Fortune Divination Chapter 81

The old lady’s brain seemed to be on the fritz as well, and she soon corrected herself, “No, no, no, if you don’t join the family, you’ll return the money, not a cent less.”

Zhang Chu hurriedly said, “Then I’ll return the money!”

Originally, Zhang Chu had no intention of owing Shangguan Qingxue any money, and even if the Shangguan family decided to cover for Shangguan Qingxue, Zhang Chu could not possibly let them lose money for no reason.

On the other hand, Shangguan Wenzheng hurriedly said, “Mr Zhang, you mustn’t be angry, my mother ……”

Bang, another cane, directly hitting Shangguan Wenzheng who didn’t dare to speak.

At this moment, the old lady was also angry, she shouted towards Zhang Chu: “Then you write a note, if you don’t return our family’s dowry within ten days, you will enter our family!”

Shangguan Qingxue hurriedly said, “It’s not necessary, it’s really not necessary.”

Bang, Shangguan Qingxue’s buttocks also received a heavy beating.

This old lady, hits anyone.

Around, many people looked at each other for a while, numb claws, no one can do anything about the old lady.

On the contrary, Xie Lan secretly snickered, this result was too much to her liking.

Zhang Chu, on the other hand, said, “Fine, ten days is ten days!”

“Make a note!”The old lady shouted.

“Good!”Zhang Chu was not ambiguous either.

Everyone around was afraid of the old lady, and at this time, everyone didn’t dare to say anything.

Soon, someone brought paper and a pen for Zhang Chu to make a note.

The old lady’s eyes were wide open, and although she was confused, she was still very serious in the face of the note.

Zhang Chu did not play any tricks, and the note was quickly completed.

It was agreed that within ten days, Zhang Chu must pay back all the money owed to the Shangguan family, otherwise, he would join the Shangguan family.

And seeing this note, many people in the Shangguan family immediately became excited.

Sixty million dollars in ten days?

What a joke! It was bound to be impossible to accomplish alright!

So, what was the reason for Zhang Chu to take the initiative to make this note?

The meaning was obvious, Zhang Chu liked Shangguan Qingxue! Taking advantage of his grandmother’s confusion, he found a reason to join the Shangguan family.

At this moment, many people secretly gave grandma a thumbs up, although grandma is confused, but ginger is still old and hot, this is not easily tied Zhang Chu to the Shangguan family’s chariot.

Even Shangguan Qingxue’s heart was a burst of joy, although she said on the surface that she had nothing to do with Zhang Chu, but if Zhang Chu was willing to join the family, she would definitely not refuse.

Soon, the note was completed.

The old lady very carefully put the note away, then she shouted, “Alright, let’s all disperse, disperse!”

As the meeting was dismissed, many people from the Shangguan family looked at Zhang Chu differently.

In the eyes of many, Zhang Chu’s entry into the Shangguan Family was already a done deal, and there could not possibly be any more surprises.

Only after everyone had left did Zhang Chu look at Shangguan Qingxue with an odd expression, “Your grandmother is really confused?”

Shangguan Qingxue nodded, “Yeah, it’s been more than ten years, suddenly her brain doesn’t work too well, she becomes stubborn and likes to hit people, but she recognises death and is very kind.”

Zhang Chu, on the other hand, muttered, “But I feel like she’s not too confused either.”

At this moment, Zhang Chu also felt that the old lady seemed to have gotten herself wound up.

However, very quickly, Zhang Chu muttered to himself, “Ten days, forty million, looks like we need to work hard.”

Shangguan Qingxue, however, suddenly laughed and said, “Actually …… there is no rush, it’s not like you can meet several Zhou Chong like gold masters in a row, just break the pot.”

Zhang Chu suddenly had a head full of questions.

Zhang Chu suddenly a head of question marks, what do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean, you’re not in a hurry? You really want me to join your family.

