Doting Billionaire Chapter 1497

“Okay, you drive slow.”

Ning Yunchu gently admonished.

Mo Donghao hmmm’d as he watched Yunchu get out of the car, after Yunchu walked to the entrance of the villa and pulled out the key, she then touched the lock before slowly unlocking the door.

Looking at Yun Chu like this, they all thought she was a normal person.

Not believing that she was blind.

In her familiar environment, she was able to live like a normal person.

Mo Donghao saw her unlock and push open the gate of the villa before he drove away.

Then, he saw War Yichen walking head on.

Mo Donghao instinctively wanted to brake, but he had a faster car, and after seeing clearly that it was War Yichen, his car had already driven past War Yichen.

He then gave up braking.

Through the car’s rear mirror, he saw War Yichen walking towards the Ning family villa.

He also wondered if War Yichen had seen him send Yun Chou back?

If he saw it, then he saw it.

The war Yichen has long misunderstood, Yun Chu is not willing to tell the war Yichen, his true identity, Mo Donghao also do not intend to say, just to take the opportunity to try the war Yichen to Yun Chu is sincere or out of freshness, just want to play a play.

Ning Yunchu did not know that War Yichen had come.

After she pushed open the door of the villa, she startled the maid in the house, who came out and saw that it was her.

The maid walked over.

“Missy, you’re back.”

Yun Chou hmmm’d.

The maid took the initiative to go to close the villa gate, but saw the arrival of War Yichen, she turned her head and said to Yun Chu, “Eldest Miss, Second Young Master War is here.”
The maid took the initiative to go to have the villa gate closed, but saw the arrival of War Yichen, she turned her head and said to Yun Chu, “Eldest Miss, the second young master of War is here.”

Ning Yunchu froze for a moment, then calmly said, “It’s very late, please ask Second Young Master War to go back, if there’s anything, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

With that, she walked towards the main house.

What she said, War Yichen heard, and as if he didn’t, he walked in without waiting for the maid to close the door.

After the maid looked at it, she silently closed the door of the villa and then disappeared.

Now this home only has the eldest young lady and the young master, the young master is still in school, but will be home on holiday this weekend.

The servants in the Ning family were all rehired after Mrs Ning’s purge when she became the head of the family, and they usually stood by Mrs Ning and the mother and daughter, listening to their commands, and they did not do much to bully Yun Chu.

Now that there was only Ning Yunchu, the eldest young lady, in this house, even if she couldn’t see, she was still a master, and the servants’ attitude towards her changed, not daring to ignore her like before.

Whether they could still stay and work or not, the odds depended on the attitude of the eldest young lady.

Of course there were also those who had other thoughts in their hearts, the young master was about to take the college entrance exam, after the entrance exam, the young master would be at home for a while.

They are the wife’s people, the wife went in, but the young master is in good hands, they are thinking of putting up with it, and when the young master graduates from high school, they will assist the young master in taking control of the Ning family, and never let Missy become the owner of this big villa.

Now it looks like Missy didn’t do anything to them, but who knows if Missy will settle her scores in autumn?

The young master, however, is the wife’s own son, although he usually cares about Missy as his big sister, the servants feel that when comparing his own mother and his half-sister, the young master is definitely on his own mother’s side.

War Yichen took a few big steps to Ning Yunchu’s face.

Yunchu stopped when she heard footsteps and there seemed to be dark shadows in front of her.

Raising her head, she quietly looked at War Yichen, she could see one black shadow, any more and she couldn’t see it.

“Yun Chu, you were with that man all day today weren’t you? Where did you guys go? It was so late before he sent you back.”

Mo Donghao’s guess was not wrong.