No Matter What Chapter 58

Shen Ziyue had obviously thought of why Rong Tao was sending the medicine at this time, and after a slight hesitation, she took the jade bottle and said, “Thank you, if I can go to the Fairy Planet in the future, I will definitely return this favor to you.”

No matter if Rong Tao’s medicine could cure her or not, this favour was something she had accepted. Because she also wanted to give it a try, she didn’t want to end up failing her body after trying so hard to pa*s the Martial Wood Hall. Besides, Rong Tao had also said that this medicine was made from medicinal herbs from the Fairy Star.

Or maybe it was a blind yearning for the Fairy Star, not only Shen Ziyue, but also other people who heard about something from the Fairy Star, they all thought it would be superior.

“You should hurry and eat it, the Martial Wood Hall breakthrough will start soon.” Seeing Shen Ziyue take the jade bottle, Rong Tao hurriedly said at the side.

Shen Ziyue also saw that someone had opened the door of the Martial Wood Hall, and there were already teachers who tested and those who recorded the results coming. The temptation of the Fairy Star was too great for her, and with just a slight hesitation, she opened the jade bottle and poured out a pill the size of a dragon’s eye from inside and swallowed it.

A faint heat radiated through her body, and at this moment she seemed to feel a little more strength.

Shen Ziyu took the elixir, and the teacher who tested it obviously saw it. It was just that no teacher stood up and said anything, this kind of test was not just a strength test, the Martial Wood Hall also had a test of body dexterity, taking the elixir did not help much. Besides, there was no rule against taking pills.

“The test will now begin, everyone line up and go in through the entrance of the Martial Wood Hall, one in every five minutes, all those who come out through the main entrance are considered to have pa*sed. Everyone remember that once you are swept out of the pa*sage by the wooden stakes of the Martial Wood Hall, you will only be able to come out through the side door, and that will be considered a failure in the exam.” The one who spoke was Wang Zhenqi, the headmaster of Luo Da’s Martial Academy.

This was the first time that Luo Bei University had the opportunity to enter the test on Fairy Star, and it was a big deal for the whole of Luo Bei University.

There could be no cheating here, with invigilators specially sent by the Earth Alliance to watch. One had to pa*s the Martial Wood Hall in order to enter Fairy Star.

Shen Ziyue was 16th in line, and with some trepidation she walked to the entrance of the Martial Wood Hall, took a set of protective clothing and wore it, and stepped through the door of the Hall.

It was one thing to practise, but when it came to fighting these wooden stakes, it was a real battle.

As soon as he stepped into the Martial Wood Hall, he threw a fist at Shen Ziyue. This moment showed the result of Shen Ziyue’s usual hard training, as she almost subconsciously raised her hand to block the punch.

A soreness came from her arm, but the wooden fist was indeed blocked by her.

This lifted Shen Ziyue’s spirits, and she felt that there was a good chance that she would be able to break through the Martial Wood Hall.

Initially, only one or two punches, or a few kicks, were thrown at Shen Ziyue. As Shen Ziyue entered deeper, more and more punches and kicks were thrown at Shen Ziyue.

Luckily, Shen Ziyue was now completely used to the wooden man’s punches and kicks in here, and was able to block them accurately every time.

Although sometimes, she could not avoid receiving a few blows. But with her light and nimble movements, Shen Ziyue managed to keep herself from being swept out of the pa*sage.

In the first half of the pa*sage, Shen Ziyu could still fight back or block with her legs, but at the back, she could only barely dodge.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t block, but that she no longer had the strength.

After taking dozens of blows in a row, Shen Ziyu felt like her bones were about to be shattered when her eyes lit up and the wooden man’s fists and feet that were blasting at her suddenly disappeared.

Shen Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief, it looked like she had walked out of the Martial Wood Hall. She just didn’t know if this could be considered a pa*s for her. She had come out all by taking a beating, as long as this Martial Wood Hall was just a little bit longer, she would no longer be able to withstand it and would be swept out of the pa*sage.

“Candidate Shen Ziyu has pa*sed the Martial Wood Hall Primary Test.” When the testing teacher at the exit reported that Shen Ziyue had pa*sed, Shen Ziyue clenched her fist in excitement.

Having succeeded, she was about to set foot on the Fairy Star. From now on, her fate would be completely in her own hands. Whether or not she could live past the age of thirty-six ……

Shen Ziyu had just thought of this when she heard a voice say once again, “Please ask candidate Shen Ziyu to enter the next level of the test, the health test.”

Shen Ziyu’s heart sank, there was really a health test. Not only was there a health test, but it had come so quickly.

