Tycoon Spurt Chapter 748

Early winter, the night is slightly cool.

The night of Xiaowuzhuang does not have the hustle and bustle of the big city, and occasionally a few barking dogs cut through the quiet.

The snow in the courtyard of the villa has been cleared to the base of the courtyard wall during the day.

On the south wall is Wu Jun’s childish pile of a strange and ugly snowman.

On the left side of the snowman, Wu Jun put one hand in his pocket and held a cigarette in one hand.

The right side of the snowman, Li Xiaoxiao two hands in the pocket of the down jacket, slightly bowed his head, eyes have been looking at his toes.

After more than a year, once again alone with Wu Jun, Li Xiaoxiao was very uncomfortable.

The image of being reunited again was something she had fantasised about countless times, and she even often dreamt of the two of them being together again.

But when this day became a reality, she had the feeling of being in a dream.

“He is now the boss of a group of companies, and the cigarettes he smokes are still the same kind he smoked before, is it nostalgia or specialisation?”

“He called me out alone for what?”

“He didn’t find out about One by One’s life, did he?”

“No way! No way, how can it be, impossible, calm down, it must be me scaring myself.”

The more Wu Jun didn’t say anything, the more Li Xiaoxiao felt that she had no bottom in her heart, and brainstormed frantically on the side.

Just when Li Xiaoxiao had already brainstormed to the point that Wu Jun was going to forcefully separate her and the child based on his identity as the president, Wu Jun finally spoke.

The relationship between the two was not very close, at first it was just a company colleague, a piece of dinner a few times of friendship.

To be honest, this is really not much of a friendship.

Coupled with the fact that after such a long time, Wu Jun also felt that there was no way to talk to Li Xiaoxiao.

Directly talking about Xiao Yi Yi’s matter, Wu Jun thought about it right and left, it’s not appropriate.

Wu Jun held back for half a day, stifled out a sentence: “Is there still contact with that person?”

“Ah? That person?”Li Xiaoxiao returned to reality from her crazy brainstorming, looking slightly embarrassed.

“It’s ……” Wu Jun was speechless for a while, this question still needs to be asked so clearly by himself, isn’t it a very obvious question?

“Oh, and …… “Li Xiaoxiao reacted to what Wu Jun was referring to after seeing his expression, and said with a shy face and bowed her head, “Sort of still have a connection.”

“Err…… “Wu Jun was speechless again, Li Xiaoxiao’s answer caught him a bit off guard.

Wu Jun had already worded his condemnation of that negative man in his heart.

As a result, looking at Li Xiaoxiao’s reaction, she didn’t seem to hate that person?

This is a bit awkward, almost becoming an awkward chat scene.

Li Xiaoxiao also felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward and took the initiative to change the topic.

Li Xiaoxiao smiled and looked at Wu Jun and said, “I haven’t seen you for more than a year, there doesn’t seem to be any changes on Mr Wu, even his hairstyle is the same as when I resigned.”

Wu Jun reached out and touched his hair, smiled and said, “Habits are sometimes hard to change, I haven’t paid too much attention if you don’t say it, this hairstyle seems like it hasn’t been changed for six or seven years, right?”

Wu Jun’s wealth now is more than 10,000 times more than the time when he opened the small supermarket, when he cut his hair, he will still think of the barber shop that he has been going to all these years.

That barber shop is not big, wash, cut and blow-dry a set down ten dollars.

“The changes on you are really quite big.”Wu Jun looked at Li Xiaoxiao with feeling.

Li Xiaoxiao’s change is really big, from top to bottom, from inside to outside.

Of course, the transformation from a teenage girl to a baby mum was the biggest.

The only thing that remained the same was her smiling eyes.

The reason why Wu Jun recognised her at once was because of her eyes.

Li Xiaoxiao, as her name suggests, “smile” has become the most unique and distinguishable label on her body.

Li Xiaoxiao knew what Wu Jun was referring to when he said “change” and took the initiative to say, “Mr Wu must have been very surprised when he saw Yi Yi, right?”

“Don’t call Mr Wu at home, it sounds awkward.”Wu Jun smiled and said, “Furthermore, you are not my employee now, you are a guest in our house, just call me Wu Jun.”

Li Xiaoxiao smiled and looked at Wu Jun and said, “Although I left Jun Heng Trading, the time I was on the job was the happiest time in my life, you will always be my Chief Wu.”

“That’s fine, as you ……” A name is just a name, Wu Jun also no longer continue to dwell on it, turned to ask, “This time back not to go, right? There is no job? Junheng’s door is always open for you.”

“Thank you, Mr Wu, but ……” Li Xiaoxiao a face for it, “my current job is also okay, both my favourite work, but also do not delay to lead the child, the income can also support the family. ”

Wu Jun smiled and said, “That’s good, of course it’s good to start your own business if you have the ability, working is not a long term solution.”

