Doting Billionaire Chapter 1546

Ning Yunchu cursed War Yichen hundreds of times in her heart.

In the end, she got out of the car.

As soon as she got out of the car.

War Yichen then made a move.

He walked over, gently and considerately took her crutches and led her towards his car.

“In the future, I will be the one to drive you.”

“Oh, right.”

War Yichen signalled two bodyguards to come over.

These were the bodyguards he had transferred from the mountain villa, because he usually went in and out without bodyguards, and he, the Second Young Master of War, was not as famous as his elder brother, and did not need to bring a squad of bodyguards to guard against nymphomaniacs like his elder brother.

The two bodyguards approached, War Yichen said to them, “This is Miss Ning, your future second young grandma, from now on you two will follow Yunchu’s side, not to keep an eye on her, but to protect her, and if you encounter any trouble that you can’t solve, then notify me.”

He said this to Ning Yunchu.

As a matter of fact, he had arranged for two bodyguards to follow Ning Yunchu, firstly, to protect her, and secondly, to make it easier for him to know Ning Yunchu’s whereabouts at any time when he wanted to see her.

Having been evaded by Ning Yunchu for most of the month, War Yichen was tasting the bitterness of lovesickness.

He didn’t want to taste that kind of bitterness again.

“Yunchu, one of them is called A Ji, and the other is called A Yan.”

After finishing his speech, War Yichen said to the two bodyguards, “You two introduce yourselves so that Miss Ning can remember your voices.”

Aki greeted Ning Yunchu first before moving on to Ayan.

Ning Yunchu had a good memory, the two bodyguards were able to remember them as long as they had spoken in front of her.

“War Yichen, I don’t need them to follow.”

Ning Yunchu knew that her resistance was useless, but she still couldn’t help but say it.

“I think you need it.”

War Yichen helped her into the car, and thoughtfully helped her fasten her seatbelt.

He rounded the body and returned to the driver’s seat. He rounded the body and returned to the driver’s seat.

“You can only move freely in places you’re familiar with, when you change to an unfamiliar place, it’s easy for accidents to occur, even if you’re smart and you’re temporarily invisible, that’s your biggest weakness, it’s easy for people to take advantage of your weaknesses and do unfavourable things to you.”

“You still remember what happened that night, right? That night if it wasn’t for my sister-in-law asking me to make sure to personally send you home, and if I didn’t follow, the consequences, you would know without me saying.”

After Ning Yunchu fell silent, she said, “That was them harming me.”

“Now that they are going in and waiting to be sentenced, can you guarantee that no one will target you again? Your two aunts are now expecting you to have an accident.”

If Ning Yunchu had an accident, no one would compete with them for the family fortune.

Ning Yunchu didn’t say anything.

“I promise, they’ll just protect your safety, they won’t spy on you, just like my sister-in-law’s bodyguards, they’re only responsible for her safety issues.”

Ning Yunchu pursed her lips.

No matter how well he said it, he couldn’t erase the fact that he was just arranging people to keep an eye on her.

“War Yichen, what do you want me to do before you give up?”

War Yichen said as he drove, “No matter what you do, I won’t give up. From the day my grandmother handed me your photo, you are my choice for wife.”

“The second youngest master of the hallowed War family, willingly letting your elders manipulate your marriage?”

War Yichen laughed: “Yunchu, you don’t need to stray from my relationship with grandma, and you don’t need to provoke me, I didn’t have a woman I liked before you, grandma chose you for me, and after I got along with you, I felt that I got along well, so I approved of grandma’s arrangement.”

Ning Yunchu: “”

She could never figure out why the old lady fell for her.

She was a blind person ah.

Although her eyes had a chance to regain their sight, she had not yet regained her sight, so she was still blind.

Even her own aunt dislikes her and says she’s blind.

She’s not good enough for War Yi-Chen.

The old lady is the real grandma of war Yichen, the old man loves his grandson is also famous, how can she give war Yichen choose a blind man as his wife?