Tycoon Spurt Chapter 572

Zhao Chunrong now looked at Wu Jun with more and more the flavour of a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

Her gratitude to Wu Jun was not less than Li Tong’s, even too much.

Zhao Chunrong was once desperate for her life and once fell into the abyss of despair.

After meeting Wu Jun, everything started to get better slowly, even so good that Zhao Chunrong felt very unreal.

Zhao Chunrong felt that the happiest time in his life was the present moment.

She has no worries about food and clothing, lives in a big house, and has a decent and very profitable job.

The savings in her bank card is a figure she never dared to dream of before.

With her daughter and son by her side, Zhao Chunrong feels that this is the peak of her life.

In Zhao Chunrong’s mind, all this change, are from meeting the daughter of this high school classmate began.

As soon as Zhao Chunrong got on the car, she said, “Xiao Wu ah, Xiao Yan this matter you have helped our family again, auntie’s mouth is stupid, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Auntie Zhao you are too polite.”Wu Jun turned back and said to Zhao Chunrong, “I just happened to meet Li Yan when I went to repair my car.”

“I won’t hide it from you, in the end I didn’t help much in this matter.”Wu Jun honestly said, “I didn’t recognise Li Yan when I went there either, it was him who recognised me and took the initiative to ask me about you and Li Tong’s phone number, this is God helping your family.”

“This is all because of your destiny with our family!”Zhao Chunrong exclaimed, “If it wasn’t for the fact that Tong Tong and I met you when we were in Kyoto and followed you back, even if Xiao Yan happened to see you, he wouldn’t have been able to enquire about Tong Tong and I’s phone number.”

“Er…… “Wu Jun thought carefully and felt that Zhao Chunrong’s words were also so reasonable, he and this family were indeed quite destined to be together.

A hundred years to repair the same boat ferry, a thousand years to repair the common pillow sleep, himself and Li Tong have rolled bed sheets, to say that there is no destiny, can afford their conscience.

“Besides ……” Zhao Chunrong said, her eyes have been red, “If it is not you help me and Tong Tong arrange work, even if we come back, we do not dare to go and identify with Xiaoyan, we mother can not take care of ourselves, can not go todrag him down.”

After hearing her mother’s words, Li Tong’s eyes also reddened a little, this time she took the initiative to reach out and hold Wu Jun’s hand.

Wu Jun smiled and said: “Auntie Zhao, let bygones be bygones, it’s a bit strange to talk about this, let’s look ahead, there’s a long way to go in the future.”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, auntie don’t say it.”Zhao Chunrong took out a black and white square handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the corner of her eyes and said, “Listening to Xiaotong said that you didn’t eat for a day, tonight auntie will show you a good hand, and do all the dishes that she can do.”

Wu Jun smiled nonchalantly and said, “Then I will have a good meal today, how much auntie cooks, how much I eat.”

Li Tong crowed and said, “You are not afraid to eat up you.”

Hearing Li Tong’s words, Wu Jun didn’t do anything yet, Zhao Chunrong was reluctant first: “Xiaotong, how to talk to Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu rarely go to our house for dinner, don’t say this kind of words again.”

Li Tong was a bit frantic, “Mum! Don’t be so protective of him! I was just joking with him!”

“Not even if you’re joking.”Zhao Chunrong lectured her daughter with a stern face, when she looked at Wu Jun, she instantly became pleasant, “Little Wu don’t listen to Tong Tong, whenever you go to the house, Auntie will make you delicious food, let go and eat.”

Wu Jun scratched Li Tong’s palm and gloated, “Still Auntie is good to me, unlike some people who are so petty.”

Li Tong huffed and drew back her hand and said, “If you keep talking nonsense I’m going to pull over and unload people.”

“Who are you going to let off?”Zhao Chunrong looked at the front row driving Li Tong, nonchalantly said, “Tong Tong you don’t forget, this car are Xiao Wu’s, to get off is also the two of us get off.”

“ah ah ah ~ ~” Li Tong feel like going crazy, this is the real mother, elbow to the sky!

Wu Jun rushed to reconcile, “Auntie, it’s not so bad, no one is getting off, Li Tong and I are talking about playing.”

Zhao Chunrong said: “Little Wu ah, in the future, if Tong Tong is not doing well, make you unhappy, you tell auntie, auntie help you to teach her a lesson.”

Wu Jun smiled and said, “Auntie Zhao, don’t worry, this won’t happen, in my eyes, Li Tong is good at everything.”

“This is still like a sentence.”Hearing Wu Jun’s praise for himself, Li Tong instantly smiled like a flower.

Zhao Chunrong also nodded with satisfaction, the reason why she strongly defended Wu Jun and cared about his feelings was because she didn’t want to miss out on such a good aunty and didn’t allow a single accident to happen.

Li Tong asked Zhao Chunrong, “Mum, did Xiao Yan call you? Did he get off work?”

Zhao Chunrong said, “Xiao Yan came by a call before closing time, saying that his girlfriend had another client she was receiving and might not arrive until later.”

“Then let’s go shopping for groceries first.”Li Tong smiled and asked, “Mom still remembers what Xiao Yan’s favourite dish was when she was little?”

“A lifetime can not forget ……,” Zhao Chunrong recalled, “He ah, once he saw the sweet and sour ribs drooling, before the family conditions are not good, every time you can not afford to buy more, every time you are ready to eat you can not afford to eat, all let him eat.I’m sorry.”

“When I was a child, Xiao Yan was white and fat, and you were thin and black, and now you two are reversed.”Thinking of the siblings’ childhood appearance, Zhao Chunrong once again wet tears, voice choked, “I thought that I left XiaoYan at home because I wanted him to suffer less, I didn’t think that he ate so much suffering these years, mum is sorry for XiaoYan, owed him too much.”

“Mum, you’re starting again.”Li Tong was also infected by Zhao Chunrong’s emotions, her voice choked and said, “No one would have thought it would be like this, in the future, the three of us will never be separated again, what we owe to Xiaoyan, we will make up for it.”

Wu Jun listened to the two people talking about Li Yan began to feel sad, listening to the clouds.

Li Yan is young in BMW 4 S shop has a formal job, but also made a pretty girlfriend, in theory, has been better than many people.

Waiting for the two people’s emotions to stabilise, Wu Jun then tried to ask: “Auntie Zhao, Li Yan he ……”

“Little Yan this child has a bitter life, more bitter than Tong Tong and I.”Zhao Chunrong once again took out a small handkerchief, wiped the corners of his eyes and said, “Tong Tong and I went to Kyoto at that time, Tong Tong at least finished high school and has become an adult, Xiaoyan just graduated from primary school and followed the same village’s co-friends to go to the construction site to work as a small labourer ……”

Zhao Chunrong didn’t take Wu Jun as an outsider, also not afraid of family scandal, put from the great aunt Li Xiangxiang where to hear the news and Wu Jun all out.

“Xiao Yan this child, in front of me and Tong Tong’s face still refused to tell the truth, saying that he had a good life all these years.”Zhao Chunrong choked up and said, “If it wasn’t for his great aunt telling me and Tong Tong the truth, we wouldn’t have known that he had suffered so much.”

After Wu Jun heard Li Yan’s experiences over the years, his heart also felt bad.

Children from divorced families, whether they follow their father or their mother, are rarely happy.

However, it was the first time he heard of such a miserable one like Li Yan.