Fortune Divination Chapter 121

In the Jin family’s blessed land, Song Wenwen’s state was already extremely poor, one of her arms was completely gone, and half of her leg was rotting, looking extremely miserable.

The fire in the paraffin lamp was still burning vigorously ……

That night, Song Wenwen was finally going to be unable to support herself, most of her body rotted away, even half of her face was rotten.

Suddenly, Song Wenwen roared, “Zhang Chu, I will die with you even if I die!”

With that, Song Wenwen directly stabbed herself in the heart.

Blood immediately flowed all over the place, but that blood didn’t disperse, but instead, as if it were a trickle, it flowed towards that old paraffin lamp.

Then, from the ground, that blood climbed up into the bottle of the paraffin lamp and into the paraffin lamp.

After the paraffin lamp received new fuel, it suddenly poofed out a bright light.

This light is too bright, directly shine the whole cave snow bright, you can see, the cave wall, unexpectedly hung a dry corpse ……

Those dry corpses were all hideous in appearance and distorted in body shape, as if they had endured great pain before they died.

But the next second, the bright light disappeared, the paraffin lamp extinguished, followed by a bizarre aura spread out from within the paraffin lamp, that bizarre aura left the cave and walked out.

Although Song Wenwen was stabbed in the heart by a sharp knife, she surprisingly did not die immediately, her lips trembled and she was silent, as if she was waiting for a result.

This night, a bizarre aura invaded the neighbourhood where Zhang Chu was.

On the empty street, an illusory shadow, as if carrying an illusory lantern, slowly walked.

However, upon closer inspection, there was nothing on the street again, only a cold wind blowing by.

At one o’clock in the morning, Zhang Chu was already asleep.

Suddenly, the door of his room gently moved, as if someone was pushing the door.

Hot Pot, who was sleeping on Zhang Chu’s side, stood up with a sharp jolt, and his big dog stared at the handle of his room door with a deadly stare.

Click, a slight rattling sound came, and the door of the room suddenly opened a crack.

Immediately after, a blurry figure, appeared in the room.

Without waiting for Zhang Chu to wake up, Big Dog Hot Pot directly pounced on him and opened his mouth to bite.

Poof! The sound of flames disillusioning suddenly came, and that blurry figure was instantly lax.

Zhang Chu faintly heard some movement, looked at it in a daze, and then fell asleep again ……

Inside the Jin Family’s Cave of Heavenly Bliss, the paraffin lamp’s fire suddenly went out, and even, the wick broke off, as if it had been bitten by a dog.

Song Wenwen, who was sitting not far away, her head lolled and she completely stopped breathing.

And at this very moment, inside the cave, a miserable white hand reached out and strangled Song Wenwen’s neck.

Click click click …… The sound of bones being chewed came from within the cave.

At the same time, above the Jin Family, a golden red light shot up into the sky!

Inside the Jin Family Ancestral Hall, an ancient candle burned without fire!

Master Jin Liu was the first to get the news, he immediately bathed and changed his clothes, and quickly came to the ancestral hall.

Upon seeing the old candle, Master Jin Liu was instantly surprised and shouted, “Hahaha, God bless the Jin family, God bless the Jin family, my Jin family is starting to turn around!”

The Jin family’s feng shui bureau would usher in a turnaround every twenty years.

Generally speaking, as long as that cave swallowed a powerful Feng Shui master at a specific time, the Jin family’s transmutation ceremony could be completed.

Now, Master Jin Liu knew that Song Wenwen was definitely dead.

“My Jin Family’s cave is something outsiders can borrow? Stupid thing, daring to hit the idea of my Jin Family’s blessed land, death is not enough!”Master Jin Liu said viciously.

The next morning, within the other two clans in Jinling, a cloud of darkness was spreading.

At the Zhou Family’s ancestral tomb, the patriarch as well as several patriarchs were gathered around a thick pine tree, everyone’s faces were ugly.

At this moment, the pine tree had unexpectedly split down the middle, with crimson blood flowing out.

