The Policewoman Chapter 354

“Ah, what are you doing? Help! Help!” Song Linna screamed in shock, but in such a place, her screams would not be heard at all.

Zhou Peng stuck his hand around Song Lina’s neck and said, “Don’t make another sound, one more sound and I’ll waste you!”

Song Lina was a smart person and knew that her shouting was useless, so she immediately stopped shouting.

As Zhou Peng watched, he started to use his hands to pick up Song Linna’s blouse. Song Linna was biting her lips tightly, tears of humiliation running down her cheeks to the corners of her mouth.

Zhou Peng grabbed the collar of the blouse and mentioned it upwards, and Song Lina’s clothes lifted up a large section, revealing her white belly, and with a further effort, the blouse fell off Song Lina’s head.

“Ah!” Song Lina couldn’t help but scream out again, but immediately shut her lips tightly again and reached out her hands, instinctively covering her body.

“Get your hands out of the way!” Zhou Peng roared low.

“No, no …… what are you doing ……,” Song Lina didn’t do what he wanted, but shot an angry and resentful gaze at Zhou Peng, ” Cousin, you can’t do this ……”

Zhou Peng gave Song Lina a look, remembering that Lin Kai had led people to arrest him and spent all day in fear and living in hiding, he harbored a fire in his heart.

So he was ready to take out all his resentment on his cousin Song Linna, which would be the best way for Zhou Peng to take revenge.

“Don’t move, be honest!” Zhou Peng shouted angrily, his fierce gaze showing as he grabbed Song Lina’s hair with his left hand and yanked it backwards.

Song Lina’s head tilted up, and then raised his right hand to shine right and left at Song Lina’s face.

A smack!

A crisp sound rang out.

After Zhou Peng slapped Song Linna’s face twice, clear fingerprints were left on Song Linna’s white cheeks, and she felt her eyes were filled with gold stars, dazed, as if she was about to faint.

“No, don’t, you can’t do this ……” came out of Song Lina’s mouth in a soft pleading voice.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.

The door to the room was kicked open from the outside.

“Stop it!”

A man’s angry roar came from the doorway of the room.

As soon as Zhou Peng turned around, a black shadow scurried to him like lightning, a strong hand clasped his neck and lifted his body high into the air.

“Zhou Peng, I warned you a long time ago not to be rough with Ms Song, but you just didn’t listen, so it seems that I have to teach you a good lesson!” The ghost shadow’s voice sounded as if it was coming out from the cracks of the earth, very eerie and frightening.

“Old …… boss, yes …… sorry, I …… I was wrong …… ” Zhou Peng struggled while pleading with the ghost shadow.

The ghost shadow threw him to the ground as if he was a chicken.


There was a muffled sound.

Zhou Peng’s body landed heavily on the ground, and then struggled to get up from the ground, looking at Ghost Shadow with a bewildered expression.

“What are you looking at me for, hurry up and apologise to Ms Song!” The ghostly shadow said in a commanding tone.

“Cousin, I’m sorry, please forgive my recklessness, I solemnly apologise to you!” Zhou Peng said as he apologised to Song Linna, who had become red-faced and panicked after he had slapped her twice across the face.

“Get lost!” Ghost Shadow bellowed angrily, “Get out and don’t come back in to hara*s Ms. Song!”

Zhou Peng dared not retort and turned to leave the room.

This was the small courtyard at the back of Wolong, also a stronghold of the Black Dragon Gang, and last time, it was this courtyard that the bald man, Black Dragon, and the others had kidnapped Song Lina to.

After Lin Kai and the others rescued Song Linna, this stronghold was destroyed by the local garrison and police, so it had been uninhabited for quite some time.

Ghost Shadow and Zhou Peng had kidnapped Song Linna here, something that no one could have expected, and as this place was relatively remote, people would not normally come here and it would not be easy to be discovered.

This time, after kidnapping Song Lina from the office building of the Mingyuan Group of Companies, it was only with the help of the men sent by Big Head, the bodyguard under Zhao Wenlong, that Ghost Shadow and Zhou Peng brought Song Lina to this place by rolling around.

They mainly wanted to use Song Lina as bait to get Lin Kai to take the bait. If Song Lina was hurt or even raped by Zhou Peng, in case she bit her tongue, it would not serve the purpose of luring Lin Kai here to kill her.

This was something that Ghost Shadow did not want to see; he wanted to kill Lin Kai himself to avenge his own death.

Therefore, he had to treat Song Lina well, not to let any harm come to her.

On the way to this place, when he abandoned the van and took the Audi instead, Ghost Shadow had already told Zhou Peng about this powerful relationship and warned him not to get rough with Song Linna.

Unexpectedly, this guy had taken his words for granted and actually broke their agreement, which made Ghost Shadow feel very annoyed, and that’s why he made his move on Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng then realised that Song Lina was his cousin, and knowing that he was in the wrong, he certainly did not dare to resist, and even if he did, he was no match for Ghost Shadow.

He knew how brutal Ghost Shadow was, and if anyone dared to go against his wishes or P*ss him off, he would do anything, and it was possible that he would kill himself.

After Zhou Peng fell off the cliff last time, he survived with great difficulty. If he died at the hands of Ghost Shadow, it would be too bad, and he had no choice but to leave.

After Zhou Peng left the room, the Ghost Shadow said falsely, “Miss Song, it didn’t hurt you, did it?”

When Song Lina saw the ghostly figure coming towards her, she took a few steps back, stuck to the wall and looked straight at the man in front of her, dressed in a long robe, with matted hair and dirty, unkempt hair, and asked.

“Who are you people and why did you bring me here? What kind of place is this?”

“Miss Song, you don’t care what kind of person I am or what kind of place this is, but please feel free to rest a*sured that from now on, no one will harm you, you just have to listen to us and agree to cooperate with us, and I will guarantee your safety.” The ghostly figure said with a straight face.

“I have somehow been brought here by you, what do you want me to listen to you and cooperate with you?” Sungina asked in a stern voice.

“Here’s the thing,” Ghost Shadow said after a moment’s thought, “I want to spar with Mr. Lin Kai in martial arts, all you have to do is call and have him come here alone, and it’s none of your business.”

Song Lina replied, “I don’t know where my mobile phone is either, how can I contact him?”

“Please don’t worry Miss Song, we will keep your mobile phone for you for the time being, and I will let you get in touch with him when needed.” Ghost Shadow said with a smile on his face.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t help you in this matter.” Sungina said in a cold voice.

“Why?” Ghost Shadow asked curiously.

Song Lina explained, “Lin Kai and I are just acquaintances, nothing more, let alone friends, and he won’t listen to me.”

“You’re wrong,” said Ghost Shadow, shaking his head, “From what I understand, your relationship has gone beyond that between an ordinary man and woman, and he won’t stand by while you fall into our hands …… “