Creation Gate Chapter 917

The lower part of this statue is a flying bird with its wings spread out, this bird is carved out of some unknown material and is several feet high. On the back of the flying bird stood a statue of a figure looking up into the void. Ning Cheng could not even tell whether this figure was a man or a woman.

The upper part of the Blue Yi True Country Jade Seal that Ning Cheng possessed was a flying bird with its wings spread out. The flying bird on the jade seal was identical to the flying bird at the feet of this figure statue.

“I have a feeling that you have something that I need on you.” The young girl in blue suddenly said to Ning Cheng, and after she finished speaking, her hand waved and a light flashed, and the ropes tied to Ning Cheng’s body snapped inch by inch.

It was Wishing Power again, Ning Cheng sighed, he did not expect the Wishing Power of the Land of Broken Rules to be useful.

Ning Cheng guessed that what this young girl in blue was talking about was most likely the Jade Seal, he was secretly shocked at this young girl’s keen intuition, but at the same time he was also glad that he had prepared well before.

In order to prevent being caught by the Barbarian Society Mountain, he had placed all of his True Spirit Worlds in the Xuanhuang Pearl. In the ring in his hand, there were just some ordinary magic treasures, as well as the Star Warship and some healing pills, Heng Yuan Dan, a few bottles of Empty City Transmigration Awareness Pills and the like.

Even if this young girl checked his ring, there was nothing to check inside. The Jade Seal was in the Xuanhuang Pearl, Ning Cheng was not afraid that the other party would find it out.

The Xuanhuang Pearl was deep in his Sea of Consciousness, even someone like Barbarian Huishan could not sense it, even if this young girl was strong, she would not be able to find it out.

As for asking him to voluntarily hand over the jade seal to please the other party, that would be out of the question. His jade seal didn’t fall from the sky either, and now that he thought about it, this jade seal should still be very useful to him.

Earlier, the barbarian would mountain was beaten by a group of savage guys who couldn’t even fight back with their wish power. And this maiden had just waved her hand to break the ropes tied to him, also because of the wishing power.

He had been chased by Barbarian Huishan before, and had unexpectedly forgotten to use the Wishing Power Jade Seal against that guy.

In the Land of Broken Rules, he still had a little bit of divine sense. The Willingness Jade Seal had also been refined by him some. It was perfectly possible to sacrifice the Jade Seal. The jade seal itself contained wishing power, and according to his observations, wishing power was not affected by the Ground of Broken Rules. It could definitely give that old man from Barbarian Huishan a surprise.

Seeing Ning Cheng’s bewildered face, he seemed to be completely unaware of what he was saying. The young girl in blue said to the few people carrying Ah Ye, “You guys take Ah Ye and pray for him, so that Ah Ye’s soul will be with our Wishing Clan for all eternity.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” The few men carrying Ano hurriedly answered and carried that Ano to the large square in front of the statue.

Ning Cheng still looked bewildered and uncomprehending, in fact he was not at all clear about the meaning of the words of the young girl in blue just now, and if he knew, he would have been chilled to the bone.

After the Maiden in Blue had finished instructing. Surprisingly, she smiled at Ning Cheng, “Distinguished guest from outside, please follow me in.”

Ning Cheng hurriedly nodded and busily followed this blue-clothed maiden with an expression of relief on his face.

The blue-clothed maiden waved her hand to indicate to the few men and women who had originally followed her not to follow her, before leading Ning Cheng through the square and into a very nice looking stone fortress building.

The king was indeed different from those outside who could only wear bark, the outside of this stone fortress looked extremely unusual, but upon entering, it was actually extremely luxurious.

The young girl in blue brought Ning Cheng to a room that emitted a faint fragrance. As soon as Ning Cheng entered, he knew that this place should be the residence of the Maiden in Blue. The pink mantle curtain made the room somewhat ambiguous. Every single thing in the room revealed a different aura, and Ning Cheng did not have divine sense. He could also feel that all these things were probably no worse than ordinary Dao weapons. He was a little confused as to why this blue-clothed maiden had brought him to her dwelling.

“I know that you are not an ordinary person, so there is no need to pretend to be bewildered when you come here. Why don’t you sit down first and we’ll talk.” The maiden in blue said bluntly as she sat down.

Seeing that Ning Cheng was still silent, the blue-clothed maiden could only sigh, “You were able to escape the pursuit of a Dao-attesting powerhouse. Coming to the vicinity of the Blue Honest Wish Clan, it would be strange if you were able to make it easy. Don’t tell me that the person chasing you isn’t a Dao-accredited powerhouse. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have been able to kill Ah Ye. My Blue Honest Wish Clan fled to the depths of the Land of Broken Rules. What they hated most was the Dharma cultivators. If I’m right, you should be a Dharma cultivator too, right?”

Ning Cheng had to say, “I don’t know what a Dharma Cultivator is, if what the king said was that those who absorbed the heaven and earth’s Yuan Qi to cultivate were Dharma Cultivators, then I am indeed a Dharma Cultivator. I am very grateful to the Blue Honest Wish Clan, it was you who saved me.”

The maiden in blue nodded, “You Dharma cultivators do not have to call me the King, as my clan members do. My name is Blue Ice, so tell me a little about where you come from as well.”

Ning Cheng said directly, “My name is Ning Cheng, I killed the young sect master of a sect before, and then I was chased by this sect master. I had no way to escape, so I could only flee to the Land of Broken Rules.”

Lan Bing frowned, “My Blue Honest Wish Clan originally lived a peaceful life in the Land of Broken Rules, it was because of the constant flow of Dharma cultivators fleeing into my Blue Honest Wish Clan’s Land of Broken Rules that this broke our peaceful life.”