“By the way, what kind of work are you doing now?”Wu Jun was a bit curious about Li Xiaoxiao’s job that doesn’t delay bringing up children.

Li Xiaoxiao said, “Live broadcasting yoga fitness on the Fast Shake platform, then selling courses, and by the way, selling some small products and so on.”

“In the fast shake platform live ah ……” Wu Jun took out his mobile phone and asked, “fast shake number how much, I add you a little attention.”

Hearing Wu Jun ask for his own Quick Shake number, Li Xiaoxiao’s face burned a little.

Wu Jun looked uncertain and laughed, “What’s there to be embarrassed about, it’s not bad for me to be a fan, right?”

Li Xiaoxiao looked a little unnatural and said, “Ying Jun’s smile, the one with the most fans is me, there is a similar name with me pretending to be my trumpet, Ying Jun is the steed’s steed, when the name was typed in the wrong word, but also too lazy to change it, so use it.”

Wu Jun in accordance with Li Xiaoxiao’s tips search “Ying Jun’s smile”, located in the first account has more than 500,000 fans, the avatar is Li Xiaoxiao’s avatar.

Below that, there are several other ghost accounts such as “Ying Jun’s Smile”, “Ying Jun’s Smile”, “Ying Jun’s Smile” and so on, with more than 100,000 followers, and less than several hundred.

“OK. “After Wu Jun followed Li Xiaoxiao’s account, he casually put his mobile phone back into his pocket.

Left and right words he said chatting for a while, Wu Jun felt that the timing is not bad, tried to say: “Li Xiaoxiao, I call you out, is to discuss a matter with you, of course, just discuss, you have the right to refuse, this who can not force you.”

After Li Xiaoxiao heard Wu Jun’s words, the expression on her small face was a bit bewildered, her good-looking eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she softly said, “Please tell me, Mr Wu.”

“It’s …… like this,” Wu Jun threw the cigarette butt in his hand into the snow pile, raised his eyes to Li Xiaoxiao, and said with a face of sincerity ?, “I believe that you can also see, our family, my parents and I, are quite fond of Yiyi this little girl. ”

After Wu Jun finished his sentence, Li Xiaoxiao’s eyes were moist with the urge to cry.

Chief Wu’s family, without knowing it, actually liked Yi Yi at the same time, could this be the power of affection?

“Li Xiaoxiao you …… you don’t cry ah.”Wu Jun saw Li Xiaoxiao crying, immediately some panic, “just a discussion, not forced, good discussion, if you do not agree even if, forget it.”

Li Xiaoxiao saw that in the past, always calm and collected General Manager Wu, at this moment in front of himself panicked appearance, snorted a laugh.

“You haven’t finished your sentence, how do I know whether I should agree or not.”Li Xiaoxiao hid her mouth and let out a laugh, her tone somewhat pouting.

Wu Jun looked at Li Xiaoxiao who changed her face like a child and was speechless for a while, all of them are mothers, this mood fluctuation is also too big!

Wu Jun took a deep breath and looked at Li Xiaoxiao with a serious face and said, “It’s like this, I want to recognise one as my goddaughter, do you think ……”

“Can.”Without waiting for Wu Jun to finish his sentence, Li Xiaoxiao nodded her head and agreed.

She felt that this way was the most suitable way at the moment, as for the true identity of Yi Yi, it would not be too late to confess later when the time was ripe.

“Promised?”Wu Jun looked at Li Xiaoxiao with a surprised face, feeling that things were progressing beyond his imagination ah!

Before letting Li Yue Ling to test Li Xiaoxiao’s mouth, she refused so dryly when she refused her old mum, and at this moment, she promised herself so dryly.

Li Xiaoxiao suddenly cold and passionate, suddenly good to talk, suddenly bad to talk style of action to see Wu Jun froze.

Wu Jun has prepared a lot of backstops for this yet to be used, Li Xiaoxiao this will give up resistance to agree to their own?

Li Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, “One by one can have such a handsome godfather, so love her grandparents, is her blessing.”

Wu Jun snapped his hand, happy fast some forgetfulness: “Success, then it’s a deal, do not regret it.”

Li Xiaoxiao joked: “I’m still afraid that you regret it, I guess now want to admit Wu as godfather quite a lot of it?”

“This is true, the youngest was just born, the oldest is more than twenty.”Wu Jun shrugged his shoulders, admitting this point without modesty, “Unless they are as cute as one by one.”

“Is Yi Yi as good as you say?”Li Xiaoxiao was modest with her mouth, but hearing Wu Jun praising his daughter, her heart was sweeter than eating the sweetest honey in the world.

Wu Jun nodded his head and said, “Of course it does, the little eyelash savant is so cute now, it will definitely be even better when she grows up.”

“Little Eyelash Essence?”Li Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but smile when she heard this nickname Wu Jun gave his daughter, it was quite graphic.


