Tycoon Spurt Chapter 276

The county leadership team headed by Qiao Yiwei.

At first, they praised Hongfu Farm and Wu Jun unabashedly.

When hearing that the future main direction of this farm was actually growing rice.

Moreover, the rice grown is sold more expensive than pork, a group of people feel that this young manager Wu is a bit whimsical and is starting to drift.

Wuchang rice is famous, the main reason why the northeast region or preferential black soil, in addition to Wuchang, other places can not grow so good quality rice.

Success is also Xiaohe defeat, it is also because of the high requirements of Wu Chang rice on the soil, so the yield is very limited.

According to incomplete statistics, there are hundreds of millions of tonnes of Wu Chang rice for sale in the country every year.

But the real Wu Chang rice, even one thousandth of this value is less than how much, how much, how much, less is the point.

Ping Shan is a large agricultural county, counting decades ahead, most residents are farming, doing small business are less.

The soil quality of Ping Shan, can not grow like Wu Chang rice so high-quality rice, is the farmers know the basic common sense.

Over the years, some rice refining enterprises went to the countryside to collect rice at farmers’ homes, and the purchase price was less than one yuan per catty.

If farmers do not sell to buyers, their own threshing to sell rice, due to the rough processing techniques, uneven grain size, broken rice filled with them, it is also difficult to sell at a high price.

Trying to grow rice in Ping Shan that sells for more than pork is a fool’s errand.

Not to mention the price of pork nowadays, if rice can be sold at last year’s price of pork, the farmers will be overjoyed.

At this point in the tour, the atmosphere had turned from enthusiastic to somewhat awkward.

Guan Xuan was not surprised to see the crowd’s reaction, when she first heard the news, she was the same as this group of township chiefs.

She had also changed her mindset after eating Hongyun rice.

Building a high quality sunshine greenhouse for rice cultivation, the whole world is estimated that only Wu Jun dares to do so.

The super high quality of Hongyun rice is the backbone of his daring to do what others dare not.

Guan Xuan sidetracked the topic to ease the embarrassment and said, “Governor Qiao, the staff of Hongfu Farm has prepared lunch for everyone, the tour is almost over, let’s go back and dine.”

Qiao Yiwei said, “Officer Guan, we have so many people here this time, so let’s not cause any trouble for the farm, many comrades have come all the way here, if we delay any longer, we won’t be able to make it back before nightfall.”

Qiao Yiwei this is not polite, Ping Shan on the map is shaped like a narrow hairy bean, the farthest township from the county to the county is more than sixty kilometres.

And Ping Shan is mountainous, reflected in the name of the county, the more distant townships, the road back to the mountain road eighteen bends, the old drivers have to be careful to drive during the day, night driving is very unsafe.

Qiao Yiwei has spoken, a group of township and township chiefs have also said that they want to go, the size is also an official, and they are not bad for this meal.

Guan Xuan smiled and said, “The lunch that the farm has prepared for all of you is the rice produced by the rice that will be planted in the greenhouse in the future, do you all really not want to taste it before you go?”

Guan Xuan’s latter remark immediately aroused the interest of the crowd, and one of the town mayors who was furthest away was in no hurry to leave, saying that he could stay in the county town for the night.

The crowd was still curious about the rice that the farm sold for more than pork.

Whether it was true to its word and worth the price, or whether it was a rant, the answer would be revealed after they tasted it for themselves.

“Then, thank you Manager Wu for your hospitality.”Qiao Yiwei was similarly aroused by Guan Xuan, taking the lead and agreeing to stay, and expressing his gratitude to Wu Jun, the host.

“Prefect Qiao please.”Wu Jun turned around with a smile and led a group of people towards the main entrance of the greenhouse.

The Hongfu Farm’s compound was still a hot scene at this moment.

There are more than 300 employees in the farm alone, this time when the farm opened, Wu Jun gave the word that he can bring his family members and there is no limit to the number of people, almost the entire villagers of Xiao Wu Zhuang came.

Even Wu Jun’s Wu Dali, who had a bad time with Wu Jun before, had the cheek to follow his old man to dabble in food and drink.

Wu Jun saw him, as if he did not see, today there are so many people, also not bad for him that bite.

