Tycoon Spurt Chapter 298

Wu Jun suddenly wanted to open a coffin processing factory in JB.

This decision seemed sudden to everyone.

It was even …… a bit inexplicable!

In a foreign country, where life is not familiar, venturing into an unfamiliar industry field.

“Xiao Jun, before what you do aunt listen to you, fully support you, but this matter, aunt have to advise you, you have to think twice ah.”

Dong Lizhu advised bitterly, “The first time to deal with an order worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but also open the factory to the unfamiliar foreign countries, our step is not a little bit too big?”

“Even if we have to do, we have to do it step by step, first in the domestic small-scale test water, step by step, one bite can not eat a big fat.Also, the money in our company’s account is not even enough to buy the raw materials for this order.”

Wu Jun explained: “Money matters aunt don’t worry, this time without the company a penny, raw material things I’ll solve, can first credit, and so on the completion of the order, and then pay the money for raw materials on the line.”

“As for that contract, it is my good buddy’s order, surely safe and reliable, now only need to spend money to rent the plant, purchase equipment, recruit workers, can start to participate in a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars, I feel, this is a very rare opportunity.”

Wu Jun’s statement was equally heartwarming.

“Without using a single cent from the company?Hundreds of millions of goods can still be owed?”Dong Li Zhu didn’t know how to describe her feelings at the moment after hearing Wu Jun’s words.

Investing a few million upfront to be able to participate in a project with a capital of over a hundred million.

This thing was said like spending two dollars to buy a lottery ticket and then saying that she participated in a project with an amount as high as 5 million.

Listening to Wu Jun’s meaning, this single business he has 100% certainty that he can earn the money, that is to say, spend two dollars to buy a lottery ticket, have the confidence that he will win 5 million.

Dong Li Zhu does not know where Wu Jun confidence, but her heart or support their nephew’s, persuasion is all for his consideration.

Dong Li Zhu contemplated for more than a minute, opened her mouth and said: “Xiao Jun, if you think well, go to do it, don’t carry the burden by yourself if you encounter any difficulties, the company is yours, if you say one word, the whole company will support you with all their strength.”

“Thank you aunt for your support, you put your heart in your stomach, this thing is very stable, absolutely won’t have any unexpected situation.”

The corner of Wu Jun’s mouth rose with a confident face.

Starting a company in a foreign country like this, although Wu Jun can be completely on his own, but in line with the principle of mutual respect, he still talked to the company’s group of executives, especially his aunt Dong Li Zhu.

Aunt is the assistant to the general manager, the assistant does not even know what the company’s boss does, it is not good to hear, and it does not look good.

He is so confident, and certainly not blindly confident.

[Resource tycoon] within the output of high-quality tung wood, compared with the high-quality tung wood needed by Huang Zili, there is no better.

Decided to open a coffin factory in Benzene, from the first time in the rented room to see Huang Zili, the two people knee to knee after a long talk, this idea began to brew in his heart.

During this period of time, in addition to busy fulfilling the contract of 2000 tonnes of rice, Wu Jun was not idle, to verify the feasibility of his idea.

Without a hundred per cent certainty, he wouldn’t have taken the plunge and intervened in such a large order.

The newly recruited lumberjacks in the game are not only good at chopping down trees, but also good at making wood products, and they are definitely of master level.

In five days, 100 lumberjacks in the game, without the help of any modern tools, used the traditional tools that come with the game, saws, axes, planes, chisels, hammers and rulers, to make 2000 finished coffins.

The wood taken out of the game can set its own specifications, and this feature also helped Wu Jun a lot, eliminating the need for undercutting.

Directly under the material, take it out and assemble it, greatly improving the work efficiency.

The 2000 finished coffins that had been made were now lying in the temporary warehouse where 2000 tonnes of rice had been stored before.

Of course, these 2000 coffins, Wu Jun is not doing it for practice, the size are from Huang Zili where to ask for the standard size.

Only five days time, used up all the wood stored by Wu Jun before, completed one fifth of the progress of the order.

This is still the case of insufficient raw materials, under the case of full power, at least a few hundred more mouths can be made out.

This kind of speed, it was more than enough to complete the remaining progress in the next half a year.

The efficiency of Huang Zili’s factory, compared to the lumberjacks within the game, was like the difference between a green train and a high speed train.

Of course, Wu Jun wouldn’t leave all 100 in-game lumberjacks in Nippon Benzene.

For Huang Zili, the work schedule was tight, but for him, the work schedule was loose.

At most, a few lumberjacks would be left behind as guides, and the rest would be recruited from the local area or, alternatively, dispatched from domestic labour.


Huang Zili was also considering Wu Jun’s proposal in the past two days.

The advantages and disadvantages of this matter can be seen by anyone with a clear eye, definitely the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The only thing that seems to be a bit of a disadvantage is that, for such a big business, the profit has to be shared equally with Wu Jun.

However, if you want the full profit, you have to have that ability to take high risk.

Profit is less than half, minimise the risk, almost zero risk, this thing is really not much to consider.

Now their own side has not even fulfilled the order of the wood needed to come together.

The workers in the factory are also in a state of panic, being dug out of the corner of the dug out, their own jumped ship to go, the production efficiency is not as good as before.

If one still wanted to monopolise the profits from this order, one would undoubtedly have to take a huge risk.

The level of this risk, has exceeded the capacity of the enterprise.

Huang Zili tangled for two days, this did not dare to discuss with his mother-in-law, with his mother-in-law, this thing will be a success.

No need to wait for Wu Jun back to China, she took the contract Baba fly benzene to come.

Wu Jun this decision, in Huang Zili view, is simply the initiative to jump into the fire pit.

Although he can take himself away from the four sides of the place, but also may become their own good buddy’s burial place, the scene of the overturned car.

This kind of pit buddy thing, Huang Zili feel that he can not do.

After two days of entanglement, Huang Zili found Wu Jun and took the initiative to show his cards.

“Old Wu, listen to my advice, I think it, you can now have the family business is not easy, this matter you better not get involved, buddy do not want to pull you into the water.”

Huang Zili said with sincerity: “really can’t, I entrust this order to other domestic factories OEM, how it is also not to take money to the inside, wimpy on the wimpy a little bit, let’s concede to keep the peace, at least not as bad as the loss of the family’s assets.”

“Old Huang, I don’t want you to think, I want me to think.”Wu Jun cried and laughed, “How can you be sure that I don’t like water, count on me to beg you to pull me into the water, okay?I would rather give this order to someone else, but not to my buddy, right?”

“Old Wu, you talk like this buddy will not like to hear.Your relatives did not advise you?Didn’t think that your ideas are a bit pie-in-the-sky?”

Huang Zili said, “I don’t give you this order, I don’t want to harm you, who are we with who ah!Is it fun to talk like this!”

“Your words are enough, I’ll take this order.”Wu Jun got up, greeted Huang Zili out the door, “Let’s go, take you to a place, you can make a decision when you arrive at the place.”