At this time, Zhang Chu surveyed Shangguan Qingxue, Shangguan Qingxue also looked at Zhang Chu very naturally: “How, feel into the family of Shangguan is very aggrieved?”

Zhang Chu laughed, “Honestly, if you want to try my strengths and weaknesses, you don’t need to join the family, tonight, you bring your ID card, I’ll bring my membership card, and we’ll be able to go and try it out.”

Shangguan Qingxue instantly said angrily, “Go to hell!”


The two of them also left the conference room, Lin SiYu, and Hot Pot followed along.

Zhang Chu would definitely not join the Shangguan family, and next, Zhang Chu had to think about making money.

Shangguan Qingxue also only verbally said that she was not in a hurry, although it was said within the family that they were going to help her out in the pocket, but with her character, she was more willing to solve the problem of money with her own strength.

At this time, Shangguan Qingxue said, “Zhang Chu, I’ll think about it tonight, and tomorrow, I’ll provide you with some ideas on how to get the funds.”

“Good!”Zhang Chu said.

At night, Zhang Chu returned to his residence with the hot pot.

As soon as he opened the door, Zhang Chu’s gaze went cold, he could sense that a thief had come!

The current Zhang Chu had a very keen sense of scent.

Thus, Zhang Chu checked around and quickly laughed: “A few money wasn’t lost, but a piece of clothing, interesting, is someone trying to use Feng Shui against me?”


At night, around twelve o’clock.

Inside a certain secret room of the Zhou family, Song Wenwen knelt in front of a demonic scarecrow, lighting incense and closing her eyes as she recited some mysterious and weird incantations.

Finally, at a certain moment, Song Wenwen’s eyes suddenly opened, and inside her eyes, there was no blackness in them, they were all white.

In the next second, Song Wenwen opened her mouth and said, “Capture the three souls, go!”

The scarecrow wearing Zhang Chu’s clothes suddenly trembled, and immediately after, a thick smoke emerged from the top of the scarecrow’s head.

This thick smoke condensed and slowly floated out of the window, and in the blink of an eye, it flew in the direction where Zhang Chu lived.

Not long after, an illusory scarecrow shadow emerged outside Zhang Chu’s window.

It was already late at night, and Zhang Chu and Hot Pot had already gone to sleep.

However, the Hot Pot’s senses were keen, and it suddenly stood up with a jolt, followed by running to the side of the bed and pulling Zhang Chu’s hand with its mouth, waking him up by shouting, “Grandpa, Grandpa, there’s something!”

Zhang Chu’s divine sense was equally sharp and incomparable, and the moment the bizarre aura appeared outside, Zhang Chu also woke up.

He violently pulled the curtains, and the scarecrow’s shadow and Zhang Chu instantly came face to face.

The scarecrow had a blurry face that revealed a weird smile towards Zhang Chu, and immediately after, the scarecrow raised its hand and hooked its finger towards Zhang Chu.

By the looks of it, the action was bizarre and incomparable.

At the same time, a powerful attraction unexpectedly erupted from the scarecrow’s illusory shadow, as if it wanted to hook Zhang Chu’s divine soul.

Zhang Chu laughed: ”Hook my soul? Hehe, not self-important!”

At this moment, Zhang Chu deliberately let go of his divine soul aura.

After that scarecrow sensed Zhang Chu’s Divine Soul Breath, a certain special kind of attraction was born, and this attraction unexpectedly acted on the Star Pagoda!

In the next second, starlight flashed on the surface of the Star Pagoda.

The strand of attraction that had invaded Zhang Chu’s Sea of Consciousness bared its teeth and smouldered directly, completely obliterated.

At the same time, the Star Tower stabbed out a beam of starlight, which reflected back along that attraction.

Bared ……

Outside the window, that scarecrow silhouette instantly broke, even letting out a miserable scream!

At the same time, within a secret room of the Zhou Family, Song Wenwen, who was kneeling in front of the scarecrow, two lines of blood tears suddenly flowed out within her miserable white eyes.