No Matter What Chapter 966

Di Jiu tenderly took Cao Xie’s hand, and after Cao Xie sat down on the stone chair, he took out a necklace woven with reflective red and gently hung it around Cao Xie’s neck, “Senior sister, we don’t have a red silk scarf, so we’ll use this for you, I’m sorry for you.”

Cao Xi looked at Di Jiu in a daze, and suddenly reached out and pulled Di Jiu to sit on the opposite side of the stone table. The faint light from the alcohol stove reflected on their faces, but at this moment Cao Xi felt that she was the happiest person.

Di Jiu opened her mouth to say something, but Cao Xi held out her hand to stop Di Jiu’s words. She liked this quiet feeling, this moment was like an eternity, she wanted to remember this moment deep in her heart and never forget it.

Di Jiu also looked at Cao Xie in a daze, under the light Cao Xie was getting more and more beautiful, he felt like he was dreaming. After coming to Jinhai from a small mountain village, he actually got married in the Tianhuang District …… Perhaps in the underworld, his righteous father was blessing him.

When that light was getting softer and softer, Cao Xie finally opened his mouth and said softly intoning, “A machine, weaving shuttle light goes like flying. The night in the orchid room is sleepless. The weaving of the spring hatred is left to wait for the return of the boy.

Two looms, the moon is bright and the people are quiet. A thousand threads are tied together. I’ll send it to you.

In the centre of the third machine, there is a flower, red and green in spring. You need to fold it early, one branch is so bright that it will not pa*s the time. ……”

When she spoke of the three machines, Cao Xie suddenly burst into tears, an additional mark suddenly appeared in her mind, and something vague gradually became clear. At this moment, she knew clearly that she had only three years to live, and that in three years’ time, she would completely disappear from this world. She was able to come here not because of anything else, but because of the piece of jade on her chest, because of Di Jiu …… in front of her

Without that jade, she could not have come to this world, she could not have seen Di Jiu …… She had a vague notion that she had come here because of this jade, but also because of an obsession she had in her previous life, as if she owed Di Jiu something, and even before she left she knew that Di Jiu was bound to appear here… …

Cao Xi looked at Di Jiu in a daze, how could three years be enough time? She wanted to be with Di Jiu for a hundred years, for eternity, for life and death together.

Di Jiu didn’t even notice that Cao Xie was in tears, as suddenly as Cao Xie spoke of the two machines, countless more memories popped up in his mind. Di Jiu’s hands were trembling with excitement, and he was sure that things he hadn’t been able to think of were starting to appear in his memory ……

“A machine, weaving shuttle years go like flying! Life is like sending, no twilight in sight.

Two looms, weaving life and death, looking back, drawing my bow and looking north to shoot the wolf in the sky!

Three machines ……”

Boom! Di Jiu’s memory stopped as endless heaven and earth Yuan Qi swept over, forming a vague vortex around Di Jiu at this moment.

Cao Xie’s eyes were not yet dry from tears, and she looked at Di Jiu in a daze. She vaguely felt that Di Jiu was cultivating, but Di Jiu’s cultivation was completely beyond the scope of her perception. As far as she understood, there was no one who cultivated like Di Jiu ah.

However, Cao Xi had been in the Heavenly Desolate Area all year round and vaguely felt that she could not disturb Di Jiu at this time.

The ferocious beasts in the Heavenly Desolate Area were also stunned by this amazing aura of Di Jiu’s. It was a good thing that the ferocious beasts all had an innate sensitivity and vaguely felt that this kind of aura was definitely a more powerful ferocious beast that was advancing, and that once such a place was approached, it would definitely be killed.

When the first strand of divine thoughts formed in Di Jiu’s sea of consciousness, Di Jiu’s sea of consciousness also naturally formed a vague outline.

The moment the true essence within his body coalesced, the injuries on Di Jiu’s body had rapidly recovered. As Di Jiu’s sea of consciousness became clearer and clearer, his divine thoughts were also growing stronger and stronger.

“Roar!” A hiss of a ferocious beast came from the distance and Di Jiu suddenly woke up with a start, he opened his eyes only to find that Cao Xi had already removed the necklace of flowers from his chest long ago and even grabbed his bamboo knife and looked nervously at the crumbling door.