“It’s bad, eighteen years ago, an old nun once said that this pine tree, is where my Zhou family’s qi lies, if the pine tree is glorious, the Zhou family will prosper, if the pine tree dies, the Zhou family will lose.”

“Yesterday, I dreamed that a thunderbolt struck down and split the ancestral tomb of our Zhou family, and I couldn t think …… of it.”

“What to do?”

“Quickly go to Jing’an, first find a few famous feng shui masters to cope with it, can’t really watch our Zhou family decline.”


The Shangguan family, Shangguan Qingxue’s eldest uncle, Shangguan Wenzheng, and a few of the Shangguan family’s old men, were gathered around the Shangguan family’s artificial lake.

It could be seen that in the lake, a huge three-legged turtle was flopping around, and wherever it passed, the lake turned red.

Shangguan Wenzheng’s face was ugly, ”What’s going on? What happened to that three-legged turtle?”

An old man’s face was grave, “Not good, not good ah, last time, when Zhang Chu came to our house to help the three-legged turtle recover, he had said that our Shangguan family’s qi is all carried by this turtle, if something happens to the turtle, my Shangguan family ……”

Another old man looked at Shangguan Wenzheng: “Why hasn’t your father returned? It’s been a month since he went to the south to hire that Feng Shui master, how come there’s no news at all?”

Shangguan Wenzheng had a tangled look on his face, “I called this morning, my father said that that Feng Shui master is old and has difficulty moving, but has promised my father that he just needs to recuperate for some time.”

“This ……” The crowd looked at each other for a while.

Finally, someone said, “Why don’t we ask Mr Zhang to take a look again?”

Shangguan Wenzheng was in a difficult position, “But father doesn’t allow us to touch the feng shui of the house, otherwise, with Mr Zhang and Xiao Xue’s affection, he would have already changed it for us.”

“Even if we can’t change it, it’s still good to tell us the situation first.”

In the end, Shangguan Wenzheng sighed and had someone contact Shangguan Qingxue to ask Zhang Chu to come and take a look at the situation.

An hour later, Zhang Chu, Shangguan Qingxue, and Hot Pot, arrived at the artificial lake together.

In the centre of the lake, the three-legged turtle was still rolling up and down, but its speed was much slower, giving off a twilight feeling.

Shangguan Qingxue was worried, “Zhang Chu, there won’t be any problems, right?”

Zhang Chu slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the Jin Family.

At the same time, an aura was stimulated within Zhang Chu’s dantian, which instantly surged into Zhang Chu’s eyes.

Zhang Chu instantly saw that in the direction of the Jin Family, a golden-red overbearing aura shot straight up into the sky.

“The Pleiades Golden Rooster has activated ah ……,” Zhang Chu said softly.

Shangguan Qingxue slightly tilted her head, “What?”

Zhang Xuanzhi pointed in the direction of the Jin family without speaking.

Shangguan Qingxue instantly understood something, and a phrase inexplicably surfaced in her mind: eliminating you has nothing to do with you.

Yes, the Jin family’s reincarnation had begun, it wasn’t the Shangguan family’s feng shui bureau that had gone wrong, but the Jin family had begun to suck blood.

“Is there a way?”Shangguan Qingxue asked.

Zhang Chu smiled confidently, “Of course there is a way, didn’t I ask you to build a temple for the Ninety-Five before, that thing, it exists to counter the Jin Family.”

Shangguan Qingxue was worried, “But, that temple has only just begun construction ……”

Zhang Chu, on the other hand, said, “It’s fine, although the turtle is hard to bear, it can still be held up for a while, it can’t die.”

“Besides, during this period of time, the Shangguan family’s qi should be as good as new.”

In reality, the influence of feng shui on a family’s qi had a lagging effect.

Even if the Shangguan family’s feng shui was completely corrupted, the bad luck wouldn’t come immediately, so there was absolutely no need to rush it.

However, right at this moment, Zhang Chu’s afterglow suddenly discovered that within the Jin Clan’s overpowering Qi that was rushing into the sky, there seemed to be a strand of darkness.

“Eh? Their aura, it’s not right!”Zhang Chu instantly discovered something different.