Tycoon Spurt Chapter 282

The next morning at seven o’clock.

Wu Jun was pulled out of the blanket by his old mum and reluctantly went outside to eat breakfast.

“Not eating breakfast is prone to stomach problems, your kid already has a bad stomach, all the more reason to eat.”

Ma Dongmei peeled a tea egg and handed it to her son, “Eat the egg as well, and supplement your nutrition.”

“Thank you old mum.”Wu Jun thanked him breathlessly, took the tea egg and bit off half of it.

Ma Dongmei laughed: “Eat slowly, no one will rob with you, not enough for me to give you this one.”

Wu Jun waved his hand and said, “One is enough, otherwise the over-nutrition.”

During this period of time, Wu Jun stayed at home for more time, guarding his parents every day, and being spoilt as a child, he almost became a young master of Wu with clothes to wear and food to eat.

In the past, every time during the New Year, he could also enjoy this kind of treatment for a few days, and as soon as he passed the first five days, he was beaten back to his original form, unlike now, which is so lasting.

In Ma Dongmei’s words, her son is so good, not to spoil it, her mother’s family a group of people to support this kid, all pointing to him to live a good life.

Wu Jun is now not only the heart of Ma Dongmei’s treasure, but also aunts and uncles love, a large group of people around.

Wu Jun asked while eating: “Right, where is my father, early in the morning, how not to see others.”

“Early this morning, the county TV station came a carload of people.”Ma Dongmei said smilingly, “Your dad went to record the programme with them.”

“So early?”Wu Jun raised his hand and glanced at his wristwatch, it was not even seven thirty at this moment.

Qiao Yiwei just said before he left yesterday that he would notify the TV station side to come, it’s only after one night, people came early in the morning, it can be seen that he attaches great importance to the farm and is very attached to it.

Ma Dongmei asked while eating, “Son, aren’t you going to go over and show your face?”

“I’ll forget about it.”Wu Jun smiled and said, “I’m not interested in things like being on TV.”

Wu Jun and his mum chatted while eating, after breakfast, Ma Dongmei finished cleaning up, it was not even eight o’clock.

“Why don’t we both go to the farm and take a look?”Ma Dongmei took her mobile phone and said, “A group of sisters in the village sent a message in the group saying where they are watching the fun, I see that the recorded pictures are quite interesting.”

Wu Jun cried and laughed, “Mum, you can go if you want to, you don’t have to drag me along, I won’t go, I still have business to do later.”

The main city upgrade was completed and would be finished at 9am, there was still an hour or so to go before now.

Wu Jun’s interest in [Resource Tycoon] was far greater than a local station recording programme that didn’t have much ratings.

“Then I don’t care about you ah, I’ll go over to see the action, I haven’t seen how to record a programme yet.”After Ma Dongmei finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

Ten minutes later, when Ma Dongmei went out again, Wu Jun saw that she had changed her clothes and put on light make-up.

The clothes were a black Adi sports set bought by Ma Si Yu.

Ma Dongmei was not fat and not thin, she worked all year round and kept a good figure.

After using Yumi, her skin looked fair and hydrated.

This outfit looks youthful and energetic.

Before the village also always joked that Ma Dongmei this sister when, more like Ma Siyu’s mother, is indeed so.

Sisters difference of 20 years old, the age gap is huge, the younger sister and from childhood foster in the sister’s home, do not know the people, will be Ma Dongmei as Ma SiYu’s own mother.

At this moment, the two people who are supposed to be the real sisters stand together, and finally have a little bit of sisterly appearance.

During this period of time, the people who surrounded Wu Jun had skyrocketing changes in their bodies.

Dad, Mum, Aunt, Aunt, Cousin, Cousin Sister, Cousin Sister.

And so on, and so on ……

Of course, the biggest change in Wu Jun.

From the small boss of a small supermarket, became the man of the hour in his hometown county, worth more than 100 million, subordinate hundreds of employees of the big boss.

Wu Jun knew that all of this was the change brought about by [Resource Tycoon].

Last night, he had thought about giving up [Resource Tycoon] to be a carefree billionaire.

This morning, that thought was completely gone.

Aristotle said: wisdom comes from idleness.

When our original desires are almost satisfied, when we are idle, it is the time to think of new needs.

When all the previous goals have been achieved, if not sacrificed and not dead, as long as you are still alive, you have to find another goal to toss.

When Wu Jun first bound [Resource Tycoon], his goal was to get together the 80,000 RMB needed for his dad’s surgery.

After this small goal was achieved, he then thought about continuing to expand his rice business, at least selling through the in-game output every day to earn more money.

Soon, he earned enough money and then thought about helping a group of relatives out of poverty.

After helping his relatives, he thought about helping more people, and then returned to the village.

One by one, needs were realised, and one by one, new needs sprang up.

Step by step, from nothing to something, set up Junheng Trading Co., Ltd, set up Junheng 998 Winery, acquired Jiaren Cosmetics Co., Ltd, set up Hongfu Farm.

Yesterday also boasted in front of the county governor: a person rich is not rich, the whole village rich is considered rich.

Wu Jun in leading others to get rich on this road farther and farther, sense of achievement is more and more full.

See the face full of confidence, overflowing with the desire for a better life of the mother, Wu Jun heart feeling quite a lot of emotion, more firmly in their hearts some ideas.

“What kind of look is this in your kid’s eyes, don’t know your mum anymore?”Ma Dongmei walked to Wu Jun who was sitting on the sofa, turned round and asked him, “Is it okay for me to wear this out?”

Wu Jun gave a thumbs up to his mum and responded with a smile, “Absolutely, the square dance queen of Xiao Wu Zhuang is the brightest existence wherever she goes.”

“Just will coax your mum me to be happy, then I’m going out, I’ll come back at noon to cook for you.”Ma Dongmei smiled and waved her hand, turning to go out.

Staying in the living room until 8:58am, Wu Jun headed to the sofa, eyes closed, and went inside the game.

At 9 o’clock sharp, the in-game prompt: [The main city has finished upgrading, wish you a happy life].

A thick fog appeared, blocking Wu Jun’s line of sight, when the fog dispersed, a stone building with an ancient atmosphere appeared in front of his eyes.

On the top of the building, there are three big words “City Lord’s Mansion”.

Wu Jun looked around the game.

The main city within the game had also been surrounded by a seven to eight metre high city wall, which looked like a golden soup.

The feeling given by the level 2 main city was much safer than the small huts before.

According to Wu Jun’s visual estimation, the main city area was about ten thousand square metres and was already quite large.

Inside the main city, there were some low-slung bungalows labelled as “residential” scattered everywhere.

From the lonely small huts before, to the small town that has begun to take shape now, the change within the game can not be said to be not big.

Wu Jun felt that this 100 million, spend or very worthwhile.

In reality, one hundred million may not be able to smash out such a big movement.

Game prompt: [Northwest of the main city at coordinates 985:125 position, a tung wood forest has been refreshed, please city lord send lumberjacks there].

Wu Jun heard the prompt in his ears, directly in the game kryptonite 1 million will 100 lumberjacks will be recruited, will be sent to the coordinates to cut wood.