No Matter What Chapter 509

“Can you tell me what happened then?” Di Jiu was a little uncomfortable in her heart.

The Ningxiang girl choked for a while before saying, “At that time, Grandma was very angry, but a few of my uncles were very happy to see Grandma and Uncle coming over ……”

“They were elated?” Di Jiu on the contrary was a little puzzled, was there some misunderstanding here?

The Ningxiang girl understood what Di Jiu meant, she shook her head, “It’s not that kind of elation, it’s because they think that the gongfa my mother wrote out is incomplete, so they want to force Grandma and Uncle to ask ……”

Di Jiu’s face became more and more gloomy.

Ning Xiang female continued, “I didn’t expect that grandmother and uncle were both strong in the Perfection of Transformation Truth and very powerful in battle. In the end, they alerted several of the Ning Family’s supreme elders who were in seclusion, and there was a vicious battle. The Ning family suffered heavy casualties until they unleashed the family’s great formation, which only severely injured grandmother and uncle ……”

Di Jiu’s fists were about to squeeze out water as he asked in a gloomy tone, “Your grandmother was injured? Is she alright?”

Ningxiang girl shook her head, “I don’t know, a friend of grandmother’s came over at that time, she broke the trapped killing formation to save grandmother and uncle and my mother, they didn’t come back after they left.”

“Your grandmother doesn’t like you, why didn’t your mother take you away either?” Di Jiu looked at the Ningxiang girl, he could feel the woman’s uncertainty.

Ningxiang girl said with red eyes, “After my father died, my mother was very sad, she, she ……”

Di Jiu did not ask, but also knew that it should be her mother who even forgot about her daughter.

Di Jiu sighed in his heart, he felt that the responsibility should be on him. Nong Xiuqi grew up equal to a parasite, in the Shan family is always on guard to be harmed, which makes her a little wary of the outside world. Di Qiushui must have been living in the Forgotten River Mountain Range as a child, lacking the opportunity to come into contact with people from the outside world, which would have left Di Qiushui lacking a kind of care.

Under such circumstances, when Di Qiushui met the handsome and handsome Ning Bu Qiao, it was normal for her to fall in love at first sight as long as the other party showed a little care.

“Then why don’t you go back to the Ning family?” Di Jiu asked in confusion.

The Ningxiang girl lowered her head, “I was poorly qualified, my mother and grandmother were both wanted by the Ning family, and I was left without my father …… I was only seven years old after my mother left, and then I was beaten up by the Ning family and thrown into the gutter to fend for myself, and scolded as a wild child. It was Brother a*sault and Sister Yu Mor who saved me, and they took me with them all the way to hide in the Tyrannical Spring Mountain Range to beg for my life ……”

Di Jiu stroked Ningxiang girl’s hair, his heart was a bit hard to bear, and it took a while before he said, “In that case, are you willing to take the surname Di, and I will be your grandfather, and from now on have no more relations with the Ning family?”

“I am willing, grandfather, from now on I will be called Di Xiangnui ……” Ning Xiangnui immediately fell to her knees, her eyes full of tears. It was obvious that she had lived too hard all these years.

“How old are you this year?” Di Jiu’s heart was filled with pity, he could see that this granddaughter of his had a kind heart like a blank sheet of paper, it was just that she had had too many hardships since childhood.

Even though she had been treated unfairly like this, she had no hatred in her heart, neither for her grandmother for killing her father, nor for the Ning family for breaking her legs and leaving her to die in the stinking gutter. There was no hatred for her mother for ignoring her when she was leaving.

What she had was a striving to live, a longing for kinship, and a heart as wide as the ocean.

“I’m seventeen …….”

When Di Jiu heard this, her heart sank, seventeen years old actually aged almost as much as thirty years old, how tough must it be?

Sensing that Di Jiu was in a bad mood, Di Xiangnui took the initiative to say, “Grandpa, the fact that I could meet you is already a gift from the heavens, I have been living a good life with brother A raid and sister Yu Mor in the Storm Spring Mountain Range. From now on, Grandpa will stay here too, I will take care of you.”

In the country girl’s opinion, Grandpa was seriously injured in the Tyrannical Spring Mountain Range, and obviously his cultivation was not comparable to Grandma and Uncle’s. Then she should be responsible for taking care of Grandpa.

“Good, then I’ll rest for a few days.” Di Jiu finished speaking and closed his eyes. He felt that he didn’t necessarily come here by chance, after the Ninth Dao Rule, the Sacred Yin Pearl and his Sea of Consciousness had all shattered, he seemed to have less of a hold and more of a side of heaven and earth.

He had to recover his cultivation as soon as possible, and then his divine thoughts swept across the planet to find Xiuqi and his pair of sons and daughters.

“Yes, grandfather.” Di Xiangnui carefully pulled the curtain closed and withdrew, her heart still excited and difficult to. No wonder she felt that Di Jiu was involved with her, it turned out to be her grandfather.

