Tycoon Spurt Chapter 564

The song “One Like Summer One Like Autumn” finished playing.

The Tesla Roadster slowly parked downstairs in Building 22 of Zhongtian Garden.

“Hurry up and get off the car don’t dawdle, it’s getting late.”

Wu Jun turned sideways and saw that Ma Siyu was still intoxicated in the song, reaching out to help her unbuckle her seatbelt.

“Don’t move, let’s talk for a while.”Ma Siyu was disturbed and with a chagrined look, she pushed away Wu Jun’s hand.

“If you have anything to say, let’s talk about it some other day when we have time, what’s there to talk about in the middle of the night.”

With a click, Wu Jun reached out again, this time succeeding in undoing the seatbelt tied to Ma Si Yu.

Ma Siyu sat on the co-pilot did not move, suddenly some melancholy said: “You do not find that more than a year, the two of us have rarely sit down and talk properly for a while?”

When Ma Siyu said so, Wu Jun thought about it.

Two people in the same city, in the past every now and then in a meal together, shopping, watching films.

Sometimes when they were tired of playing, they went to sleep at whoever’s house was near.

Ma Siyu had stayed in Wu Jun’s small supermarket, and Wu Jun also had his own room in Zhongtian Garden.

Since Wu Guangqiang was seriously injured and hospitalised, the number of activities the two did together had significantly decreased.

After going through this incident, the two seemed to have matured all of a sudden as well.

Eating, drinking and having fun was less, and their minds were shifted to their careers, or it would be more apt to say making money.

This year, Wu Jun’s career soared, often travelling around.

Under Wu Jun’s promotion, Ma Siyu was also reused by the radio station, the income rose at the same time, the workload also increased a lot.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the radio station sister is not so good to be.

Only after experiencing an extreme lack of money, do you know the importance of money.

The experience of borrowing money from all over the world, transferring supermarkets, selling cars, and selling houses to make up money, both of them don’t want to go through it again.

Luckily, those days were gone, and they were getting farther and farther away from the two of them.

“How’s work these days?”Wu Jun sighed and said, “Actually, not only am I not annoyed that you and Moonlight were suspended from work, but I also wanted to send a banner to your station manager.”

Ma Siyu glared at Wu Jun, punched him and said, “You’re so looking forward to me getting laid off!”

Wu Jun said, “You know, our family doesn’t lack your salary.”

“I’m not working for the salary.”Ma Siyu said, “Life lies in tossing and turning, people always need to find something to do, there is a job that you like, there are several good sisters working together, after work, together with a meal, drink tea, shopping, watch a film, it’s quite good.” Wu Jun smiled and asked, “You also know that our family now does not lack your little salary,” Wu Jun said, “You also know that our family now does not lack your little salary.

Wu Jun smiled and asked, “Didn’t think of having a relationship?”

“You kid is also too greedy, right?”Ma Siyu gave Wu Jun a glance and said, “You’ve got two aunts, you still don’t think it’s enough? How much is enough? Why don’t I send you an announcement for an auntie in the programme, and report your current condition outwards, the whole Shimen young and old are your aunties.”

“I …… “Wu Jun opened his mouth, completely speechless, should not have mentioned this!

Next topic!

Wu Jun adjusted his sitting posture, looked at Ma Si Yu and said, “Recently I read two books ‘I moved your cheese’ and ‘Who moved my cheese’.”

Ma Siyu raised her eyebrows towards Wu Jun and said, “Try moving my cheese?”

“Don’t interrupt, listen to me finish first,” Wu Jun continued, “Both books tell an interesting fable thing.”

“Oh, go on, I didn’t expect that Academic Scum Wu also has a time to read books.”Ma Si Yu snickered, “At that time in school, if you had read more books, you wouldn’t have to get into a third-rate university, and in the end, you couldn’t find a suitable job and ran off to open a small supermarket.”

Wu Jun raised his hand, wanting to slap this woman who always interrupted him and revealed his black history.

Ma Si Yu glared at him and even deliberately brought her face upwards.

Looking at a small face close at hand, Wu Jun’s idea of hitting someone was instantly dashed.

“Alright, from this moment until you finish your story, I won’t say a word.”Ma Siyu was satisfied with Wu Jun’s performance, her finger traced and pulled on her lips, making a zip action.

After Ma Siyu sewed her mouth shut, Wu Jun continued, “A group of mice living in a maze, with ‘finding cheese in the maze’ as their lifelong pursuit, there are three mice who are not satisfied with the status quo, dared to challenge the norms, and came out of the maze in different ways respectively, and found a new meaning and value of their lives, thetrue ‘cheese’.”

“These two stories simultaneously tell people how to get ‘cheese’ from the perspective of proactively responding to change.”

“‘Cheese’ comes right from our inner desires, goals and dreams, which can be a career, a belief, a pursuit, or even a wish.”

“In real life, there are actually a lot of people who don’t know what their cheese is… What kind of goals in life?What kind of person to become?What things to do to be more meaningful and valuable?If you also want to have a wonderful life then quickly think clearly, what is your cheese?”

“Is a radio job really that good? So unwilling to throw it away?”

Wu Jun truly did not want to let Ma Si Yu engage in radio work anymore.

With his current ability, he can give Ma Siyu whatever she wants, and can completely break away from the constraints of work and enjoy a free life.

Ma Siyu listened to Wu Jun finish his words, flashing her big eyes, looking at him, not saying a word.

Wu Jun smiled, “Now you can talk.”

“Whew, suffocating me!”Ma Siyu blew out her breath and adjusted her sitting position, her eyes looked out into the night and fell into deep thought, “What is my cheese ……”

Ma Siyu enjoyed the working atmosphere of the radio station and loved this job.

The salary income was higher than the vast majority of people in Shimen, and the work was decent.

Before Wu Jun became the group’s boss, she was planning to take this job as a lifelong career.

However, times change, and many things change when you have enough capital.

In the past, Ma Si Yu held onto this golden rice bowl because the job was stable and lucrative, and she needed to make money.

Not only did she need to live well on her own, but she also had to subsidise her third sister’s family, and in the future, she would have to provide for her third sister and brother-in-law’s retirement.

Nowadays, it was obvious that there was no need for her to continue to work hard.

The big boy who used to worry about his future has already held up a sky for himself, his family, and his friends and relatives.

Last year at the Shimen Grand Hotel, under Wu Jun’s invitation, a large group of Old Ma’s family joined his company to fight together with him.

Ma Si Yu did not join the first time, one is do not want and Wu Jun into the upper and lower level colleague relationship, that makes her very awkward.

Another thing is, she is afraid of an eventuality, in case Wu Jun’s career development is not good, her income can also support him.

To this day, the fact proves that her worry is obviously unnecessary.

Wu Jun’s development is very good, the old Ma’s family follow him to develop very well.

At this moment, Ma Siyu’s persistence began to waver, began to collapse.