“Aigoo! My good granddaughter! Grandma will give you a big red packet!”

Ma Dongmei finally got what she wanted at this moment, she could rightfully call Xiao Yi Yi a granddaughter.

“His father, what are you waiting for, hurry up and go pack it!”

“And you as a father, what are you doing, now one by one is your daughter, don’t be stingy.”

Ma Dongmei hugged little one one round the house, the Wu Guangqiang and Wu Jun two masters training in a daze.

Li Yue Ling looked at the little one after all into the “Wu family” door, heartily happy for the mother and father.

Not to say that the dragon and phoenix, Xiao Yi Yi has now become half of the Wu family daughter, this life is rich and powerful is almost a fact of life.

Li Xiaoxiao rushed to the side to discourage: “Aunt Mei, a one is still small, red envelope even if, she will not spend.”

“How can that be, although one by one is still small, formally everything can be simplified, but the red packet can definitely not be less.”Ma Dongmei looked at Li Xiaoxiao and insisted, “This red packet is related to Little One One’s future fortune, the bigger the red packet the better.”

After Ma Dongmei finished her sentence, her gaze glanced at Old Wu and her son, obviously hinting to the two of them that they must give a big red packet!

“But ……”

“Alright Xiaoxiao, don’t but.”Li Yue Ling on the side smilingly persuaded, “This money is a little bit of Sister Dong Mei’s and their intentions towards Yi Yi, you help Yi Yi save up and give her as a dowry in the future.”

“Yue Ling is right, that’s what I mean.”Ma Dongmei looks at Li Xiaoxiao and says, “When Yi Yi marries in the future, it’s a toss-up whether Xiao Jun’s father and I will still be around, this red packet will be taken as the share that we both take in advance.”

Li Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, “Aunt Mei, what are you talking about, you are so healthy, you look so good, your mind is also good, you can definitely live a long life.”

“Mum, you too, why are you saying this on such a happy day.”Wu Jun also had a problem with his old mum’s statement.

“Let’s not talk about this, the red packet must be given.”Ma Dongmei waved her hand towards Old Wu and Little Wu, “Little Jun you and your dad hurry to go and wrap the red packet, I see that Little Yi Yi is sleepy and should sleep later.”

The words have come to this point, Li Xiaoxiao is not good to refuse, keep silent as a tacit acceptance.

Old Wu and Xiao Wu entered the house, looked at each other for a while speechless.

“Is this all the cash we have at home?”Wu Jun looked at his father from the safe out of the four thousand yuan of money for a while speechless, “we two a person two thousand divided?”

“Two thousand per person?”Wu Guangqiang sighed and said, “Xiao Jun, it seems that you still don’t understand your mum, if we split this money, your mum can take a knife and split us.”

“Serious dad ……” Wu Jun heard straight goosebumps.

But think about it, two thousand yuan for one person is quite a lot for ordinary people and ordinary families.

But for the old Wu family, it is indeed too little, some can’t take it.

Ma Dongmei again stressed and hinted, said to pack a big red packet, the result of the master and the two one person to pack a two thousand yuan red packet.

This is also too inconsistent with the strength of the old Wu family, too la qua.

Moreover, for Wu Jun, Xiao Yi Yi is his first, most likely is also the last life of a “dry daughter”, can not afford to be half perfunctory.

When he said that he would share the cash with Wu Guangqiang, it was just a small joke.

“What should we do? Let your god-sister send some over?”Wu Guangqiang looked at Wu Jun and said softly, “Yuan Yuan went back to the county town in the afternoon.”

“Don’t bother.”Wu Jun had an idea in his mind, he took out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a bank card from the compartment, “This is the red packet.”

Wu Guangqiang: “……”

Red envelope bread bank card, son really grew up, more and more good at playing ……

“It’s also a way.”Wu Guangqiang followed suit and pulled out a bank card from his wallet.

Wu Jun asked, “Dad, how much money do you have in this card? Don’t ever overshadow me as your godfather.”

Wu Guangqiang took out his mobile phone and found the corresponding bank’s information notification and glanced at it, raised his eyes to Wu Jun and said, “There’s still 680,000 in this card, why don’t we exchange it?”

“Forget it dad, no need to change, each sends its own ……” Wu Jun smiled and waved his hand, rejecting his dad’s good intention.

Wu Guangqiang also understand what happened, no longer ask more questions.

From the drawer of the nightstand to find a marker pen, the two men to write their respective bank card passwords to the back of the card, and then stuffed into the prepared red envelope.

After the red envelope was prepared, the two of them returned to the living room.

“I wish little one by one grows more and more beautiful, and a lifetime of peace and happiness.”

“I wish my family’s little eyelash spirit a lifetime of happiness!”

Old Wu and Little Wu separately imposed their blessings on Little One by One.