Creation Gate Chapter 924

After half talking to the silver-haired woman along the way, Ning Cheng learned that the silver-haired woman was called Carole, a receptionist of sorts. She didn’t usually do much, as the number of people coming here was too small.

The valley master was called Sikou Zhiyuan, known only as very strong and treated anyone in the valley fairly. The black-faced middle-aged man from before was called Eddie, one of the guardians of the valley. Eddie was also a top powerhouse before he came to the Valley of Peace.

Along the way, Ning Cheng saw some cultivator caves, which all looked very ordinary, only a very few of them had some faint fluctuations of divine spiritual energy. According to what Karol said, after paying 10 million divine crystals, one could casually live in these slightly lower level cultivator caves. If one still had a generous amount of divine crystals on one’s body, one could reside in a better cultivator cave.

Some of the cave houses were set up by several lords, and contained certain rules of heaven and earth. Only these caves are different from those outside, they are not free and require the payment of a certain amount of divine crystals.

For those who are a little more generous, they can also go and listen to the dao. In the Valley of Peace, there are often mixed Yuan powerhouses discussing the dao. Some of the strongest people who have purposely entered the Land of Broken Rules will sometimes go to the dao discussions as well.

When Ning Cheng heard this, his heart grew more and more amazed, and he realised that there was more than one Mixed Yuan powerhouse in the Peaceful Valley. There were even people who had deliberately entered the Land of Broken Rules.

Barbarian Huishan’s face was even more unsightly, the stronger the Peaceful Valley was, the harder it would be for him to achieve his goal.

“Senior Sister Carole, you said that there are still people who have deliberately entered the Land of Broken Rules?” Ning Cheng really couldn’t help himself and asked this.

He thought that all those who had entered the Ground of Broken Rules were forced to come in. Who would be so bored? Purposely enter this place? Even if it was Barbarian Huishan who had come here, it was to hunt him down.

Barbarian Huishan grunted in disdain, ignorant little child. What was so unusual about purposely coming to the Land of Broken Rules? Although he had said that he had come in after Ning Cheng this time, he also had the idea of coming in on purpose to take a look. It was just that he had not expected Ning Cheng to be so slippery, this chase and escape had ended up with even him getting lost.

Karol said gruffly, ”Naturally, there are not just one or two people who have entered the Ground of Broken Rules on purpose, there are many. It’s just that most of these people have fallen in the Land of Broken Rules, and not many of them have managed to find the Valley of Peace.”

Ning Cheng asked suspiciously, “Senior Sister Carole, I have been in the Land of Broken Rules for quite some time. Although there are some dangers, there isn’t any fear of perishing, is there?”

Karoel smiled, “That’s because you’ve only been in for a short time, and you’ve also been lucky enough not to fall into a deadly place. As long as you remain in the Land of Broken Rules, you will find that what you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg of the Land of Broken Rules.”

Ning Cheng was still thinking about going out, and when he heard this, he said in an even more inviting tone, “I would also like to ask Senior Sister Karol to enlighten me.”

Carole continued, “The Land of Broken Rules is, as the name implies, a place where rules are lost, where the rules disappear in a bizarre manner, and where the rules for survival between heaven and earth always dissipate without notice. Very often, the place you go to, or just makes it impossible for you to stretch your divine sense and drive your divine energy. But sometimes, you are bound by the sudden landing of rule-free space.

Once you are bound by this unruly space, not to mention your divine sense and divine energy, you will find it difficult to even move a little. At this time, if you are imprisoned in a mud puddle, the mud puddle will drown you. If you are in a vortex without rules, the vortex will slowly strip your flesh and blood and soul away. Do not say that you will not choose a dangerous place to walk, for you are clearly standing on a field, but soon the field on which you are standing will become a whirlpool, or a swampy mud puddle ……”

Ning Cheng suddenly recalled how he had been trapped by the swamp that had suddenly descended, and then his divine sense and divine essence had disappeared. He somewhat understood what Carole meant, at that time, Barbarian Huishan was also trapped, and Barbarian Huishan could still stretch part of his divine sense, which should have been caused by his cultivation level being higher than his.

According to Carole, these sudden appearances of binding forces had both strength and weakness, and once Barbarian Huishan was bound by a stronger one without rules, perhaps he could only wait for death as well.

“I once met some strange people inside, they said they were from the Wish Clan, are these people not bound by the Ground of Broken Rules?” Ning Cheng asked carefully, he didn’t know if the people who had gone to snatch the Aghan Ruleless Fruit last time were from the Valley of Peace.

After hearing Ning Cheng’s words, Carole’s tone became gruff, “The Wishing Clan is a unique existence in the Land of Broken Rules, they are very guarded, and the Peaceful Valley and them do not cross the river in well water. I’ve heard that even if a hybrid powerhouse goes to the land of the Wishing Clan, they can only dissipate under their wish power. So, if you see anyone from the Wishing Clan in the future, don’t talk to them much.”

When Karol said this, Ning Cheng was very clear in his heart. Those cultivators who had sneaked up on the Wishing Clan were not the ones who had gone out of the Peaceful Valley. It looked like there was another gathering place for cultivators in the Land of Broken Rules.

At this time, Carole had already brought Ning Cheng and Barbarian Huishan to the place where they had processed into the valley, where there was only a white-haired old man. Even though the rules were broken here and his cultivation level was completely invisible. Ning Cheng could still feel the power of this white-haired old man, and every move he made carried an aura of being one. This reminded Ning Cheng of the Full Sky Saint Emperor, who also gave Ning Cheng this feeling.

