Wealthy Chapter 533

Old Mo, clutching his erhu, came out from behind the ruins, playing it and shaking his head in a very relaxed manner.

Old Mo is a master, but he is too wild like this. Perhaps he cannot see how terrifying Yue Zhengjun looks now and does not know that Yue Zhengjun could kill him at any moment.

When Yue Zhengjun saw Old Mo, his hand shook uncontrollably, incomparably surprised.

It was now that I immediately fired a second shot, which Yue Zhengjun dodged in his haste, surprisingly letting him dodge, the bullet grazing his body.

sh*t, it was over, I immediately put another bullet in, and when I pulled the trigger, I realised that there was no bullet left.

It is said that when one is unlucky, even when one drinks cold water, one’s teeth will be clogged.

Jiang Ming, Jiang Ming, why are you so stingy, can’t you give your own men two more bullets for their guns?

I was hoping that Yue Zhengjun wouldn’t notice, but he did at once.

He stiffened for a moment and turned around to come at me, but he didn’t.

After a second of this freeze, he turned his head and walked away.

I had thought he hadn’t really gone, that he might have gone off to do something else, but after two minutes, Cai Xiaobing and Meng Meng found me with their team, and Yue Zhengjun didn’t show up, so it looked like he had really gone.

“Captain, are you all right?” Meng Meng hurriedly had someone carry me onto a stretcher.

I said, “Don’t mind me yet, climb up there, Jiang Yunqing is up there, hurry up and save him, he’s badly injured.”

Meng Meng immediately told the paramedics to go around up there, Jiang Yunqing had only taken several stabs from Yue Zhengjun to save me, I hope he’s alright!

I told Meng Meng that there was also Old Yu and Minmin and Han Kun, they were all buried, they had to be rescued.

“Captain, we’ll definitely save them, you go to the hospital first, it’s useless for you to be here in a hurry!”

I really didn’t want to leave, but Cai Xiaobing pinned me down on the stretcher and told the men to pull me straight away.

“Wait a minute, I’ll get in.” As the ambulance door was about to close, a man suddenly shouted.

“Who are you?” The doctor asked curiously.

Old Mo pushed his way through the crowd and squeezed in, saying, “I’m his family, let me in.”

“Aren’t you making a mess? Get off. You’re still holding an erhu, and you’re selling your art to see an occasion.”

I was busy saying, “Doctor, he’s my grandfather, you let him follow me, I’m comfortable with him following me.”

The doctor said helplessly, “All right. You lie still, you’re badly injured now, this leg may be ruined.”

My main concern right now was Han Kun and Snow Leopard, I couldn’t think about anything else.

It was just as well that Old Mo was there, I had so much to ask him that if I didn’t let him distract me, I might go crazy.

The car was speeding towards the hospital, now that my guard was down, the feeling of blood loss was coming up, my brain was foggy, my eyes couldn’t focus, and I was lying in the ambulance, looking at anyone’s face with flowers.

Old Mo was sitting next to me and I vaguely remembered that Yue Zhengjun would finally let me go because Old Mo was there.

So, Lao Mo’s strength scares even Yue Zhengjun.

Old Mo said, “Don’t worry, with Old Man around, no one will dare to hunt you down.”

Old Mo followed me to the car, I think it was because he was afraid that Jiang Ming would have a follow-up chase. Jiang Ming is too crazy a person, he is a murderous demon!

I laughed bitterly, “So I thought so too, but Jiang Ming even dared to kill Jiang Yunqing.”

I definitely couldn’t forget Jiang Yunqing’s astonished expression when he heard that Jiang Ming was going to kill himself.

That was Jiang Ming’s own second uncle, and how many times Jiang Yunqing had saved Jiang Ming’s life! What do you mean by a white eyed wolf that can’t be fed, what do you mean by a farmer and a snake, that’s it!

Old Mo said calmly, “Don’t worry, with the old man here, neither the dragon nor the tiger in the jianghu will dare to come back tonight.”

I don’t know if Old Mo had underestimated Jiang Ming’s perversion or if he really had the strength, but now that I was injured like this, I couldn’t do anything else but believe his words.

I was soon wheeled into the operating theatre, the anaesthetic came up at once and it was Zhao Zichen himself who operated on me for safety.

Honestly, I already had a psychological shadow of wondering if Jiang Ming had kept a backhand in the operating room.

Even if he had, there was nothing I could do about it, I could only listen to God’s fate now.

When I woke up, it was already dusk and Chu Xiaoxiao was lying by my bedside with tear marks all over her face.

My thumb regained consciousness and scraped her face, and Chu Xiaoxiao awoke with a start, thrilled.

“You’re awake, great, I’ll call the doctor right away.”


“What’s wrong? Is something wrong? You want some water?”

I took her and held her to me, rubbing her smooth cheek, feeling happy after the robbery.

“Let me hold you for a while, it’s good you’re not dead, I almost thought I’d never see you again.”

I could feel her body trembling and her tears rolling down into my collar.

“You still know, huh? Do you know how worried I was about you! If you die, I’ll remarry right away, I’ll find a hundred handsome little men and change one a day, you definitely don’t want to die you know?”

I laughed and cried, and felt heartbroken when I saw her like this.

When I was a snow leopard, I was often killed in the field, so I didn’t feel anything. But now I’m different, I’m a person who has people to worry about, I’m no longer a loner, and Chu Xiaoxiao is right, I definitely can’t take such risks again.

“Ahem. sh*t, you picked up a life just to spill dog food to me?”

Hearing Zhao Zichen’s voice, I let go of Chu Xiaoxia, who instead kissed me with an indifferent face, then wrapped her arms around my neck and refused to let go.

She is naturally thick-skinned, the more embarrassed others are, the more good-natured she is.

Zhao Zichen conceded defeat, coughed dryly and sat down with his nose pinched.

“Let’s talk to you about your situation first, this leg of yours is kind of saved. But it takes a hundred days to injure the bone, you can’t move off the ground with this leg for at least three months.”

“I’m lucky to have saved my life, I didn’t think I’d be able to save this leg.” I let out a long sigh and asked, “Where are the others?”

“Let’s start with the good ones. Han Kun and your two team members are fine. There were two big trees that just happened to be in their way after they were smashed, so they only have some minor concussions, they’ll be fine in a few days.”

My heart clenched and I asked nervously, “Where’s Jiang Yunqing?”

Zhao Zichen’s voice also sank, “It wasn’t saved, he had lost too much blood by the time he arrived, and he was too old, we did our best ……”

It was Jiang Yunqing who saved me, he died trying to save me.

Chu Xiaoxiao gave me a worried look and asked, “Are you okay? Is everything okay?”

I shook my head, but couldn’t open my mouth to speak.

“Do you want to hear anything else?” Zhao Zichen asked, “You look a bit tired to me.”

I didn’t know what to say, my chest felt like I’d been punched in the face, I couldn’t tell you what it felt like.

“Wanted Moon Zhengjun.” I said.

“Why?” Zhao Zichen asked, somewhat taken aback.

I shook my head, “It was Yue Zhengjun who killed Jiang Yunqing, and it was all directed by Jiang Ming. The Moon Zhengjun is wanted nationwide.”

“This ……”

“Let me take a break, I’m tired.”

Zhao Zichen and Chu Xiaoxiao looked at each other, both of them couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me, but when they saw my head hanging listlessly, they had to nod and the two of them went out one after another.

I didn’t know why Jiang Yunqing had saved me, I was not related to him, but he had saved my life and I owed him that favour.

Why did he save me?

He indirectly killed my parents, but he also saved me.

My mind was a mess, a tangled mess, and I couldn’t make sense of it all