If you drive him away, it will look like you’re being petty.

The farm’s compound is very large, crowded with a village of people, looks like a sea of people, red flags, very lively.

This scene within Hongfu Farm looked like the kind of production team eating a big pot of rice decades ago.

“I hope it is not a flash in the pan of short-lived prosperity ah …… Some other day we have to find a few agricultural experts and this little Wu general communication, it is best to adjust the direction of the farm’s operations, high with the sunshine greenhouse planting rice, too big a waste of resources.”Qiao Yiwei sighed in his heart and walked towards the farm’s parlour under Wu Jun’s leadership.

The farm’s parlour was very spacious, placing three banquet tables was more than enough.

This time when the farm opened, the specifications of the banquet were the same as the last time the winery opened.

Chicken, duck, fish, prawns, elbows, all kinds of hard vegetables on the table, a group of township leaders look at a blank stare, ** ah, too **!

Today’s table of specifications, is not generally high, is the liquor is poor, is a white wine without the slightest fame.

Junheng 998 liquor industry’s new factory just put into production less than a month, fame has not hit out, the crowd does not recognise is not surprising.

The farm has prepared the banquet, Qiao Yiwei didn’t excuse himself, after thanking Wu Jun for his hospitality, he said a few words on the occasion, and all of them were seated.

When Guan Xuan opened the bottle cap of Jun Heng 998, the people in the parlour neatly sniffled and looked at Guan Xuan with a surprised face.

“This wine, it smells so good!”

“This Junheng 998, I’ve never heard of it before, this smell alone shouldn’t be obscure!”

“Xiao Guan, this wine ……,” Qiao Yiwei was equally surprised.

When it comes to leaders, there are very few that don’t drink.

Qiao Yiwei’s alcohol consumption was not bad, and he had drunk countless good wines.

But a wine that smelled as special as Junheng 998 was really the first time he had encountered it.

“This wine is produced by our Little Wuzhuang’s winery, so Governor Wu, taste how it tastes.”Guan Xuan explained, lifting her leg and walking over to Qiao Yiwei’s side, pouring him a cup of wine.

Pale golden liquor, pungent mellow aroma, Junheng 998’s smell and appearance couldn’t pick a single fault.

What kind of good wine is, what kind of Junheng 998 is.

Qiao Yiwei looked tsk tsk.

The table of township chiefs sitting next to him, also as if they have never drunk wine, they do it themselves and pour wine for themselves.

“First cup, let’s thank Manager Wu for his hospitality.”Qiao Yiwei was the person with the highest status in the room, and the first cup of wine was started by him.

“Thank you Manager Wu for your hospitality.”

“Thank you Manager Wu for your hospitality.”

A bunch of township leaders chimed in.

“It’s our honour for all of you to come to our farm, please forgive us for any poor hospitality today.”Wu Jun and the crowd made a polite remark and raised their glasses together, taking a sip of the wine in the cup.

“Good wine!”

“I’ve never had such good wine before!”

“The flavour of this wine is absolute!”

After tasting Junheng 998, the crowd was amazed.

“This wine, is it really brewed by Xiao Wuzhuang’s winery?”Qiao Yiwei looked at the remaining wine in his glass with a look of disbelief.

It was hard to imagine that a small winery that operated on a farm could brew such good wine!

Some other day, no, tomorrow, let the secretary arrange for a research visit to the winery.

Today was originally running towards the farm with a larger asset size, started quite well, but the result was not quite satisfactory.

Unexpectedly, the east is not bright, but unexpectedly in the farm’s banquet, met the village brewed good wine!

Enterprises that can brew this kind of good wine must focus on it and promote it vigorously, and externally it can be treated as a speciality of Ping Shan.

Whether it’s an enterprise, a product, or a region, publicity is an essential part.

The quality of this wine definitely has the potential to become a hit.

When the fame of the wine is out, it can also incidentally give the county a little publicity to attract some investment or something, mutually beneficial.

Qiao Yiwei tasted Junheng 998 and moved on, and became more interested in Xiao Wuzhuang’s winery.

He felt that the small Wuzhuang winery is more down-to-earth than the farm, let the product speak is the hard truth.