The white-haired old man had his head lowered, sitting motionlessly where he was, as if he was closing his eyes and recuperating, or as if he was thinking about something difficult to solve. Beside the old man, there was a black cat lying lazily.

Behind this old man was an ancient altar, which emitted a burst of soulful aura that made people’s hearts a little nervous.

“Senior Ran, these two are just here today to go through the formalities of entering the valley.” Carole bowed carefully to the white-haired old man and said in a soft tone.

The white-haired old man slowly raised his head, swept a glance at Ning Cheng and Barbarian Huishan, and said in a bland tone, “State your names and pay ten million upper grade divine crystals each.”

“You are Senior Ran ……” Savage Huishan cried out in shock, clearly recognizing the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man clearly knew what Barbarian Huishan meant, it was Barbarian Huishan who recognized him outside and that was why he was so surprised. The old man was not surprised, there were many people who came here and knew him, his tone remained flat as he said, “Everyone knows that I am senior Ran.”

Seeing that the white-haired old man did not mean to say more, Barbarian Huishan also knew better than to say anything else.

Ning Cheng took out the storage bag containing ten million divine crystals and handed it over, saying respectfully, “Junior Ning Cheng, this is ten million divine crystals.”

Like Ning Cheng, Barbarian Huishan could only declare his name and then handed over ten million divine crystals.

“Ning Cheng, do you have any grudges against the people in the valley? If not, you can go out now. If there is, you have to say it.” The white-haired old man collected the divine crystals that the two had handed over and asked in an unhurried manner.

Ning Cheng did not hide it and had to say, “I have a grudge against Barbarian Huishan, and I was chased into the Peaceful Valley by him.”

The old man pointed at the altar and said indifferently, “Go to the altar and swear with your own spirit, the oath is as follows, I, Ning Cheng, swear with my own spirit that I shall not deal with Barbarian Huishan in any way or under any pretext within a thousand years, if I violate this oath, my soul will be destroyed immediately.”

Ning Cheng was dumbfounded, he was only an Eternal Realm cultivator, to deal with the Barbarian Society Mountain, was he crazy? What he had to guard against was Barbarian Huishan.

“Senior, it is Barbarian Huishan who is chasing after me, not me who is chasing after Barbarian Huishan.” Ning Cheng said helplessly.

The white-haired old man didn’t even bother to answer Ning Cheng this time, he just closed his eyes and didn’t say anything.

Ning Cheng had no choice but to stand in front of the altar and repeat the old man’s words. This kind of oath looked very powerful, but in fact it had no effect on him. What kind of cultivation level was Barbarian Huishan? Within a thousand years, he could be a match for Barbarian Huishan? He would be lucky if Barbarian Huishan did not seek him out.

After Ning Cheng had finished swearing, the old man asked Savage Huishan again, “Savage Huishan, do you have any grudges against the people in the valley? If not, you can go out now. If there is, you have to say it.”

Barbarian Huishan cursed in his heart, “Aren’t you talking nonsense? Without a grudge I would have chased Ning Cheng to this place? Faced with such a powerful person, Barbarian Huishan still did not dare to speak blindly with his eyes open, so he could only say honestly, “I am chasing after Ning Cheng and have a grudge against him.”

The old man pointed at the altar the same way, “Go to the altar and swear with your own spirit, the oath is as follows, I, Barbarian Huishan, swear with my own spirit that I shall not deal with Ning Cheng in any way or under any pretext within a thousand years, if I violate this oath, my soul will be destroyed immediately.”

When Ning Cheng heard this, his heart was greatly pleased. This oath was good for him, the Barbarian Huishan had come here just to hunt him down. As long as this oath was issued, within a thousand years, even if one gave Barbarian Huishan ten thousand guts, Barbarian Huishan would not dare to deal with him.

This altar was certainly not ordinary, and if he swore with his genitals in front of this altar, even Barbarian Huishan would not dare to break it.

He opened his mouth, but did not say a word for a long time. He naturally knew that as long as he swore an oath, there would be no way to deal with Ning Cheng within a thousand years. Even if both of them were standing outside the Peaceful Valley at the same time, he, Savage Huishan, would not dare to deal with Ning Cheng.

How could he be willing to do this?

“Senior Ran, then is it alright if I don’t live in the valley anymore?” Barbarian Huishan had some regrets in his heart, he shouldn’t have thought of staying in.

The white-haired old man nodded, “Yes, the divine crystals will not be returned, you can leave the Peaceful Valley after you have made your vow.”

You had to swear if you didn’t live in the valley? Barbarian Huishan was at least a Dragon Emperor, he looked at the altar with some resignation, and then at Ning Cheng who was gloating in the distance, he could only walk helplessly to the altar and bowed and swore, “I, Barbarian Huishan, swear by my own Yuan Shen that I shall not deal with Ning Cheng in any way or under any pretext within a thousand years, if I violate this oath, my soul will be destroyed immediately.”

From afar, when Karoel saw the two of them finish their vows, she immediately came up and said to Ning Cheng, “Senior Brother Ning Cheng, in three days’ time, if you still have extra divine crystals for the Valley Master’s Dao Discourse, I suggest that you get another Dao Listening Plaque. By then, you will definitely get more than you can imagine.”

Ning Cheng called her Senior Sister, and she unknowingly treated Ning Cheng as a senior brother. Most of the cultivators here were doing their own things, and very few people came to chat with her for half a day like this.

Although she was persuading Ning Cheng, some yearning and envy was already showing on Karol’er’s face, so it was evident that this kind of dao discussion was something she also wanted to listen to.