Wealthy Chapter 466

In the nick of time, I stomped on his heel and at the same time there was a thud in my ear, followed by blood all over my body and a huge fishy smell that almost made me vomit.

But the blood wasn’t mine, the stranglehold was loosened and the man’s head was blown half off and he was dead as a doornail, but his body hadn’t recovered and he was standing straight.

It took a few seconds before the body came down with a thud, brains and blood flowing all over the floor.

I whispered a compliment to the fox, “Well done.”

The Vietnamese man with the gun was already stunned, this vast river, the wind so fierce, the darkness all around, where the hell did this bullet come from?

I could tell by the way he was holding the gun that this man was not familiar with guns, so he could not have imagined how strong our sniper was.

But it was their own doing, in order to kill He Bi, their speedboat had driven into sniper range.

Originally I was just overlapping with the hanyou, and the fox warned me that I was blocking his gun, so I deliberately moved to the side, and the moment the cargo boat drove over, the light illuminated the hanyou’s position and the fox’s gun went off at the same time.

In fact, he was already a dead man when he appeared in the Fox’s sights.

“Put the gun down, you can’t get away, there are all our men nearby.” I said in Vietnamese.

“Let me go or I’ll shoot.”

“You’re out to make a living, you can’t even live, what’s the point of making a living. You kill me and immediately my teammate will send you a hot bullet, how about that, we’ll be companions on our way to the Yellow Springs.”

“You, don’t scare me!” He said menacingly.

I sneered, I didn’t know where the gun trafficking syndicate had hired such a living treasure, he was barely able to stand on his feet, far worse than Chun Tang.

“You’re scared to death too.” He said.

“Oh, what did I used to do? I’m a retired special forces soldier, anyone could be afraid of death, but not me.”

He looked around, not believing my words, but not daring to disbelieve them, and just fought me to a standstill.

I was still worried about the hospital. The gang had turned the tiger away from the mountain, and the target was not He Bi, who was just a target they wanted to get rid of in pa*sing.

Their main target was Arashi in the hospital. Strange, what was so special about Arashi, he was just a hit man for the crime company.

The river breeze blew me up into patience and I whispered, “Help him wake up.”

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, a bullet pierced the front of the Vietnamese man’s down jacket and grazed his body, the down in the jacket popped everywhere, if the bullet had missed him by a few centimetres, it would have hit him and he wouldn’t have dared to move a step.

I went up and grabbed the gun out of his hand. I’ve seen what kind of fierce people Snow Leopard has seen, and this guy was a rookie.

I told him to drive the boat closer to the shore, and then I informed Xia Gehuai to collect the corpse and file the case.

I said no, it happened on the river anyway, and the crime syndicate is not blind, so they must have known what was going on.

“But that Vietnamese guy you help me interrogate well, see if you can get anything out of him.”

He Bi, wrapped in a blanket, the wound on his shoulder still oozing blood, saw me walking past and stood up to block my path, “Where’s Jiang Yang?”

“They didn’t mention it.” I lamented, “But don’t worry, I’ll find Jiang Yang.”

He Bei, chagrined, sat down in dismay, his face ashen, clutching his hair and making grunts of pain.

“I’m the one who caused Jiang Yang.” He Bi’s voice sounded like it was squeezing out of his throat as he sobbed in a small voice.

I let out a long sigh and patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t think like that, we haven’t found Jiang Yang yet, he’ll be fine.”

“You don’t know those heartless guys, they didn’t manage to kill me this time, they’ll be pissed off and take it out on Jiang Yang. I’ve caused her harm, I deserve to die.”

Now there was no whereabouts at the hospital, and I couldn’t tell him that the crime syndicate was actually not after him this time either, but after Arashi.

But there was something else Jiang Yang hadn’t told me, something about which latest shipment of weapons, and the fact that he was keeping something so important from me made it impossible for me to trust him as much as I used to.

I had no intention of asking He Bi directly. This guy has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, so I might not be able to get the real answer by asking him directly, so I might as well let Meng Meng find out for me.

“I’ll get Snow Leopard’s men to look for Jiang Yang right away, and the police will do the same.”

That was all I could do to rea*sure He Bi, but with my experience, the chances of finding Jiang Yang were very low.

Today they had come to kill He Bi and had no intention of releasing the hostages, so they hadn’t even brought Jiang Yang on board.

If He Bi was dead, then they would definitely kill Jiang Yang tonight. There was no way this crime syndicate would raise a small child, but if He Bi was not dead, they would definitely go back and kill Jiang Yang anyway.

“Zhang Chao, you must find Jiang Yang! If you save Jiang Yang, I, I ……” He Bi covered his face, “I have something incredibly important to tell you.”

I thought he was going to say something about that new batch of guns, but He Bi said at this time, “I know you tapped my phone, but it’s not the new batch of guns I told them about, I know far more than they think I do. As soon as Jiang Yang is safe, I’ll take you to their boss.”

I was suspicious that Ho Bee had donkeyed me, but he didn’t have to, and no matter what, I would definitely go and save Jiang Yang. But no matter what happened to Jiang Yang, since he said so, I was definitely going to pry his mouth open too.

There was no need for He Bi to make up such a poor excuse at all.

The moonlight bow had just finished taking a statement with Xia Gehuai at this time, and his attitude towards Xia Gehuai was much better than towards Zhao Zichen, as he walked towards He Bi and me.

He was still bleeding from his shoulder, and he was still a bit scared when he looked at Yue Man Gong.

I said to He Bi, “I’ve sent a whole snow leopard brigade to find Jiang Yang …… and so on.”

As soon as these words were said, my mind buzzed with a very bad feeling.

I immediately turned my head, got on the phone, found a corner where not many people could hear me, and called Meng Meng.

“Meng Meng, check what’s going on there at the hospital?”

“It’s still the same as just now, pitch black. Aigoo Captain, I find that watching surveillance of a hospital without electricity at night is even stranger than watching a ghost movie.”

I sucked in a breath of cold air and asked, “How long has this been out, and no one is responsible for the hospital being without power for so long now?”

“It’s been half an hour. Captain, I feel something is very wrong, should our men go over there first? In case Arashi is done for ……”

“No, just keep an eye on it. This is a time to transfer a tiger from a mountain, and a time to transfer multiple tigers from a mountain. First they took Jiang Yang, transferred my Snow Leopard men so they could sneak into the hospital and kill Arashi, and now their men have let us kill them back, but Jiang Yang is still in their hands. They are really scheming. You don’t move, they want to kill Arashi, let them go, let’s see if they kill Arashi or if they lose to me. I’m not happy if they don’t go.”

I smiled and said, “If these people don’t go, won’t my carefully laid trap be left vacant?