point of nothingness, stretched more and more ……

Although the light seemed to be getting brighter and brighter as well, Di Jiu was sure that it was not because of his Rule Circumference.

When Di Jiu’s body stood up straight again, the first thing he did was to try to condense the Three Life Dao and the Returning One Dao. He didn’t know if that light was the Dao tree he wanted, nor did he know if the light would disappear. But no matter what, this kind of opportunity would definitely not be missed by Di Jiu.

Whatever had caused him to have hope again, he had to seize it.

To Di Jiu’s wild delight, his Three Life Dao soon took shape, and at the same time, the Returning One Dao took shape as well.

At this moment, that light seemed to have become a little bigger, so how could Di Jiu not know that he should have really condensed the Dao Tree. At this moment, he was even running the three Dao Trees at the same time, even though the circumference of these three Dao Trees started from the Rule Dao and then pa*sed through the Three Life Dao and the Returning One Dao. But in just one circumference, these three dao’s formed a complementary and complete circumference in his body.

It was just like when he had built the new universe with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, it was the same feeling and the same excitement.

Di Jiu was caught up in this unrestrained circumference of the heavens, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that the light had disappeared.

Di Jiu was greatly alarmed in his heart, that light was the foundation of his survival, if the light suddenly disappeared, would he be crushed into nothingness by Chaos again?

Just as he thought of this, Di Jiu sensed the shadow of a great Dao rhyme tree with a chaotic aura flowing through it. This great tree of dao rhyme formed in his purple mansion and then seemed to have three more branches …….

Di Jiu’s hands were squeezing white with excitement, he had succeeded and had actually condensed the Dao Tree unintentionally. Not only that, the Dao Tree also allowed his Rule Dao, Three Life Dao and Return to One Dao to form three Dao branches.

As long as he wished, his universe world would soon transform into the new universe he had previously constructed with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng under the influence of the Dao Tree.

As he acquired more Dao branches in the future, his new universe would become even more perfect.

Phew! Di Jiu let out a long breath as he wondered why he had failed in his previous frantic operation of the rule circumference trying to condense the Dao Tree in the chaos, and after he had given up on condensing the Dao Tree, he had succeeded again instead?

Was it because the chaos breath saw that he was about to fall and couldn’t bear it?

Di Jiu knew that this absolutely could not be the case, so what was the reason? Was it because he was about to fall and go to remember those past times?

Soon Di Jiu was sure that he was afraid that this was really the case.

He vaguely sensed the reason for his failure and then shook his head, thinking to himself that he had come to Chaos to condense the Dao Tree. Since it was a Dao tree, it was where the main trunk of the various Dao was carried.

And he had actually used his own rule dao to condense the dao tree, so it would be strange if he succeeded. Even if it succeeded, that Dao tree was still imprinted with the shadow of his rule dao, and it was absolutely impossible for it to carry other dao.

He was mistaken, although he perceived that the Dao should be tangible, which was an improvement. This progress gave him the idea of condensing the Dao tree, and it was this idea that kept him alive today. But he did not perceive what the true Dao was? In his mind, the Dao was something that could only be constructed and formed when one reached a certain level of cultivation and cognition.

Yet it is not so!

The true Dao should be something most ordinary and common, that is, a meal, a cup of tea, a word or a deed.

Just as before he fell, he thought about everything that had ever happened, about life and death, about those insignificant little things, about those loves and hates ……

The Dao can exist, it is the little things around any ordinary person, it is these small things of food and salt, love and hate.

But even if ordinary people know that the Dao is the condensed formation of all the subtleties and dots, they cannot build their own Dao trees, because the Dao trees are formed by staining the subtleties where the dust is not stained. Not to mention that they simply could not come to Chaos and condense with the help of Chaos. Even if they could come here, they would not be able to perceive the subtle changes in Chaos and then diffuse it into a Dao tree.

Once Di Jiu had heard others say that the higher levels of Dao were paradoxical, and in fact, this perception was not without merit.

Chaos was the purest place in the vast universe, the only place where dust was unstained. The Dao tree that he, Di Jiu, built here was with him, Di Jiu, as the centre of the Dao, which then gave rise to the branches of the Dao that he, Di Jiu, recognised.

If someone else came here, what they would build would be a Dao tree with someone else as the centre of the Dao.

It is true that the Dao Tree is the result of the condensation of countless insignificant subtleties, but the height to which the Dao Tree can grow in the future is related to the person who condenses it.

To what extent his heart and knowledge of the Dao could reach, his Dao Tree could reach whatever extent his Dao could reach.

As the Dao Tree became more and more solidified and then underwent the circumference of the heavens, the three Dao branches on the Dao Tree flowed with Dao rhythms and began to grow stronger and stronger.

Chaos was broken open and surrounded by the purest of heaven and earth’s Yuan Qi. Cultivating in this chaos, all heaven and earth Yuan Qi could not be compared.

Di Jiu continued to perform his circumambulation, and his divine thoughts gradually penetrated out.

When all the irritation and restlessness disappeared, Di Jiu felt as if he had crossed a bottleneck and broken a wall in his Dao. His Yuan Qi soared and his divine thoughts directly stretched out to a range of ten metres. This was a ten-metre range in the midst of chaos, and chaos was a place where nothing and no rules existed at all. This divine thought range was entirely a reflection of his perception of Chaos, or rather his strength.

Di Jiu knew that this was the second time he had succeeded in merging boundaries. Di Jiu had experienced boundary merging once, and although he had merged once last time Di Jiu also felt that his boundary merging was the strongest. But today, when he merged for the second time, he could clearly feel that compared to this time, there was actually not much difference between his last merging and a mole.

This was not only a difference in strength, but also a difference in the perception of the Great Dao. Just as he had perceived the size of the heaven and earth when he was sitting in a well, today he stood on a mountain peak to perceive the size of the heaven and earth.

It was only after the Chaos Yuan Qi had caused the Dao branches on the Dao Tree to completely solidify that Di Jiu felt that the Chaos Yuan Qi had become much less useful to him.

Di Jiu stepped deeper into the chaos and his divine mind swept out to already perceive a hundred-metre range, which existed entirely because of him. He raised his hand and rolled it, and a large area of real Chaos Yuan Qi was swept into his own cosmic world.

Di Jiu was greatly impressed in his heart, he didn’t know how long he had been in the chaos, he was sure that the chaos ship wouldn’t wait for him, it should have left long ago. At first, he did not dare to leave the Chaos Ship, fearing that he would fall in the Chaos, but today, he could roam in the Chaos. Compared to the Chaos Airship that had to use the means of burning the extreme divine spirit veins to survive in Chaos, he could instead cultivate in Chaos and also grab endless Chaos Yuan Qi to collect.

Di Jiu didn’t know if the Chaos Yuan Qi he collected would have any use in the future, but this Chaos Yuan Qi was clearly several notches higher compared to the Chaos Qi he had seen in the Five Elements Universe before.