Doting Billionaire Chapter 1674

“Bring it.”

Now she couldn’t find anyone to help her take care of Yangyang, so she simply took Yangyang with her to the hospital.

Hai Ling quickly hung up the phone, then picked up her son and walked away, saying to him as she walked, “Yangyang, we have to go to the hospital now, your Uncle Lu had a car accident, let’s go see him.”

“How is Uncle Lu? Uncle Lu will be fine, right?”

When Yangyang heard that Lu Dongming was in a car accident, all he could think of was lots and lots of blood, his little face fury turned white.

When Hai Ling had her accident, she was covered in blood, more or less leaving a shadow on Yang Yang, the little guy would now faint when he saw a lot of blood.

“Uncle Lu will be fine.”

Hai Ling was comforting her son as well as herself.

Yangyang wrapped his arms tightly around Hai Ling’s neck.

I hope Uncle Lu is okay and doesn’t bleed lots and lots of blood like mom.

In the hospital, the number of people guarding the outside of the emergency room grew.

When the two Hai Tong sisters arrived at the hospital, War Yin also had his bodyguard buy a meal and return, so that everyone could eat something first, Mrs. Lu couldn’t eat.

No matter who persuaded her, she could not eat.

When she picked up the chopsticks, her tears kept falling, dripping onto the lunch box, and her throat felt like it was blocked by something, making her unable to eat.

In the end, she put down the lunchbox.

“It’s not out yet?”

Hai Tong walked over to War Yin’s side and asked in a low voice.

The longer it took to resuscitate, it meant that the injuries were more severe and his life was in danger at any time.

War Yin’s face sank and shook his head.

“It will be fine.”

Hai Tong held her husband’s hand. Hai Tong held her husband’s hand.

In her heart, she prayed for Lu Dongming.

When Mrs. Lu saw Hai Ling, she had a complicated look on her face, wanting to say something, but not being able to say a word.

She suddenly took Hai Ling’s hand and pulled it tightly.

Hai Ling froze for a moment, then comforted her, “Mrs. Lu, Mr. Lu’s good fortune will help him, he will be fine.”

Mrs. Lu kept nodding with tears in her eyes.

As long as her son is fine, her son can pursue Hai Ling if he wants to, she won’t stop him.

Compared to being a good match, she preferred her son to be alive.

At this time, the door to the emergency room opened.

The crowd immediately gathered around.

“Doctor, how is my son?”

“Doctor, how is my brother?”

Several people from the Lu family’s father and son asked the doctor at the same time.

The doctor said, “The injured person is out of life-threatening danger, but his injuries are mainly in his legs, after our resuscitation, his legs are saved, but the follow-up will take a long time to recover, and if he doesn’t recover well, he will only be able to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.”

Lu Dongming’s main injuries were in his legs, as well as excessive blood loss, before his life was in danger.

Now that the person was rescued, the subsequent rehabilitation of the legs was the most difficult.

There is a possibility that he will be disabled and need to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

If the injured person has a strong will and a good mentality, and can insist on doing rehabilitation, there is still a great hope to return to normal.

It is the rehabilitation time that is extremely long.

Many people who have suffered such a tragedy have a broken heart and give up on themselves, making it difficult for them to recover as usual.