Wealthy Chapter 525

Needless to say, Snow Leopard, Meng Meng and I are in constant contact and are the first to know, and would never step into a trap by mistake. Zhao Zichen is well informed, and there are his Red Lantern Society brothers everywhere, so he must have been informed by this time as well.

Even if Zhao Zichen was a step behind, if he really wanted to come here to save me, he would have contacted Meng Meng first, and so would Moon Man Bow.

The only people who could be considered my allies were Snow Leopard, Zhao Zichen, Moon Bow and Han Kun, none of whom could have fallen for it, so who could it be?

But the only enemies I have are Liu Rong, Jiang Ming and Chen Yu Zhou, so these people are also ruled out.

She hurried me to the top of the corridor. There was a large terrace outside this floor, and I pushed open the gla*s door and walked out to this large terrace.

There were a few rattan chairs and a coffee table on the terrace, which looked like it was for the petty staff to drink coffee.

It had just snowed two days ago and the snow had not yet disappeared. The terrace had not been visited recently and there was not a single footprint on a whole flurry of snow.

The lady killer’s knife was on my neck, urging Han Kun and me to move outside. I stepped out in a series of footprints and walked near the table in the middle, wondering what she was up to.

“Who told you to stop? Keep walking! Walk to the edge and stand up.”

I said, “Are you trying to force us to jump?”

“Oh, you’re scared?”

Nonsense, of course I was scared, jumping would kill me, I wasn’t a primary school boy with nothing to compete with my guts.

I used my two arms to hold the rope open a bit and gave a wink to Han Kun to cover me while we both held the woman down.

There were no more snipers here anyway, and I wasn’t afraid of her.

Han Kun’s face didn’t move, but I knew he understood what I meant. He deliberately stumbled forward as if his feet had slipped and not stood still, and carelessly lunged towards the female a*sa*sin’s body.

Without hurrying, the lady killer took out my gun and put it against Han Kun’s stomach, laughing: “I advise you two not to play games and stand up honestly so that you can still have a whole body. Zhang Chao, you don’t want to see me disembowel Han Kun, do you?”

sh*t, I was fine with the gun against me, but with Han Kun, I was a bit scared.

Han Kun was good, but he had no professional training and might not know how to counteract firearms.

The corners of the female a*sa*sin’s mouth twitched and her otherwise pretty face got twisted: “Zhang Chao, get up there! I’ll leave one hostage for you two, go up immediately or I’ll kill Han Kun.”

Holy sh*t, I was really afraid that she would shoot if she got excited.

I held up my hands, “Okay, take it easy, I’ll go up.”

At the same time, Meng Meng said over my Bluetooth headset, “Captain, preparing for a breakthrough on the left outer wall, keep me posted on internal firepower.”

I stood at the very edge of the terrace and glanced down, fifteen stories high below, the cars downstairs were as small as matchboxes.

At the edge of the wall were two figures, clutching drainpipes and climbing rapidly upwards.

It was Minmin and Lao Yu.

The winter wind is bone-chillingly cold, especially on a high-rise terrace like this.

A gust of wind blew and I felt like I was about to be blown straight down. Minmin and Lao Yu were busy clinging to the wall like two geckos, the only difference being that they probably climbed faster than the geckos.

This is the snow leopard!

I hurriedly averted my eyes and pretended to be looking elsewhere to avoid being spotted by the lady killer.

But everything the lady killer did from start to finish felt strange and illogical to me.

If she wanted to kill me, she could have done it from the very beginning. If she wanted to use me as bait, why did she have to move me and Han Kun from the skyward net of a dozen sniper rifles to here?

If you want to use me as bait, why did you move me and Han Kun from the sniper net?

“Don’t tell me you’re going to jump.” I laughed, “I haven’t been so self-sacrificing. I’ll let you kill me, but if you want to force me to kill myself, there’s no way.”

She grabbed Han Kun’s neck and kicked him in the crook of the knee, bringing him to his knees, then pointed a gun at the back of his head from behind, the execution position.

“Do you really think I’m joking with you? I said I only want one hostage, think about it, either you die or Han Kun dies.”

She tapped Han Kun’s head with the muzzle of her gun and raised her chin. She was actually good looking, but this strutting look was disgusting.

I might not die if I jumped like this, but I was worried that even if I didn’t die, this woman wouldn’t let Han Kun go.

Damn it, I should have known better than to resist just now, maybe I could still earn a way out.

I dawdled, pretending that I was afraid to jump, but in fact I just wanted to give Minmin and Lao Yu some time.

This place was open enough for Meng Meng to tune in to the nearby cameras to monitor us from the terrace, but just now he turned his eyes away from me to see if there were any other snipers nearby.

After a quick look around the area, it was as I expected, there was no need for another group of snipers in the vicinity, it was illogical.

Monk said, “But Captain, there’s a man approaching you. He’s just gone into the building.”

“What? Who is it?”

Was someone else coming at this hour, could it really be their target?

Monk said, “It moved too fast, the light was bad, I didn’t see it.”

Meng Meng’s equipment was all the best, there was no question of not being able to see, it could only be because the person was too fast, but who could it be that was so fast that even Meng Meng Meng couldn’t see.

I was torn when I felt a touch on the neck of my foot and it was Lao Yu and Minmin coming up.

But at this time Han Kun was still under the control of the lady killer, not the best time, I needed to trick her over.

“Hey, you see I’m also a good looking guy, I’ve touched you too, at least I have a history with you, I can understand if you want to send me to my death, but at least push me down with your own hands, don’t look so rusty.”

She blushed profusely and swore at me, “You’re sick.”

“Yeah, come over here and push me if you dare, I won’t jump if you don’t push me, you’re a lady killer and you don’t even have the courage to kill someone with your own hands? Doesn’t look like you’re very good at it.”

Despite wondering why she was doing this, it was simple enough to subdue a woman by the three of us.

She was enraged by what I said, but she looked too apprehensive to come over and kept looking left and right.

Han Kun held his head in his hands, turned slightly to look at her, and laughed, “It looks like you don’t dare, so why don’t you kill me?”

“Heh, what kind of bravery are you two playing with me? Zhang Chao, do you really want me to shoot? I won’t hesitate, I only need to keep one of you two down.”

Holy sh*t, my heart was in my throat and I couldn’t show it yet.

But Han Kun said, “You shoot, I won’t live long with stomach cancer anyway, dying early or late is death.”

The lady killer was furious and said, “That’s what you said!”

She held the gun in both hands, aimed at Han Kun’s head, and without trying me again, her finger dug into the trigger.

“Wait!” I sucked in a breath of cold air; this woman was really planning to shoot.

“You either jump, or don’t bullsh*t me. You’ve got three seconds.”

Han Kun said, “You can’t threaten Zhang Chao, I’m the enemy who killed his parents, so shoot me.”

The female a*sa*sin sneered, “I’m afraid it’s not what you say, Zhang Chao can’t let you die, jump!”

sh*t, I put my heart in my mouth and whispered to Meng Meng, “Tear gas.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, her side started counting down, and Lao Yu and Minmin both threw two tear gas canisters, and in a flash a pungent liquid came out of their heads, while I heard a gunshot.

“Uncle Han!”

Lao Yu and I and already Minmin frantically chased after the female a*sa*sin who had turned to flee, Han Kun fell to the ground motionless, not knowing what was happening.