Tycoon Spurt Chapter 532

Mars, Earth’s neighbour and the future home of mankind.

The mention of these always stirs the infinite imagination of mankind.

It can be a planet in outer space with a harsh living environment, a utopia in fantasy, or a mundane paradise like the Earth.

Why do human beings want to explore the universe? This is a very ambitious question, but it is also open to discussion.

First of all, all the knowledge that mankind currently possesses comes from thinking about and exploring the universe, and exploring the universe is the key to promoting the progress of human civilisation.

When mankind was still in the period of obscurity, our forefathers maintained an exuberant curiosity about the mysterious starry sky. They could not scientifically explain the changes of the sun, moon and stars, but they believed that there was endless wisdom hidden there.

Astronomy is one of the oldest disciplines of mankind. As early as in ancient societies, tribal leaders described to people the oracles displayed by the stars.

Both Eastern and Western civilisations have included astronomical stories in their mythology. People believe that the endless starry sky has its own meaning, and that the orbit of a star often signals the occurrence of some major event.

Humans then observed the operation of the stars, observed the changes of the four seasons, compiled calendars, guided social life, and wrote countless magnificent poems in various languages.

These experiences, perceptions and thoughts about the vast starry sky and the mysterious universe have greatly enriched the spiritual world of mankind, and have been the driving force in the development and transformation of human science, religion, art and thought.

Today, people often say that the contemporary era is a high-tech era.

In fact, our knowledge of the universe is very little, the earth is a speck of dust in the universe, and human beings are even smaller.

In front of the truth, the little knowledge that human beings know is too little, so it is all the more necessary to explore the unknown.

Secondly, the Earth is the home planet of mankind, but in a sense, it is also the prison of mankind.

The development process of human civilisation is closely related to the use of energy.

When human beings mastered fire, the evolution of human beings took a big step forward, and with the extensive use of energy sources such as water, coal, steam, electricity, petroleum, nuclear energy, etc., human beings stepped into the age of science and technology.

However, the energy on earth is not really inexhaustible. If there is really a day when it is exhausted, what should the human beings on earth do?

From the current stage of history, the entire human interstellar migration is indeed very unrealistic, but the speed of technological progress is unpredictable.

Humans have ascended to the top of the Earth’s ecosphere for only a few thousand years, and the history of human scientific and technological civilisation is even shorter, that is, these three hundred years of modern times.

The civilisational achievements created by mankind in these three hundred years are far superior to those of the previous thousands of years, and the technological changes in these recent decades have been even more rapid.

This means that the development trajectory of science and technology is not linear growth, it is exponential growth, jumping growth, and after that it may still get faster and faster.

Who can assert that interstellar migration will not be possible for humans in the era of thousands of years from now?

Interstellar migration may seem like a pipe dream to us now.

Skyscrapers, space shuttles, and mobile communications, which were also a pipe dream for Emperor Qin Shi Huang, have been realised by mankind.

In addition, exploring the universe has the potential to allow mankind to avoid some catastrophic accidents.

Billions of years ago, dinosaurs were the dominant force on this planet, but the dinosaurs have become extinct, and what they left behind are only fossils.

The reason for the extinction of the dinosaurs could be the impact of an asteroid, so it is possible that human beings will encounter similar interstellar disasters in the future.

Maybe humans won’t encounter it in a thousand years, but what about two thousand years?

Explore the universe, but also in space to build a defence of human security of the Great Wall, but also to promote the key to scientific and technological progress.

Aerospace science and technology is a highly integrated system of modern science and technology, which includes almost all the disciplines that mankind has mastered.

Every human exploration of the universe is a large-scale collaboration, such as the Apollo programme, the total number of participants more than 400,000 people, involving more than 80 research institutes, more than 200 universities, more than 20,000 enterprises.

This collaboration has been a huge boost to all disciplines.

Today, people often discuss mobile phone technology, Internet technology, unmanned vehicles, new energy vehicles, all of these technologies actually began in the early days of space technology research and development, and these technologies have profoundly changed our lives.

The technology that people usually discuss usually belongs to the advancement of technical application, while the real cutting-edge technology basically comes from the exploration of the universe.

What is the universe? Where did it come from? Where is it going? What is the meaning of human existence in the universe?

There are many questions in everyone’s mind, all of which can be pursued continuously, and all of which will eventually come down to the question of the origin of the universe, which is still unanswerable.

No one knows when mankind will be able to answer these questions, but optimistically, there may always be a day.

Humans have existed as a separate species for about two million years. Human civilisation began about 10,000 years ago and its development has been steadily accelerating.

If humanity wants to continue for the next million years, then it will have to work hard to hold on to the lower limits of human nature, while at the same time going to work to break through the upper limits of technology.

As the most desirable planet for human interstellar migration, Mars is a recurring topic and timeless image in films.

There are countless science fiction films about Mars.

Wu Jun had only seen Matt Damon who planted potatoes on Mars.

This Journey to Mars that Angel chose was not too famous among the many films about Mars, coupled with the fact that it was quite old, Wu Jun watched it for the first time today.

As the plot of the film unfolded, Wu Jun found that in terms of imagination and plot alone, this old film was actually not bad.

The film is about a young adventurer, Captain Evant, who is encouraged by his father to design and build a spacecraft “Essence” and lead a group of crew members to go to Mars to explore the story.

In the film, the “Seiken” looks like an ark with wings, from which we can see some shadows of the space shuttle.

Due to the limitations of the times and technology, the crew’s months-long trip to Mars did not experience the common sci-fi problems of modern sci-fi films, such as oxygen leakage, deviation from the course, and failure of the circulatory system.

Instead, they faced only the psychological problems caused by the long period of isolation, such as depression and tension, and even reached the brink of mutiny.

Rather than astronauts, the crew of the “Seiken” is more like a group of sailors sailing on the sea.

Liu also mentioned in his book “Three Bodies” that the mysterious space and the blue sea have long been connected.

Why a spaceship and not a space plane?

Why a space fleet and not a fleet of space planes?

“Upon arrival on Mars, Captain Evant found the Martians to be identical in appearance and physiology to the people of Earth, except that they were taller.

The difference was that the Martians had long since left the lowly stage of the Earthling’s mutual aggression.

The Martians are a group of pure vegetarians and pacifists, with a kind of religious self-sufficiency and piety.

After some misunderstandings, Captain Evant finally realises his own shortcomings as an Earthling, spiritually uplifts himself, and finally falls in love with the daughter of the Martian leader and returns to Earth with her.

The film is 97 minutes long.

As Wu Jun watched this film, he couldn’t help but associate it with [Resource Tycoon].

Is Angel madly hinting at something about himself?

Tall and vegetarian, the Martian in this film has a lot of similarities with Angel.