Ning Cheng said in his heart, “You are really shameless, when did the Land of Broken Rules become your Blue Honest Wish Tribe’s? This was clearly a masterless place in the void.

“I know you have something on you that I need, if you take it out, I guarantee that you can leave here unharmed.” Blue Ice did not continue to speak on the topic he had just discussed, but instead asked Ning Cheng straightforwardly to take out something.

Ning Cheng felt a pang of displeasure in his heart, that he was being threatened.

Unhappy as he was, he could only sigh and say, “I really don’t know what you want, if I could open the ring, I would open it right away and let you have a look.”

Lan Bing smiled faintly and suddenly took out a disc, she casually tapped her hand in the disc a few times and muttered something out of her mouth before placing the disc on the table in front of Ning Cheng, “Now you can open the ring.”

Ning Cheng was shocked beyond measure in his heart, this disc seemed to have a rule force field that made up for the rules of this space, and his divine sense was really able to stretch out. This Wish Clan could actually control a cultivator’s stretching of their divine sense, it was just a little too terrifying. Luckily this was the Land of Broken Rules, if it was outside, with this, one could sweep through the entire Tai Su Realm ah.

Ning Cheng removed the ring’s ban and placed it on the table, saying, “Miss Lan Bing, take a look for yourself.”

He believed that Lan Bing could also see what was in his ring, and as for suddenly making a move, Ning Cheng simply ignored it. This was someone else’s territory, just like one’s own domain in battle.

While Lan Bing was checking the ring, Ning Cheng used his own divine sense to carve formations under the floor of the room. Before he came into contact with the Dark Underworld God Devouring Scroll, he could push his divine sense to attack his opponent. After coming into contact with the Dark Underworld God Devouring Scroll, it was too easy for him to use his divine sense to carve a surveillance formation in front of a young girl from the Wishing Race.

A few minutes later, Ning Cheng had managed to finish carving a monitoring formation, and Lan Bing had already put down Ning Cheng’s ring. There was some disappointment on her face, obviously she had not gained anything.

“Take the ring up, what I want is not inside your ring, perhaps I have a wrong feeling.” Blue Ice’s tone was a little more polite instead.

Ning Cheng hurriedly said that it was alright, and as he was about to retrieve his ring, his heart suddenly moved. He had just carved the monitoring formation, that was built on the fact that he could use his divine sense here. Once he waited for this Blue Ice to take the disc away, his monitoring formation would be useless in the Land of Broken Rules.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly took out an incomparably exquisite bracelet and handed it to the young girl in blue, “Miss Blue Ice, thank you, Blue Cheng Wish Clan, for saving my life, this bracelet is a small token of my appreciation.”

This bracelet looked like a general defensive magic treasure, but Ning Cheng had concealed a listening device in this bracelet. This kind of small technological product was all refined by him. Ning Cheng did not know how many of these things he had refined along the way, originally he intended to listen to the traces of the Barbarian Society Mountain chasing him. Later, it was confirmed that it was not the least bit effective, which was why Ning Cheng gave up. Now it was used to give to this Blue Ice King on.

“Then, thank you very much, Senior Brother Ning, you have worked hard all the way, go and rest first, I have some things to discuss with you after a while.” Blue Ice’s tone grew softer and softer.

Just as she finished saying these words, a middle-aged woman came in outside the door, this woman led Ning Cheng to turn out of the stone fortress and into a wooden house next to it.


After the middle-aged woman left, Ning Cheng hurriedly took out the jade bottle that was hidden in his hand.

After entering the Land of Broken Rules, he could still let out some of his divine sense. After coming here, his divine sense could not be released outwardly at all. While Lan Bing was examining his ring, he took the opportunity to take out a bottle of Empty City Transmutation Awareness Pill.

After swallowing one pill, Ning Cheng immediately ran the Dark Underworld Devouring God Scroll Technique to refine the pill. Apart from devouring divine consciousness, the Dark Underworld God Devouring Scroll could also enhance divine consciousness when cultivating. Previously, Ning Cheng was afraid of the side effects and did not dare to let go of his cultivation at all.

Now he had to cultivate it, to a starry sky practitioner, not having a divine sense and not being able to mobilise divine energy was tantamount to a wasted person. Now Ning Cheng dared to cultivate this technique for two other reasons, one was that he had modified this technique and the other was the Empty City Sense Transmutation Pill.

The effect of the Empty City Sense Transmutation Pill was far above Ning Cheng’s prediction, this pill could even cut away the foreign divine sense in the sea of consciousness. If combined with his modified Dark Underworld Devouring God Scroll, Ning Cheng believed that he should be able to cultivate this divine Sense Technique.

After only a dozen breaths had passed, Ning Cheng was pleasantly surprised to feel that his divine sense extended out. Initially, it was only one or two metres, but at the back it extended to five or six metres. The Dark Underworld Devouring God Scroll combined with the Transmutation Sense Pill was so powerful that it was possible to extend his divine sense even in this ground of broken rules.

Overjoyed, Ning Cheng once again threw an Empty City Sense Transmutation Pill in his mouth and continued to refine the pill and cultivate his divine Sense Technique.

His outgoing divine sense was getting stronger and stronger as he cultivated with the cooperation of the Empty City Transmutation Awareness Pill, and soon he could see clearly that there were several people guarding this wooden house of his ten metres away.

Ning Cheng carefully circled the ring again with his divine sense and sighed with relief after not finding any marks.

Just when he wanted to continue refining the Sense Transmutation Pill, the monitoring formation he had set up in Lan Bing’s room suddenly made a strange movement. Lan Bing had not put away the disc? Ning Cheng hurriedly took out a crystal ball to check the situation in Lan Bing’s room.