Creation Gate Chapter 1522

After killing Qin Moutian, Ning Cheng did not even have time to collect Qin Moutian’s trophies before he landed next to Yan Ji in one step and picked him up in his arms.

Yan Ji’s vitality and breath were all gone, and his Yuan Shen soul had long since dissipated. Ning Cheng’s heart was in mourning, Yan Ji had crossed into the third step and condensed his own world, once his Yuan Shen soul dissipated, it would be the same as his own world shattering, and he would no longer be able to save it in the same way as he had saved mythical Han Rui. Even if Yan Ji was reincarnated, he would no longer have the memories of his previous life.

Ning Cheng’s hand landed on Yan Ji’s chest, and before the killing aura that passed through Yan Ji’s chest had dissipated, Ning Cheng’s gaze immediately locked onto the person who had done it, none other than that Immeasurable Palace Master.

When he initially saw the Limitless Palace Master, Ning Cheng still had some good feelings towards her, but this woman had killed Yan Ji, would he be able to rest until he killed this woman.

“Master, the Second Master Mother is trapped by a few monks ……” Although Chasing Ox was loudmouthed and lazy and greedy, under this mad scramble to kill, it also somewhat regretted that it had not cultivated with care earlier, resulting in not being able to help much now.

There was no need to remind Chasing Ox, after Yan Ji’s fall, Ning Cheng had long since paid attention to the rest of them. Not only was it Luo Fei, but Ruo Lan and the others were also in a predicament.

Ning Cheng’s eyes saw that the Infinite Palace Master and Xing Xi were fighting, so he did not immediately go to the Infinite Palace Master as the Divine Spear of Creation rolled up and rushed towards the side of Ji Luofei and the others.

The fall of Yan Ji was already a grief in his heart, if there was another fall of Luo Fei and the others, what would happen even if he had fought for the Gate of Creation? At this moment, Ning Cheng’s mind was not on the Gate of Creation at all, he wanted to kill, and no one could stop the fierce killing intent in his heart at this moment.

“Brother …… Sister Man He was killed by this monk ……” Seeing Ning Cheng coming over, Ning Ruolan said weakly, tears faint. Her cultivation level was lower, and if not for the protection of Chu Manhe and the others, she would have fallen long ago.

“Ah …….” Ning Cheng let out a long whistle, in his heart he incomparably regretted that he had just forgotten about the people around him in order to fight for the Gate of Creation.

At this moment, his Godly Spear of Creation transformed into endless waves of spears that tore through layer after layer of emptiness, rolling towards all the forces that attacked Ji Luofei and Ning Ruolan and the others.

At this moment, seven bridges coalesced in the void out of thin air.

The Nai He, Wang Xiang and Forgetting River bridges were connected, the Yellow Spring, the Afterlife and the Other Side killed without bounds, and the Reincarnation Bridge was like a reincarnation disc wrapped in years, grinding away all the lives that stood in the way under the first six bridges.

Ning Cheng no longer had any thoughts of holding back, as the seven bridges came out in unison, reaping the lives around him with the majestic and vast waves of spears.

From afar, when Saint Buddha Qu Bodh saw the might of Ning Cheng’s seven bridges coming out in unison, his eyes suddenly stared. This time he had brought almost the entire Western Universe’s strongest people, but the lives of these strong people were collected as if they were being cut away under Ning Cheng’s gun waves and seven bridges.

He took a deep breath and not only did he not turn around to stop Ning Cheng, but he even took a step faster to rush towards the Gate of Creation.

“Boom ……” A twisted purple blade light cleaved the path in front of Qu Bodh Holy Buddha.

The Qu Bodh Holy Buddha thought he had misread it, that someone could split the path of space with a single slash? An instant later, he knew that not only had he not misread it, but his way was also blocked.

If he hadn’t witnessed Ning Cheng sacrificing the Seven Bridges and the Gun Wave to frantically reap the lives of those powerful people, he would have thought that the person in front of him was Ning Cheng.

The person who stopped in front of him was also a young man with a green shirt and long hair, his bright eyes were as calm as a calm, waveless lake. A long purple sword lay in front of him, and the Dao rhythm rolled around his body, giving Qu Bodhisattva Saint Buddha the feeling that this young man stood as if he had stood here since the beginning of time.

A majestic and boundless oppressive aura came from him, and the Holy Buddha of Qu Bodh inhaled deeply, the Buddhist beads hanging in his hands constantly emitting a burst of Sanskrit sounds of their own accord, as if ready to nirvana all the worlds at any moment.

“Who are you and why are you blocking my way, the Gate of Creation is open to all to fight over, wait until we are in front of the Gate of Creation and then we will each be on our own merits.” The Qu Bodh Holy Buddha did not make a move, it was not that he was unwilling to make a move, but he felt the oppression this green-shirted youth had on him.

This feeling was something he had never felt even when he faced the Five Elements Saint Lord back then.

“Those monks you brought with you were too despicable, and although I killed them, I will still take revenge for my people today. You remember, the person who sent you back to your old home in the West is called Ye Mo ……”

This green-shirted youth was none other than Ye Mo, and the murderous intent and angry aura within him at this moment would not be half as bad as Ning Cheng’s. He had also lost his true heart for a brief period of time because of the fight for the Gate of Creation. And in this short period of time, his most beloved daughter, Yimo, was killed.

The strongest people of the Western Universe, relying on their strength and strength of people, laid siege to the people of the Sacred Dao Sect. Not only was Yimo killed, but Feng Huang Mei, the Heavenly Lord of the Xuanhuang Outer Heaven who tried to rescue Yimo next to him, was also beheaded.

At this moment, even if Ye Mo killed all those people who were besieging the Sacred Dao Sect, he could not quell the sadness and anger inside. Without killing the Qu Bodh Holy Buddha, could he not be willing to do so?