Don’t look at the fact that Rong Tao had given her an elixir, in fact she didn’t believe that Rong Tao’s one elixir could cure her heart. Even if it could cure it, it shouldn’t be so fast. She was just unwilling to let go of any chance of entering the Fairy Star, that was all.

Whether willing or not, she still had to go in for the health test.

As soon as Shen Ziyue entered the room for the health test, she saw a familiar doctor, Zhao Yuzhe, the president of Yanjing University of Chinese Medicine. Apart from Zhao Yuzhe, there was a man and a woman she did not know.

He knew Shen Ziyue, he had seen her for a while. Shen Ziyu’s disease is heart asphyxia, and so far there is no definite cure for this disease.

Since Shen Ziyu’s illness could not be cured, how could he possibly appear here?

“Uncle Zhao.” Shen Ziyue hurriedly bowed and gave a salute to Zhao Yuzhe.

Zhao Zhiyu hurriedly said, “Ziyue, how did you come here?”

“I broke through the Martial Wood Hall, ah.” Shen Ziyu replied.

“That’s impossible, I know your condition, how can you cultivate martial arts? You will immediately suffocate as soon as you cultivate martial arts in this condition, how can you be able to break through the Martial Wood Hall?” Zhao Zhiyu said in complete disbelief.

He had personally seen Shen Ziyu’s illness, and this kind of heart asphyxia simply could not be cultivated, especially with strenuous exercise. Entering the Martial Academy to cultivate martial arts would be more than just strenuous exercise, and with Shen Ziyu’s heart, it would definitely not be able to load up.

“Uncle Zhao, when I’m not sick, I’m the same as a normal person.” Shen Ziyu hurriedly explained.

Zhao Zhiyu shook his head, “That’s because you haven’t experienced this kind of strenuous exercise before, especially learning martial arts. It’s too troublesome to explain this stuff, and regarding your problem, I’ve specifically looked up medical texts from all over the world. I’m sure I wouldn’t be wrong in judging that you can’t do strenuous exercise, just ……”

Later in the sentence Zhao Zhiyu was also a bit confused, since Shen Ziyu could not exercise strenuously, then surely she could not cultivate martial arts, ah? Why would she pa*s the Martial Wood Hall?

“You should come and test it first.” Zhao Zhiyu could only let Shen Ziyue go to the test, even if he tested here and Shen Ziyue couldn’t pa*s, he couldn’t help Shen Ziyue pa*s.

The tests here were supposed to check the physical quality and the health of the major organs, and each of them was extremely fast.

In just under half an hour, the test results came out.

Zhao Zhiyu held the test results, his mouth half open in disbelief for a long time. He had personally seen Shen Ziyu’s illness and there was absolutely no mistake, but now the test results were as healthy as could be.

“No wonder you can cultivate martial arts, so you have completely recovered from your illness? Can you tell me how you got well? Who helped you get cured?” Zhao Zhiyu looked at Shen Ziyu in amazement.

Was the illness really cured? Shen Ziyu clenched her fist in excitement, even if she was more open-minded, the matter of her heart being sick was still a shadow on her mind.

She had been reluctant to go for a check-up, just because she was unwilling to face it again.

At this moment, she had actually gotten better? That’s right, it was Rongtao, it was Rongtao who had saved her once.

“Thank you, Brother Rongtao.” Shen Ziyu mumbled before she said to Zhao Zhiyu, “Uncle Zhao, it was big brother Rongtao, he gave me an elixir to take before I entered the Martial Wood Hall, saying that the elixir could cure my heart disease. I was a bit skeptical before, but I didn’t think it would really be good for my illness ……”

Amongst the words Shen Ziyu still hadn’t calmed down from her great surprise, there was only one voice in her heart, she didn’t have to pull her finger to count the days she had left to live every day.

For many years, what she had longed for had been achieved so easily. Was this a surprise from the gods? This was the biggest turning point in her life.

Zhao Zhiyu, however, frowned, then shook his head and said, “This is absolutely impossible ……”

“No, Brother Rong Tao’s elixir was obtained from the auction, and I heard that it was successfully refined from the medicinal herbs of the Fairy Star.” Shen Ziyu’s gratitude to Rong Tao was from the bottom of her heart at this moment, Rong Tao had not only saved her life, but also gave her the qualification to pursue her dreams like ordinary people.

Zhao Zhiyu sighed and said, “I’m not doubting the efficacy of that elixir, I’m saying that according to my research, before you get well, it’s reasonable to say that you can’t cultivate martial arts ah? But how do you ……”

Speaking of this Zhao Zhiyu stopped as another student came in from outside who had pa*sed the Martial Wood Hall and was going to have a physical test.