Doting Billionaire Chapter 2360

The bouquet of flowers he had brought was still sitting on Hai Ling’s desk.

Hai Ling hurriedly picked up the bouquet and got up to chase out, wanting to return the flowers to Xiao Heng.

But Xiao Heng walked particularly fast, and by the time Hai Ling came out, he had already left.

Hai Ling was helpless to the core, holding the bouquet of flowers, not knowing what to do with it for a while.

Coincidentally, Lu Dongming came.

Seeing Hai Ling standing at the entrance of the restaurant holding a bouquet of flowers, he thought it was for him, and Lu Dongming’s face was already full of smiles as he was pushed over by his bodyguards.

“Hai Ling.”

Lu Dongming called out.

“Mr Lu, you’re here.”

Hai Ling walked down the steps holding a bouquet of flowers.

Lu Dongming waited for her to come closer, then he stretched out his hands to try to take the bouquet, and said on his lips, “How could you think of preparing a bouquet for me today, my birthday has already passed.”

Hai Ling awkwardly said, “Mr Lu, I didn’t prepare this bouquet of flowers for you, it was Mr Xiao who sent it over, saying that it was to make amends to me, I didn’t want to accept it, he put down the bouquet of flowers and left, and by the time I chased him out, he had already disappeared.”

At those words, Lu Dongming was also embarrassed, his outstretched hand froze, and quickly took the bouquet as if nothing had happened.

“I see the expression on your face just now, it seems like you don’t know what to do with this bouquet, let me help you with it.”

Saying that, he signalled his bodyguard to push him towards the distant street bin and threw the bouquet of flowers Xiao Heng had sent over into the bin.

Sending a large bouquet of red roses as an apology?

Hai Ling didn’t think much about it, but Lu Dongming thought about it particularly hard and suspected that Xiao Heng had an agenda.

Nowadays, Hai Ling was a magnet that easily attracted men’s eyes.

He was on guard against it.

Wanting to steal a woman from him, Lu Dongming, he was too young!

He had been guarding for so long, waiting for so long, and now that he had seen hope, he definitely would not let the Cheng Bite Jin that came out halfway cut him off.

Lu Dongming quickly returned to Hai Ling’s face, and said to Hai Ling: “You accepted his apology in front of him, that bunch of red rose bouquet should not be left behind, it takes up space, when I give you the bouquet there will be no place to place it.”

Hai Ling laughed, “The way Mr Lu said that, one can’t help but think more ah, Mr Xiao really came over to apologise.”

“Whether it’s an apology or something else, he knows best in his heart, Hai Ling, you’re being watched by a lot of men right now, be careful, don’t be fooled by them.”

“I’ve suffered a big loss at the hands of men, I won’t easily trust your men again, of course, Mr Lu, I still believe, Mr Lu is different from them.”

Lu Dongming’s character made him act in a bright and open manner.

When other people approached her, they might have done so because she was the biological sister of the War Family’s Great Young Grandmother, because she now had two restaurants under her name and her business was still exceptionally good, and they thought that she had a good way of making money.

Without looking at the fact that she had a way of making money, just the fact that she and Hai Tong were blood sisters, there were quite a few people who wanted to pass through her and gain favours from her brother-in-law.

Lu Dongming would not have to worry about him having such thoughts.

If he had to say that Lu Dongming had intentions, what he was trying to do was her mother and son, he wanted to take her as his wife and wanted to be a father to Yangyang.