“Senior sister, what’s wrong?” Di Jiu hurriedly came to Cao Xi’s side.

Seeing Di Jiu awake, Cao Xi excitedly grabbed Di Jiu’s hand, “Were you cultivating before?”

“Well, the way to cultivate automatically appeared in my mind, I think I’m already considered a strong person.” Di Jiu was sure at this moment that he was cultivating, it was just that his way of cultivation was not quite the same as the legend.

“You sat like this for two days and two nights, the ferocious beasts were running far away before, and when you didn’t wake up for a few days, those ferocious beasts seemed to think that there was no danger either, so they started to approach our side.” Cao Xie hurriedly said.

It’s been two days? Di Jiu was stunned, and then his mouth opened wide in shock.

Cao Xie grabbed Di Jiu’s arm, “Ah Jiu, what’s wrong?”

Di Jiu took a slow breath before saying, “Senior sister, how can I see miles away at will? Even through many barriers ……”

Di Jiu was indeed stunned, he seemed to be able to feel scenes several miles away at will at this moment. No, I shouldn’t say felt, but could clearly see the scene several miles away.

He saw several one-horned cheetahs, as well as a pack of sharp-toothed wolves, a lion pack, and even two huge pythons all coming this way.

Di Jiu even had an absurd feeling that he could easily fly.

Thinking subconsciously, he followed and gathered his true essence, and with his divine thoughts surrounding him, Di Jiu was shocked to find that his feet left the ground.

“Ah Jiu, you ……” Cao Xie was also staring at Di Jiu with wide eyes, she was completely stunned by Di Jiu’s movement.

Di Jiu landed on the ground and calmed down instead, he reached out and wrapped his arms around Cao Xie, “Senior sister, those thoughts I had really weren’t fake. I thought countless times that I could fly and that I should live beyond that vast starry sky, and today I finally did. I think it should have something to do with my cultivation, senior sister, I will teach you to cultivate ……”

Di Jiu’s words stalled as he realized that he didn’t know how he should teach Cao Xi, as he only cultivated based on his intention and didn’t know the exact way at all.

Cao Xi also calmed down as she smiled faintly, “Ah Jiu, I believe in your words. I often have this feeling too, but I ……”

Cao Xi finally did not say what was inexplicably in her head, she seemed to have come here just for Di Jiu.

“Senior sister, this place is very nice, I plan to stay here for the rest of my stay. I’ll come back when I go out and drive those sharp-toothed wolves away.” Di Jiu took the bamboo knife from Cao Xie’s hand.

Cao Xie looked at Di Jiu softly, there was an inexplicable trust in her heart, she believed that Di Jiu could do it, even do it well, “Go ahead, I’ll wait for you here. I’ll live here with you for three years, and maybe we’ll have a lovely child in three years.”

“Good.” Di Jiu laughed, “In three years we will leave the Heavenly Desolate District, I will see who dares to do anything to me Di Jiu?”

After saying that, Di Jiu patted Cao Xie’s back, grabbed his bamboo knife and stepped out of the wooden house.

The first ones to pounce on him were two cheetahs, and Di Jiu didn’t even move as the bamboo knife in his hand curled up with a blade. The two cheetahs that were still in the air seemed to have suddenly lost their traction, and when they were halfway through their lunge, they fell out of the air, and when they landed on the ground, they were already reduced to four pieces.

The sharp-toothed wolves behind them were obviously more astute than the cheetahs, and when they saw that Di Jiu had killed two cheetahs with a single slash without even moving his body, the sharp-toothed wolves subconsciously stopped in their tracks. One of the sharp-toothed wolves finally recognised Di Jiu, hissed and turned around to flee. The rest of the sharp-toothed wolves followed Di Jiu and turned to flee.

When Di Jiu’s divine thoughts stretched out again, the rest of the lions, pythons and those other ferocious beasts, all quickly retreated.

Di Jiu didn’t chase after them. To him, these beasts were just existences that he could kill, so there was no point in chasing after them.

The most important thing he faced now was to sort out all those things in his mind, the best way to understand why he was different from the others.

Looking back at the wooden hut in the distance, the murderous aura in Di Jiu’s eyes quickly turned to softness as he quickly walked back.