Creation Gate Chapter 730

If Shen Qingyu could not come here, even he would not be able to find her in the boundless and divine sense-limited Sea of Twilight.

Ning Cheng looked back at the endless ice crystal flat river, he was the one who had brought Shen Qin Yu across this ice crystal flat river.

In the distance, a wheel of time passed by, sweeping the already flat ice crystal river even flatter. In this place, anything that raised up would be swept away by the time wheel.

Ning Cheng quickly crossed this ice crystal plain and arrived at the even colder ice crystal forest. The frantic bone-chilling ice cold overwhelmed Ning Cheng, and his heart sank.

This kind of ice cold could not harm him in the slightest even if he did not run his gongfu. However, if Shen Qin Yu came here, she would definitely die.

Ning Cheng sighed, he really did not understand what Shen Qin Yu was thinking, how could she come back here to look for him, it is simply incomprehensible. He and Shen Qingyu were familiar with each other? Ning Cheng suddenly frowned, he thought that he and Shen Qin Yu were really familiar with each other.

Even though he hadn’t spoken much to Shen Qingyu, he had taken Shen Qingyu’s hand and walked in the Sea of Twilight for several months, and carried her on his back for several years. He knew Shen Qingyu’s scent very well. Even every part of her body, every inch of her body, even her breath. He was very familiar with it.

After entering the ice forest for a few feet, a powerful sadness and oppression came from it, and Ning Cheng subconsciously stopped his steps. His divine sense swept out. He soon saw a collapsed ice valley a few dozen meters away from each other.

Ning Cheng took a breath and swept his divine sense in. Surprisingly, he only found a piece of ice wall. He was relieved that he didn’t see Shen Qin Yu. In such a cold place, if Shen Qin Yu had fallen in, she would have died without a chance of survival.

Just as he wanted to continue, his divine sense swept into the ice wall and saw some writing on it.

A row of clearly engraved handwriting appeared in front of his eyes, and the familiarity of it made Ning Cheng 100% sure. This was carved by Shen Qin Yu.

Ning Cheng stopped in front of the first ice wall, “I don’t think I’ll be able to climb up there, I never thought I could go this far, I was just a little bit away from reaching it. Unfortunately, that little bit was too far after all. But I don’t regret it, and I’d come over again, or my heart would never be at peace.”

The second ice wall, “When he asked me why there was no thunderbolt for Shattered Star, that was the moment I was no longer defensive of him. Compared to his hardships. I was practically soaking in honey to cultivate. It’s amazing that there are still cultivators who don’t know that the Shattered Star doesn’t have a thunderstorm, and he really doesn’t.

At that moment, I seemed to feel a sense of pity. No, I should say something hard to say, my nose was even a little sour, I never thought I had such tender feelings. Perhaps the seeds were planted at that moment when I let him look at my face.”

The third ice wall, “He didn’t know that you can’t fly in the Twilight Sea, and I don’t blame him for the vortex of time that swept us into the depths of the Twilight Sea. He dragged me along for months, not him. I would have died in the Twilight Sea in the first place. He encouraged me again and again, but I couldn’t go on. I let him see my face. Somehow I wanted him to stay with me for the last few years. But he thought of someone else, I think. It must have been someone very important to him.

I told him, “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to go it alone. And I couldn’t believe that I was thinking about who the woman was that he was looking at me and thinking about, which I wouldn’t have believed before. I vaguely remember his words, as if there was no hope if I didn’t go, and if I kept going, I might be able to get out one day. With him, it seemed like there was always hope, but today I’m alone here.”

The fourth ice wall, “I thought I was dead that day, but when I opened my eyes, I was on his back. He didn’t give up on me after all, even though he was a burden, he carried me on his back through the sea of twilight. Those shoulders were so wide, and I had a longing in my heart that if I could lean on them again at this time, I would really be satisfied.

I regretted that I had started to have an epiphany on his back, for if I hadn’t, I would have continued to feel that width and peace of mind. I had thrown away the most precious thing in order to understand the laws of time. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have been in his epiphany, I would have been a simple woman and let him carry me one more time.”

The fifth ice wall, “I crossed the Twilight Sea again today, and all I wanted to do was find him. When I first came in, I didn’t think much about it, I just wanted to find him, I didn’t even think about what would happen after I found him. After I came here, I knew that without him, I would never be able to live again.