She had asked her mother when she was very young why she only talked about her grandmother and not her grandfather, and her mother said that she had never seen her grandfather either …… No, it should be grandfather.

Still not right ah, grandfather looks so young, cultivation must be very high only, only hope that grandfather is not seriously injured, can enter early recovery.


Di Jiu’s mind was completely immersed in his tattered sea of consciousness, and in his already tattered sea of consciousness was a grey bead the size of a dragon’s eye.

Previously, Di Jiu had been seriously injured and unconscious, and he didn’t even know when this bead was formed. At this moment, his mind was immersed in this bead and he immediately sensed the difference.

The bead was completely under his control and did not lag under his mind. Not only that, the bead seemed to be a spatial world within it.

This was ……

Di Jiu’s heart suddenly became excited, and as his mind moved, his whole body had already appeared in the space of this bead.

The space of the bead was grey and hazy, and heaven and earth were not very obvious. However, Di Jiu could pounce on every single movement in this bead, and could even clearly perceive all the vitality and all the formation in this bead ……

Before Di Jiu had time to get excited, he felt the vast and boundless aura of the universe’s dao rules.

It was not only the fragments of the residual laws left behind by the Ninth Dao Law, but also all the fragments left behind by the Sacred Yin Pearl, and even the fragments of the Dao Laws after the collapse of the nirvana of his Sea of Consciousness.

All of this was birthing a whole new direction of the Dao under his intention, and Di Jiu’s heart rose with excitement, this was exactly what he wanted.

The Rule Circumference continued to operate, fusing with the Dao aura contained in the bead in Di Jiu’s broken sea of consciousness, and a defensive space gradually formed around Di Jiu’s body that his divine thoughts could not even sweep into.

Once again, Di Jiu sank into the operation of this rule circumference, and his sea of consciousness slowly took shape in the rule circumference, before slowly diffusing into a starry sky.

It was just like when he used the Star River Skill to transform his main chakra into an astral chakra, only at this time Di Jiu was completely immersed in it and was completely unaware of it.


“Country girl, are you alright?” Before it was even dark, Ah Raid and Yan Yu Mor eagerly arrived at Di Xiang Nui’s residence, and when they saw her walk out of the house, they were finally relieved.

“I’m fine, thank you.” Di Xiangmu’s eyes were a little red, but her spirits were still good.

“Where is the person you saved?” Yan Yu Mor asked again.

Di Xiangmu said in a low voice, “He is very badly injured and is in the house healing.”

“Well, you take care of yourself, we will go back first, today’s harvest is average, will you come with us tomorrow?” Yan Yu Mor nodded.

The Di Xiang girl shook her head, “I’m not going, I’m going to take care of someone here. If there is no one to look after that senior after I’ve gone.”

To A Raid and Yu Mor, Di Xiangnui trusted them, it was just that Di Jiu’s identity was simply too sensitive. The Ning family was still looking for her grandmother and mother, and if the Ning family knew that her Di family was here, it would be a disaster, not only for her grandfather, but also for her own life-savers, Brother A Raid and Sister Yu Mor.

“Alright, then you take care of yourself. If anything happens, let us know right away.” A raid knew that the country girl was kind-hearted and did not persuade her.

The three of them did not live far from each other, they were all at the outermost part of the Tyrannical Spring Square City. There were too many people like them in the outermost part of Tyrannical Spring Square City, so there would not be any safety problems as long as they paid a little attention usually.


The time is like a shuttle, six months have pa*sed in a flash.

This day early in the morning, Yan Yu Mor came to the house of Di Xiang female.

“Sister Yu Mor, why are you not out today?” The countrywoman looked at Yan Yumo, who was standing in the doorway, in confusion.

Yan Yu Mor glanced at Di Xiang Nui with some concern, “Xiang Nui, A Raider and I might go to a place deep in the Storm Spring Mountain Range today, and it might take several days before we can return ……”

After saying that, Yan Yu Mor handed a handbag to Di Xiang Nui, “There is still some money in here, you can take it and use it.”

“I can’t take it.” After the country girl hurriedly excused herself, she asked with some concern, “But, it’s very dangerous to spend the night inside the Storm Spring Mountain Range.”

Yan Yu Mor nodded, “I know, it’s just that there are more and more people coming from the Tyrannical Spring Mountain Range now, and there’s nothing good to be found on the periphery, besides it’s not the two of us who go to spend the night inside the Tyrannical Spring Mountain Range. Take this money, you haven’t gone out for months, if you keep going like this, you’ll have problems even making a living.”

“Thank you, you guys be careful.” The country girl knew she could not resist, besides she was indeed having some difficulties now.

Accepting the money bag, Di Xiangmu was ashamed. She had already received so much help from A Raid and Sister Yu Mor in the past six months.