As the words fell, a heaven-devouring and earth-shattering twisted blade pattern had long since slashed down.

There was no magnificent divine ability, no elaborate hand technique, just a simple slash.

With a cold snort, the nimbus in his hand transformed into a circle, a circle made up of countless small cosmic worlds, each surrounded by powerful dao rhythms of the Buddha Dao. These universes were connected, forming the hardest block in the vast void.

Rolling Buddhist rhythms and low Sanskrit sounds surrounded this side of the world, and at this moment any cultivator who was swept by these Sanskrit sounds and Buddhist rhythms seemed to have an enlightenment of Buddhist rhythms, and could not wait to sit on the ground immediately to feel this supreme dao rhythm. As long as they could feel this supreme dao rhythm in front of this Gate of Creation, they would immediately become Buddhas and achieve great creation.

Ye Mo was calm and unruffled, this Dao rhythm and Sanskrit sound impacted outside his protective realm, as if a breeze had brushed by, leaving nothing behind.

“Boom!” The purple blade had not yet cleaved on top of the numinous beads when the raging dao rhymes collided together. Rules exploded, space collapsed, and everything was plunged into the beginning of chaos.

Qu Bodh Holy Buddha’s face changed even more suddenly, he had long heard of Ye Mo and Ning Cheng. He had seen Ning Cheng’s tactics, and in fact he did not take it to heart. Because at the time, Ning Cheng was still a cut below him, and in his opinion, although Ye Mo, who was on par with Ning Cheng, was not bad, after he had perceived the Flickering Flower Dao and his strength had risen a great deal further, he would at most give him a small obstacle.

But now, he felt the aura of death.

This slash was clearly only a purple shadow, yet it seemed to cover the entire space in front of the Gate of Creation. It clearly did not have any divine means, yet it bound all his Buddha Rhythm divine powers.

“Ka-ching!” It wasn’t just space that cracked open, but also the world of the Buddha Sect that was in tatters.

The Qu Bodh Holy Buddha’s heart was greatly saddened as one of his Buddha pearls was actually split by the purple blade. Each and every one of his Buddha pearls had been accumulated over endless years, forged by endless Buddhist rhythms, and then experienced endless nirvana before they were possessed. And now, with ease, one of them had been split by a sword, and a crack had appeared in his complete world of Buddha beads.

“Avenue to Simplicity ……” Qu Bodh Holy Buddha did not continue to attack Ye Mo, he looked at the long purple blade that surrounded Ye Mo in shock and muttered.

He had felt the Flowerless Way in Ning Cheng, and he felt the Great Dao to Simplicity in Ye Mo. It had to be said that he, Qu Bodhi, was a supreme genius, and very few people could match him in terms of Dao perception. It was also because of this that he was able to start the Western Universe. Unfortunately, Ye Mo would not give him another hundred years to go back into seclusion.

The sword was still the same ordinary purple long sword, and the man in the green shirt was still the same, but at this moment, it made Qu Bodh’s heart fearful. An odd feeling suddenly rose in his heart, why did geniuses keep appearing in the Five Elements Universe, while his Western Universe was average except for one Western Saint Lord? It was a Western Saint Lord who had been killed by him because he was competing with him for the Dao system.

Ye Mo didn’t even bother to say half a word, as the Purple Grating once again cut out a purple aura, directly wrapping Qu Bodh Holy Buddha in it. He would not rest until he killed Qu Bodhi.

Qu Bodh grunted, so what if it was the simplest of all dao? He had been traversing the vast universe and void for countless years, what kind of strong people had he not met? Even so, had he not created the Western Universe? Even if you want to kill him, you are not enough.

A Zen staff appeared in Qu Bodh’s hand, and it swept up thousands of Buddhist rhythms and the rest of the Buddhist beads, turning into a cosmic torrent and pouncing on that purple aura.


The Five Element Saint Lord, who was not blocked from afar, was also shocked to see Ye Mo’s strike. Having seen Ning Cheng’s gun waves and seven bridges earlier, he had made up his mind that whether he could be the first to rush into the Gate of Creation or not, Ning Cheng he was bound to kill. If he did not kill Ning Cheng, he would definitely become a scourge to his heart in the future.

At this moment, when the Five Element Saint Lord saw Ye Mo and Qu Bodh make their move, his heart was even more furiously shaken. Ning Cheng was already so powerful, how could another Ye Mo come out?

The Five Elements Creation Treasure was something that he was too lazy to make a grab for at first, when he grabbed the Jian Mu, and the Five Elements Creation Supreme Treasure was also something that overflowed from his chaotic world. It was also because of this that the Five Great Sage Lords of the Five Elements Universe were created. But those five Great Sage Lords were really not enough in his eyes. And now that the Xuanhuang Pearl and the Golden Page World had once again been obtained by Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, why were these two so powerful?

No, once he allowed such powerful competitors to cross into the Gate of Creation, his countless years of subterfuge might end up in clouds.

Thinking of this, the Five Element Saint Lord, who had wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to assassinate Ning Cheng, no longer cared about Ning Cheng and rushed towards the Gate of Creation even more frantically. There was no one to stop him, so if he didn’t fight now, when would he wait?

“Hahaha, Du Mo, why do you need to leave in such a hurry?” An abrupt voice rang out in the void, followed by dozens of red mangles that pounced on the Five Element Saint Lord like a long river that rolled backwards.

“Tu Xiu, you’re still alive?” The Five Element Saint Lord said in shock and anger, at this point in time, he knew all too well who the person coming was, it was none other than the Underworld Heavenly Sovereign Tu Xiu.

The voice in the red aura came unhurriedly, “You are not dead in Du Strange, I have received a great gift from you, how can I spare myself to die?”