Wealthy Chapter 1

My name is Chao Zhang, I am 23 years old and I work in an advertising agency.

I didn’t go to university and went into the army after graduating from high school, I couldn’t help it, my family was too poor.

When I was seven years old, my dad was drink driving and he, who never drank, got drunk with my aunt. On the way back, he ran into a big truck that ran a red light. The truck swerved and overturned while dodging, and the tens of tons of steel it was pulling slid off, smashing the small Volkswagen car into a sheet of iron. My parents, even my aunt three, are ……

From then on, my aunt became my guardian.

I never wore a new dress again, all I wore were my cousin’s old clothes. I was taller than him and my clothes all looked like they had shrunken, my ankles were exposed to the wind in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and in winter even my knees were covered in frostbite.

My parents were in business and left me a lot of money, but I was too young to understand anything at that time, and over the years it had been transferred almost to my aunt, leaving only a villa still in my name, which she could not sell, so she took the family to live in it.

My aunt hated me so much that she beat me twice in three days. On my tenth birthday, she got drunk and grabbed my head and pushed it down the toilet. I almost drowned in the toilet by her, and I still can’t forget the fear of feeling near death.

Later my cousin – my aunt’s son – made up a story about it and it spread all over the school, saying that I was drinking from the toilet at home and that I had a brain problem. Everyone at school said behind my back that I was psychotic and had a brain problem, no one wanted to talk to me, and I didn’t have a single friend until I graduated from high school.

After high school, there was a girl in my cla*s called Lin Fang, who was particularly pretty, with watery eyes and a very thin waist.

I often peeped at her in cla*s, dreamed about her at night, and thought about her when I was dazed.

But I only dared to secretly crush her in my mind, I was quite innocent at that time, I had no evil thoughts about her at all, she was the goddess of my heart, I didn’t even dare to think about anything else.

Then one night, Lin Fang and I happened to be on the same bus and there weren’t many people on the bus.

I was scared at the time, and I don’t know where I got the courage to rush up and push the two hooligans away, and then take Lin Fang’s hand and turn around and run when the bus arrived.

I don’t know how far I ran, but I couldn’t breathe until I stopped, and when I turned around I saw Lin Fang staring at me with a red face.

She hurriedly twisted my hand away, “Let go.”

I hurriedly loosened her wrist and Lin Fang rubbed her wrist and stepped back.

“It’s so late, let me take you home.”

“No need, I’ll go home by myself. You, you don’t follow me …… Also, you’re not allowed to tell anyone about today.”

She finished and turned her head and ran away, as if I was more terrible than the two hooligans, and it was more humiliating to have said a word to me than to have been bullied by two hooligans, without even saying a word of thanks to me.

A few days later, I was blocked by a group of boys when I was going to the toilet between cla*ses, and the group beat me up without saying a word. At that time, I was too skinny and short to be a match for them, so I could only protect my head and let the punches rain down on me.

After they had beaten me for a while, they grabbed me by the hair and made me stand up. I was in a daze before my eyes when I heard one of them say, “I heard that you like to drink urine, so I’ll let you drink enough today.” After saying that, they pressed my head into the urinal.

I was scared out of my mind. If I was pressed to drink urine in front of so many people, how could I still be a human being? Everywhere I went in the future, people would laugh at me and I would never be able to clear my name for the rest of my life!

“Liu Hu, I, I have not offended, we are cla*smates, why are you beating me? “I begged the man who grabbed my hair.”

“You didn’t offend me, it was my big F**king brother you offended. You don’t know who Lin Fang has her eye on? And you dare to pester her? Pestering her to take her home at night? Don’t deny it, someone saw it all!”

“I didn’t, she was being pestered by hooligans and I was trying to save her, ask her if you don’t believe me.”

“Oh, I asked her, Lin Fang was kind, she was afraid you would get beaten up and said she hadn’t seen you at all. You’re shameless, not only are you thick-skinned, you’re lying too! Give me a drink of urine you! ”

“I… I didn’t! ”

I fought back desperately, although I couldn’t beat him, but when one is in a desperate situation, one can be stronger than one can imagine, and the five men couldn’t hold me down, so they had to beat me up again.

I was later rescued by people from the political education office. I had two broken ribs and a high fever for three days. My aunt refused to pay the medical bills and left me to fend for myself in the hospital, or the kind-hearted doctor could not bear it and chased me to my aunt’s house to scold her repeatedly for a few days before she would give me money for medical treatment.

The first thing I want to do is to ask Lin Fang why she is doing this. I saved her and she did this to me.

After I recovered from my injuries, I didn’t go back to school.

The school teacher came to me several times and told me to go back to school, saying that it was a pity that a top ten student like me didn’t study, and that if I didn’t study, I wouldn’t be able to find a way out, but I really didn’t want to go back to that place, not knowing what was waiting for me there. During that time, I often didn’t say a word for days and everything I looked at felt grey. When I think about it later, it was like hell at that time.

When I turned 18 exactly after I recovered from my injuries, my aunt said she no longer had custody of me and kicked me out of the house. It was my villa and she should be the one to leave! But I was too weak to fight her.

I joined the army because there was a draft. One was to strengthen my body so that no one could bully me in the future, and the second was to have a meal and a bed to sleep in, far away from my aunt.

Life in the army was very simple and regular, and the company leaders and comrades were all very nice, so I gradually became more open-minded, more cheerful and less boring than before.

In my second year in the army, the company commander suddenly approached me and said that someone wanted to see me. This person was my parents’ lawyer and their most trusted friend, Han Kun.

Han Kun told me that my father was the president of the Tong City Chamber of Commerce when he was alive, and that he had eight companies and twelve nightclubs under his name, as well as large and small properties and real estate, and bond funds, which had been represented by the Property Management a*sociation after my father’s death, and that according to the will, I would inherit them all when I became an adult at the age of eighteen. He was supposed to come to me last year, but he was delayed for a year and this time he came to me to inherit the estate.

“Sign it, young man, it makes you the richest man in the city a year late, so bear with me. “