Doting Billionaire Chapter 2135

When she got up, she found that War Hao Yu had long been up.

The person should be in the locker room, I think, and there was no sign of him around.

Qiao Han didn’t think much about it and also walked towards the changing room.

When she entered the changing room, she saw that the men’s clothes that she had just taken off were missing from the place where she put her clothes, and those fake pectoral muscles that she had used to disguise herself as a man were also missing.

Only the women’s clothes were placed there.

No need to ask, I know that it’s War HaoYu who took advantage of her swimming pleasure to enter the women’s locker room first and stole the men’s clothes that she changed down.

That shameless one, this is forcing her to wear a skirt.

She hadn’t worn a skirt.

Twisting around, Qiao Han walked out of the women’s locker room and went to the men’s locker room, knocking on the door and screaming, “War Hao Yu, give me back my clothes and things.”

“I’ve packed them up for you, I’ll return them to you later when I get home.”

War Hao Yu’s rogue voice came from inside.

Qiao Han blackened her face and ordered, “War Hao Yu, immediately, immediately return my clothes to me!”

If she went home wearing a dress, the workers at home would all know that she was a woman.

Qiao Han was not mentally prepared to resume her womanhood.

She just shouldn’t have trusted War Hao Yu.

What this guy wanted most was for her to regain her identity as a woman, and then he would be able to clear the suspicion that he was a homosexual, and he would also be able to make all those women who adored her die.

“I left clothes for you.”

“Those are clothes for women!”

“You’re not a woman.”

Qiao Han was dumbfounded.

After a long time, she coldly said, “War Hao Yu, if you don’t open the door, I’ll bang on it.”

“Ram it, I’m not wearing any clothes right now, if you ram the door in and see me naked, I want you to be responsible for me to the end, marry me or not.”

Third Young Master War played his rogue to the fullest again.

“War Hao Yu!”

Qiao Han didn’t believe that War Haozheng was really naked, but she still didn’t dare to take that risk.

She was afraid that if she really crashed through the door and went in, and saw him naked, it would be even harder to get rid of him.

“The clothes are left for you, wear them if you like, if you don’t, forget it.”

War Hao Yu just wouldn’t open the door, and had to force Qiao Han to change into women’s clothes, to show him how overwhelming her women’s clothes were.

Qiao Han stared at the door in front of her, was really wanting to kick it down.

As for the man inside, she hated him with a passion.

In the future, if she came here to swim with him again, her surname would not be Qiao!


Just know how to trap her!


Qiao Han sneezed twice.

War Hao Yu, who was holding his position in the men’s locker room, heard her sneeze two times in a row and was worried that she would catch a cold, although the weather was hot now, but with the deepening of the night, it would be a little cooler, and she hadn’t swam for a long time, and now she was soaked to the skin, and then stiffened up again, and in case she caught a cold, and caught a cold, the one who would be heartbroken would be him.

War Hao Yu opened the door.