I will never forget standing side by side with him at the edge of the morning sun, watching the distant sunset and dusk. We crossed the dusk and stood above the morning sun, and that joy was no more.”

The sixth wall of ice, “I was so excited when I saw the first time stone. Perhaps what is around will always be overlooked. He gave me that first time stone, and I was overjoyed, but I lost the best thing I had. If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t have asked for the time stone, I would have stood by his side, even for a moment longer.

. [,!] I hate myself that I didn’t see through it when he said, ‘Life is like a white horse passing by. ……’ By the time I did, he was gone. A short life is really like the passing of a white horse.

Now I realize that he left me that time stone on purpose. Even all the time stones I found later were left to me by him, he was a wanderer I couldn’t understand, without the greed of a starry-eyed monk. He had a heart of his own. He saved me and never asked for anything else. Even if I live, I will never meet such a man again.”

The seventh wall of ice.” The first time I came here I was cold, and he carried me in. I was so relieved. This time I came back to the Ice Crystal Forest and I was still cold, but I didn’t have those warm, broad shoulders to carry me to keep the cold out, I was alone.

Maybe I’m going to die, and this is the closest I can get to him. It’s a pity that I’m only a little bit closer, I’d rather go a little bit further if I could. And then jump into that gorge and die with him.”

The eighth ice wall, “The moment I saw the teleportation array, all I could do was rejoice. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so glad, for the front of the portal had split into a bottomless glacial gorge, and a storm had swept in. I was just a casual collaborator to him, and he chose to leave me on the portal and fall into the glacial gorge himself. I think, perhaps, that was the moment. All the things I had hidden deep inside me were blown away and I couldn’t think about the Time Stone anymore.

I’ve always thought of myself as a rational person, but at that moment I had an impulse. I had to rush down and get him out. I didn’t teleport away, I dug one icy step after another down the ice valley. I always thought that one day I might be able to dig the ice steps down to the bottom of the valley and find him.

It was too hard to dig those steps, and when it was time to leave the valley, I was still far from the bottom. I’m going to go out and give them the time stone first, I don’t like to owe anyone anything, not even my family. After delivering the time stone. I chose to come back here again, and I was open to it. Even if I had fallen. My heart is here, I can’t do anything else that doesn’t have to do with this. There’s no way. There is nothing, no one, that can stop me.”

The ninth wall of ice, “I can’t hold on, it’s cold here, I’m cold. I have to go, I can’t die with him after all. It’s a good thing I’ve finally gotten to the closest place to him, maybe I’ll feel better.

If there is an afterlife, I will tell him. Tell him about the wanderer who held me for months, carried me for years, and saved me with his life. My name is Yu Qing, from Yu’s Corner City in the Central Heavenly Land, and my name is a resonance of the last two words of Shen Qin Yu, pronounced backwards. Perhaps I have pride in the fact that while other people walk together until the sea runs dry, I walked with him in the Sea of Twilight until the oil ran out ……”

The tenth wall of ice, a cold, cold wall with nothing.

Ning Cheng had an impulse in his heart to use all of his blood and life span to cast a time reincarnation to bring time back again to before Yu Qing entered here. The first thing he could do was to find Yu Qing on his way to the Central Heavenly Continent and tell her everything.

He found himself completely unable to bear the emotion, he just did what he thought he should do.

Yu Qing, where did Yu Qing go?

No, Ning Cheng, who had awakened from his panic, felt that something was wrong with the tenth ice wall. Sure enough, he saw a concealing array plate. He took it away, and a small space appeared in front of him.

The mask on Yu Qing’s face had long since disappeared, she was wearing a beautiful green dress, leaning against an ice sculpture, her beautiful and peerless face was pale.

Ning Cheng’s heart sank completely, Yu Qing was lifeless, he didn’t know how long he had been dead. Some ice flowers fell on Yu Qing’s black hair and eyelashes, like a white pearl flower, more poignant.

Ning Cheng felt his heart tremble a little, he had never experienced this kind of feeling. It was as if a huge ice stone was stirring deep in his heart, depressing him and making him sad. It was as if the softest part of his heart had been frozen in pieces.

His gaze moved to the humble ice sculpture, the outline of which could only be seen as a vague likeness of the wanderer he had disguised himself as.

“I’m sorry ……” Ning Cheng’s eyes were a little blurry as he walked forward and carefully picked Yu Qing up.